Monday, March 25, 2024

Milliron Monday: Letters Home Oct 20 1960

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"Pete has to wear a white shirt and tie to class every day and to clinic on Saturday morning, so you know what that means"
― Jody Smith

Jody's letter home to Mansfield, Ohio. 

Route 1
Fort Collins, Colorado
Thursday, October 20, 1960

Dear Mom, Dad, and Jessie,
    Thanks very much for the recent letters and clippings. No, Mom, I hadn't realized from the phone call (way back when) nor letters that you were coming too, since it was always described as a hunting trip. Jess, I hope you'll be feeling well enough to come along too and take a peek at your great-grandchild and namesake.
    Mom, I informed Jessica yesterday that you were coming to visit her and she gave me an extra big smile - probably looking forward to all that extra holding and rocking. She really is an awfully good baby, she never cries more than 15 minutes a day and never at night, so guess we can't complain much! Sometimes she even gets sidetracked into smiling or laughing and doesn't get in her 15 minutes of crying!
    We have a rollaway bed here which is about halfway between a single and a double-bed size. You're quite welcome to use it and stay here, although we'd probably have to put it in the living room since Pete will be studying in the back room every minute he can get; however, there's plenty of room in the living room.
    In regard to your question as to whether there's anything I would like brought out to us, if that old vacuum cleaner is still around and not in use I could sure use it. If it just needs minor repairs, Pete could probably fix it Christmas vacation. 
    I never seem to be able to find too much time to ride (about an hour a day, if I'm lucky, in 15 minute stretches during Jessica's afternoon nap, sure nice to have a crib I know she can't fall out of!) and by the time I get Starboy cleaned up, it's impossible to brush the fine dust out and bathing him is rather risky since Colorado temperatures can drop from 60 degrees above to 20 degrees below in no time this time of year.
    Concerning deer hunting, the out-of-state license is $40 but Dad may be able to get a deer on an instate license which Pete could buy and then Pete could take the deer through the check station if need be. Actually, what happened last year was that the deer never left the ranch where they were shot. Pete and Les hung them in the shed, then cut them up and Hope and I wrapped the meat and put it in their freezer and then brought some meat in to us whenever they came to town.
    I'm sure Dad could hunt with Les from the pickup and it wouldn't be too tiring, but he can decide that when he gets here. Of course, Pete wouldn't be able to go except on a Saturday or Sunday, and he would have to make some kind of arrangements with Mr. Birky concerning his work hours.
    It'll certainly be nice to have you here for Jessica's baptism (Sunday, 11:00 a.m. service, October 30). 
    I'm sorry to hear that Aggie, Gary Franklin, Tina, and Gary are having new problems. I hope they'll be able to work them all out on their own.
    Speaking of thumb-suckers, your young granddaughter, Jessica is a professional! Must have inherited the ability from her Mom!
    Guess I'd best quit now and catch up on some of my white shirt ironing. Pete has to wear a white shirt and tie to class every day and to clinic on Saturday morning, so you know what that means. It's sure a help, Mom, to have enough white shirts and I'm glad I don't have to wash one out by hand every evening.
    Jessica certainly enjoys the drapes you made us. I park her stroller near them and she just looks and looks at the colors or patterns or whatever it is that fascinates her so (of course, I like to think it's the horses, ha!).
    Still forgot to write about Arlo and Virginia's visit and Pete's Dad's visit, guess I'll have to tell you about them instead.
    Bye for now.
Love to you all, 
Previous Letters Home: 

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Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...