Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mylee's Corner: 5 Things to do with your partner on Valentine's Day

5 Things to do with your partner on Valentine's Day

    February is here and love is in the air. Flowers are displayed in shop windows and heart decorations are everywhere. If you’re unsure of what to do for this special day, then you’re in the right place! Here are five date ideas for Valentine’s Day.

    The first one may be common but it can still be a great time. Make reservations for a fine dining restaurant. This gives you the chance to buy a new dress or wear one you already have. Spend a romantic night out with your partner and enjoy some delicious food. Alfonso's Italian Kitchen and Bakery in Lancaster and Cutler's Restaurant in Athens are two places on my must-visit list.

    The next one is perfect for a more laid back and cozy night, going to the movies. Movies Ten in Nelsonville has an arcade with a wide variety of games that you can play before the movie. Grab your favorite candy, popcorn, and some drinks, and settle in for a movie. The new Avengers movie comes out on Valentine’s Day as well if you’re a marvel fan. 

    This next one is better if you live in a warmer area, a picnic. Buy a cute basket and fill it with snacks and stuff to make lunch. Travel to a nice park near you, lay down a blanket, and enjoy a lunch in front of beautiful scenery. 

    This one is on my to-do list for Valentine's Day. Go to your favorite bakery and get some heart shaped pastries. The Hocking Hills Donuts and Coffee Shoppe has some adorable cake pops, donuts, and other treats that are heart themed. I’ll definitely be making a trip there. 

    Lastly, for all the introverts, spend a night inside. You can create a surprise for your partner by cooking dinner and setting up the table with red and pink decorations. You can even use fake rose petals and red confetti. If you purchased a gift, create a trail of confetti leading to the location where the gift is placed. Light some candles, put on some music, and create a romantic night in with your partner. 

    All of these are great options that will make for a fun night. Whatever plans you have for Valentine’s Day and whether you’re spending it with friends or a partner, make the most of it! 

Photos by Mylee

Mylee is a journalism student at Tri-County Career Center. She resides in Logan, Ohio. Mylee enjoys reading, writing, and crafting. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1975


 Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: 
April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate 
the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, 
Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Trefa, 14 years old > to court, dogs running at large, Miller’s no show

·        Jogged thru sheep pasture, saw four deer very close, Jim was very good > Fed, went up to the meadow, ewe on her back, brought them all in

·        Pete left for Cincinnati, got up at 5 am > shaved Puff’s fee, tattoo > left for Indianapolis, picked up Rita Reed, Nikki, Judy Shields Glascow, Timothy, to Ramada Inn, 5 ½ hours

·        Cocktail party, Galena, field work discussion

·        G-8 Clinic, home at midnight

·        Herded house pasture sheep out of cliff pasture with Jim, Cricket out of pasture > let Puff, Kanga run woods while I check, patched hay meadow fence

·        Walked Phillips sheep pasture, put 2 sponges beyond fence > herded my sheep out of hay meadow, fed, let dogs run, picked up yard > dewormed equines, trimmed burro, ponies feet, RV, tetanus > worked Puff > Pete welding class > ACKC

·        Caught, banded lambs at Phillips place > got Pete’s book from Catherine at library > brought Pete home

·        Worked Jim to get sheep out of hay meadow, Hamps out of meadow in woods > put up portable electric fence for Cricket > fenced off opening in hay meadow, left gate open > 3 large spotted hounds, 1 medium size, ran thru pastures/woods > laid track for Jacob in sign field; Jan for Puff, creek crossing

·        Pat, birthday box, leather tools

·        Pete to Charleston on calls > walked Phillips pasture, left 2 sponges beyond drift fence, put 2 wether lambs back into feedlot > took P into town for motobike, got new tires for SW > David Crippen put top rails on fence, finished fence to right of hay meadow gate > P and I worked in pine tree area fencing > J babysat for Coen's > watched TV

·        Pete to Charleston, short course > rode Blaze, J rode Apple, took Puff, Kanga thru Phillips Place to Dutch Creek, back, saw four deer > 3 sets of twins, had two lambs in > Puff lame, left front foot, swollen, puncture wound between pads; Bess bit him clear thru foot > milked ewes, fed one set of Hamp twins

·        Court hearing, Miller dogs at large, didn’t show up again > fed, put weak lambs in, 2 died > Pete treated Puff’s foot > rode Cricket, J rode Apple, put two sponges on other side of hay meadow – blackberry fence, rode over pasture, took Kanga

·        Fed, looked for missing Hamp twins, turned ewes out > took dogs down to hospital for deworming > Pete, cut down dead maple

·        Ralph F., son, brought 6 year old birch tree

·        Picked Pete up at Russell’s truck repair > Puff tracked reg TDX track > Humane Society meeting

·        Put stray sheep in, walked sheep pasture, put Hamp ewe over fence > Flat tire, Pete pumped it, had it repaired > Don Newsome here > repaired lightening rod fence at barn, watered, staked new tree, Pat and I cut brush, hill below Locust grove, Puff chased sheep

·        Rounded up sheep, lambs, dewormed, banded, etc., redid lambing pens > Jim – Bess, 1st tie > repaired lower field fence, herded > checked on sheep shearers

·        To Church > To Columbus Dog Show, Rita Reed, Judy G., flat tire > Song didn’t return over high jump, didn’t go over broad jump, showed Puff

·        Very depressed > walked pasture, put 2 sponges out, got my sheep in from cliff pasture, patched hole, drove sheep down to bottom pasture with Jim > picked J, P up at high school after track, basketball game > Puppy Pooches meeting, took Benny Bennett home, saw 5 deer along Dutch Creek

·        took Lucas' dog back to them, talked to Mrs. Adams, Walter Cunningham about dogs in cattle, fed, let dogs run in paddock > went on calls with Pete, to Conrath’s, lunch in Albany, Laird Gassan’s, R.K. Harper near Wheeling, dinner in Marietta > tied Jim and Bess

·        Pete left for Cincy, flat tire on SW > checked lambs, got Lolly, sheep back in, fixed fences, took Jim over to Jack Adams > ate at DQ > ATC

·        Took machine back to Gibson’s, took culture to lab, heavy rain, Jake flooded in > went to Columbus with Pete, read in parking lot, Pete and Stan Jones

·        Went down to Clinic to see R bitch > let Puff run in hay meadow, put 2 sponges out

·        Athens County Kennel Club match, took jumps, tables, etc., 196 entries, Song blew high jump return

·        Church > BBF lunch, Pete ate in town > looked for 4 of 2 chains from manure spreader > Pete buried sheep, leveled out red dog with bulldozer > watched Godfather II > Joe Lucas, Homer Calentine here for calving case

·        Swept out troughs, caught lambs for banding, walked pasture, put up sponges > laid track for Jake, Jan for Puff across road > let dogs run in paddock



·        Apple, Sailor, reshod > swept out troughs, helped feed, caught lambs with net > Pete butchered 2 wether lambs for Greek Easter > J Theiss here for dinner > Pete left for Cincinnati, acupuncture course

·        Herded sheep in with Jim > J, P, helped band lambs at red barn > P helped switch electric fence to locust grove gate > Rode Blaze, J rode Apple

·        J., P., fed Western ewes, carried buckets of grain from barn  > Humane Society dog day > J riding lessons

·        Church with Pat > David Crippen, P, J, and I worked on fencing in sign pasture > Pete put up part rail, woven wire by road > J rode Apple, led Persimmon, I rode Cricket, led Lolly

·        Swept out troughs > Pete treated Hamp lamb with sore eyes (mother #5) > saw 4 deer in pasture, lovely trilliums in ravine behind pond pasture, saw 5 goslings > Puff tracked J’s track, across creek, into woods

·        Sorted rams, banded lambs > vacuumed house > herded about 125 ewes (lambs) in for sheering, Coffey’s 2 ½ hours late > put 33 rams in Nad. Pasture > let Puff, Kanga run in bottom, 2 glove finds

·        Banded lambs, herded my sheep out of pasture behind hay meadow, tacked up fence, cut thorn bush, put it under fence, took Kanga > made rhubarb pie > ATC, took J, P

·        Tracking, good glove find > picked up Joyce Nelson, J Croxford, Sarah, Bethany; George R. Clinic, Prof. Handler, Heath, Ohio > Pete, lights went out in truck, stayed in Charleston

·        Jan drove bulldozer, walked pasture, herded sheep in > walked up to cliff pasture, 100’s of trillium, Puff ran into skunk

·        Banded lambs, herded ewes in for shearing, treated 2 ewes for foot rot > J. Croxford picked up small alive traps, put 2 blocks salt in barn for rams, burros > P rode bicycle in town

·        Dave Crippen fed treated ewes for foot rot, took hound back across woods; Dave, Pat worked on water gap > to Episcopal Church, Moses Drama > ate at Farley’s > herded Hamps, my ewes, lambs down on sign bottom > worked on fencing, cattle guard, pinched finger in concrete mixer

·        Jerry Hartley here for breakfast > Jerry, Pete fed, herded my sheep, Hamps, down by road, worked on concrete for cattle guard by highway > went after oxygen tanks > Pete, Jerry went to Charleston

·        Fed ponies, geese, sheep, left hay out for horses > J. L. in Columbus hospital with spotted fever > ATC

·        Helped shovel corn, swept out troughs, herded lambs in, banded lambs, brought down ewe

·        Picked up Jan 4:30 am, Puff – Baltimore type TDX match, did terribly, 2 dogs out of 8 passed > went to Jan’s house, napped, watched Preakness, Wilson Davis symposium, stayed overnight at Jan’s parents

·        Wilson Davis Symposium > stopped briefly to see Penny Malevite

·        Helped shovel corn > helped Pete dig out cattle guard, put in pipes, bolt them down, etc. > Pat, I, finished digging drainage path under cattle guard > Puff 4 short tracks with 1 return, started Boo, tracking 4 short tracks, hid behind bamboo > 4H 1st night with dogs, went well

·        Put up cattle guard barrier, Pete finished bolting down pipes > Pete to Davis’, Laird’s > went over tracking book with Jan

·        Opened gate to pasture for sheep, fed sheep, horses, ponies, geese, brought Boo down, shut off bottom land pasture, herded geese into pond pasture, 3 small goslings, 4 large > ATC

·        Picked up Jan to go tracking > heavy rain, Pearsall’s arrived early, didn’t track > Betty birthday

·        Roger Linscott did some wiring at barn > clouded up, put sheep in, let them out again > bedded down sheep shed with straw, put sheep in, went down to Jone’s, briefly

·        Clayton Caffey and Joyce (wife) sheared sheep, 32 ewes, 26 Hamps > very hot > herded sheep down to hospital pasture

·        TDX match at Jones’, Puff did well, one assist > David Hartley’s graduation

·        Pete, David, Pat, put in posts for bridge > 4H meeting

·        Walked pasture after sheep, Jim good > put concrete on rest of water gap, wire on gate, etc. > herded sheep down to hospital pasture with Jim > Pat 4H at Brown’s

·        ATC good, J Jones judged

·        Went to pay Pete’s traffic fine, truck muffler > helped Pete with bridge, guardrail > tracking with Jan, J, short track

·        Followed Pete in with dump truck



·        Fed at hospital, moved panels, etc., on logging truck to Phillip’s barn > Doug Odell here, helped us get heavy panels at Dutch Creek  > sheared rumps of two maggoty sheep > met Mom/Dad at motel, went to Hop Sings for dinner

·        Fed, herded sheep into cutting gate > ordered hide-a-bed > herded sheep to barn > went down to treat maggoty ewes, dead

·        Saw deer while sorting sheep > picked up Jackie Jones > Marietta “team” graduation

·        Separated sheep, walked pasture, up valley, back down East line fence, up pine ridge, down the west ridge; brought lamb in, caught four wooled sheep out of brush (with crook) > called Nellie B > drove to Marietta after anesthetic, took Puff, Kanga

·        Shearers finished 670 ewes > short, heavy rain, basement flooded > took Pete to airport

·        5:00 got up, fed sheep, put 4 ewes, lamb back in, saw 3 deer, carried red dog to block holes along house foundation, checked water gaps > got started for dump truck > got flowers for window boxes

·        Fed sheep, Pat hauled off dead ewes, put insecticide on maggots; Pat drove tractor back, fed rams, cleaned out clinic barn, then rode to town on bike with John > took Puff, Kanga, walk in bottom field looking for chain for manure spreader

·        Pat, Dave Crippen went after grain/corn > J, me, to Episcopal Church > Little Professor’s, picked up lunch at DQ > put up gates between corral, garage, picked up pipes, etc., along road > went to Columbus airport after Pete, took Jessica, Puff, picked up Paula Brown on way home

·        Doug Odell here, picked up small trap > walked pasture, saw young groundhog, deer, drug off dead ewe, lamb > got maps for J Jones, got book from Kathryn at library > picked up radio Pat left at school > took Boo, Puff, tracking

·        Fed sheep > banded 3 lamb tails > went in to courthouse with Pete for titles > worked with Judy Briggs

·        Mrs. Wallace here for horse > worked on sheep, trimmed feet, dewormed > Herbie, Kay Everett, ride > Tom Wagner here

·        248 lambs trimmed feet, 29 rams

·        got birthday presents for Pete – lounge chair, accessories for lantern (Pete Coleman lanterns) > moved crate in dining room for Bess > worked Puff, whistle, in pond pasture

·        4:30 am up, Pete left for Minnesota with Tom Wagner > fed sheep, J, and P > Pat and I went to mall, stopped at Arrowhead > drove home on 555, beautiful scenery, stopped at fruit farm, got cucumbers > rode Blaze, Pat rode motorcycle, took Puff, Kanga, thru hay meadow, woods, around bottom

·        Got truck license > Pete and Jessica to Charleston

·        Rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga > Sherry bought lamb and ewe > Lockwood Dewitt here overnight

·        Tom Wagner here for lunch > Pat, Pete went swimming at Windy Hills

·        Finished cleaning out water tank (for 2 wethers in ram paddock) > took Pat to Browns for ride to Tar Hollow, 4H camp > J, Apple, left for Pony Club at Gassan’s

·        Fed rabbits, drove to Washington Court House after tractor part, went up 33, back by R 50, picked up chainsaw > 4H Pearsall Training films, Green Door Room, Jan brought Jessica, dropped her off at Booth’s.

·        Black smoke in garage > mailed hospital films > picked up tractor parts in Lancaster > met Vietnamese family at airport (14) > 4H out on sign bottom

·        Fed, ground corn, drove truck, hay wagon back > Tom Wagner, grad student, here for lunch

·        Had Blaze checked, slightly lame > bedded down sheep, horse sheds > herded sheep into paddock with Jim > worked with Todd Dean “Mister Ed”

·        9 dead ewes, Pete fed, I opened gate in drift fence > Chuck began cleaning horse shed > Pat rode bike in to town, bought new tennis shoes > Bess, 6 pups – 3 M, 3 F > Ruth Richmond brought beets

·        Bess’ smallest puppy, female, dead > put extra wire in front of rhubarb > fixed opening in side of barn for Boo > let Puff, Boo, Kanga, Jim, run in bottom, left Boo in pasture

·        Boo, skunked! > fed, hauled off 3 dead ewes > Pat raked hay > Kuykendahl’s here, looked at pups > Pat, John, David Crippen, put up hay

Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Enjoy the journey!

Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

Mylee's Corner: 5 Things to do with your partner on Valentine's Day

5 Things to do with your partner on Valentine's Day      February is here and love is in the air. Flowers are displayed in shop windows ...