Monday, August 14, 2023

Milliron Monday: Letters Home Jan 23 1960


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"I've been feeling much better, the morning sickness is nearly over."
― Jody Smith

Jody's letter home to Mansfield, Ohio. Backstory: There were two letters in this envelope, a day apart. If you're following along, you know that Jess is Jody's grandmother, Mike is Pete ant Jody's Irish Setter staying with Jody's parents, Jody is pregnant, both Pete and Jody are still attending Colorado State University. The ballerina painting Jody refers to was purchased on her trip to Europe and is in overseas transit.

917 Remington
Fort Collins, Colorado
Saturday, January 23, 1960

Dear All,
    Received your letter today, Mom. Also received your two other letters - one sent airmail and one regular. Both arrived in same delivery (a couple of days ago).
    I don't see why you think I won't graduate in June. The doctor says this nausea should be over in the first three months so it should be quitting pretty soon. The only possible problem I could foresee - barring general ill health or accident which could happen anytime - would be if I began student teaching and was unable to finish it because of school laws - wouldn't be able to wear maternity clothes, etc. The doctor said if I had lots of full skirts I could get by with them since I shouldn't need maternity clothes until the fifth month. But, as you probably remember, the part of my wardrobe which I would need for student teaching - dresses, heels, hose - are mostly sheath dresses and knit suits. So if I would start student teaching and not finish it, although I probably would be able to finish, I would lose out on the credits and might not graduate.
    But, at any rate, I decided tonight not to student teach. It is certainly a load off my mind. I was really dreading this next quarter. I would have had to take all education courses all quarter and they're such a pain. Now I'll be able to pick up more English courses which I'll at least enjoy a hundred times more and I'm sure I'll get more out of them.
    I talked to Dr. Bostrom before I told the Education department and she said that, although getting the teacher's certificate would be good insurance, in most states you can get a temporary teaching job and pick up extra courses in the summer to get a permanent teaching certificate. I hope this decision won't cause me any problems in the future but at least it's certainly solved a few present worries.
    I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Kenny. 
    Can't remember when I wrote last - maybe I already told you that Pete and I had a nice afternoon visit with the Beagles in Boulder. They seemed quite happy to see us and talked again about what fun they'd had cart riding, etc. We had a real pleasant Christmas Eve and Day with the Betts in Denver. Missed seeing you all, though.
    Thanks again for the gifts and thank you particularly, Aggie and Gary, for the pretty gold and glass dishes. 
    Jess, we still haven't gotten anything from Jones' Dairy Farm. Guess our Christmas breakfasts will be a bit late. I wrote them to deliver it anytime between the 19th and 24th of December. This week we got a letter from them that they are sending us a package so it'll most likely get here next week sometime. We've certainly enjoyed the fruit. It's been wonderful to have an icebox full of such juicy oranges and grapefruits. 
    Mom, do you know if that picture frame man ever sent the ballerina picture? I surely hope it wasn't lost in transit. 
    Starboy is just fine. I rode him again today and he surely feels peppy and wants to run. Pooh is getting fatter every day. He's such a sweet kitty and really an eccentric little pet. I always thought Siamese cats were the only insane ones but Pooh's quite a personality pet himself.
    Pete and I ought to be ready for school again! I think we've slept about 50% of the time. We generally get up for breakfast around noon. What a lazy life!
    Guess I'd best get to bed - it's nearly 10:20!
    Hope all of you, including Mike, are fine.

Sunday, January 24, 1960

Hi All,
    Just a short note before we go to bed.
    Didn't accomplish much this weekend expect to catch up on a bit of sleep and pay Dr. Rumley my monthly call. I'm in good health, according to her, so that's good news. I've been feeling much better, the morning sickness is nearly over. I haven't started gaining weight yet, in fact I've lost five pounds - weight 120 - so I hope I can keep from gaining too much weight. Dr. Rumley seems quite nice and takes time to answer questions and just talk. Her whole bill including a visit each month, then twice a month the last month or so, the delivery and checking on me and the baby every week for six weeks afterwards is around $123, which seems reasonable. Of course, the hospital bill will probably be a lot more, but we have a while to worry about that.
    Also took advantage of the 40 degree weather Saturday afternoon to enjoy a beautiful ride with Starboy. Pete exercised him for a couple of hours this afternoon while I studied, so perhaps between the two of us we can keep him in shape. Pete wormed him last week under the direction of Dr. Pierson from the school clinic so he ought to be in fine health for the rest of the winter.
    Jess, I don't know what the situation is with that ham and things from Jones' Dairy Farm but if you've already paid them, I hope you can get your money back. We haven't gotten a thing nor had a letter from them since early in January saying they were sending us a package. If you'd like, I'll write and tell them we didn't receive it.
    Before I forget, have a happy anniversary next weekend, Gary and Aggie.

P.S. The baby is due around the 10th of July, according to Dr. Rumley's calculations.
Previous Letters Home: 

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Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


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