Trefa, 14 years old > to court, dogs running
at large, Miller’s no show
Jogged thru sheep pasture, saw four deer very
close, Jim was very good > Fed, went up to the meadow, ewe on her back,
brought them all in
Pete left for Cincinnati, got up at 5 am >
shaved Puff’s fee, tattoo > left for Indianapolis, picked up Rita Reed,
Nikki, Judy Shields Glascow, Timothy, to Ramada Inn, 5 ½ hours
Cocktail party, Galena, field work discussion
G-8 Clinic, home at midnight
Herded house pasture sheep out of cliff pasture
with Jim, Cricket out of pasture > let Puff, Kanga run woods while I check,
patched hay meadow fence
Walked Phillips sheep pasture, put 2 sponges
beyond fence > herded my sheep out of hay meadow, fed, let dogs run, picked
up yard > dewormed equines, trimmed burro, ponies feet, RV, tetanus >
worked Puff > Pete welding class > ACKC
Caught, banded lambs at Phillips place > got Pete’s
book from Catherine at library > brought Pete home
Worked Jim to get sheep out of hay meadow, Hamps
out of meadow in woods > put up portable electric fence for Cricket >
fenced off opening in hay meadow, left gate open > 3 large spotted hounds, 1
medium size, ran thru pastures/woods > laid track for Jacob in sign field;
Jan for Puff, creek crossing
Pat, birthday box, leather tools
Pete to Charleston on calls > walked Phillips
pasture, left 2 sponges beyond drift fence, put 2 wether lambs back into
feedlot > took P into town for motobike, got new tires for SW > David
Crippen put top rails on fence, finished fence to right of hay meadow gate >
P and I worked in pine tree area fencing > J babysat for Coen's > watched
Pete to Charleston, short course > rode Blaze,
J rode Apple, took Puff, Kanga thru Phillips Place to Dutch Creek, back, saw
four deer > 3 sets of twins, had two lambs in > Puff lame, left front
foot, swollen, puncture wound between pads; Bess bit him clear thru foot >
milked ewes, fed one set of Hamp twins
Court hearing, Miller dogs at large, didn’t show
up again > fed, put weak lambs in, 2 died > Pete treated Puff’s foot >
rode Cricket, J rode Apple, put two sponges on other side of hay meadow –
blackberry fence, rode over pasture, took Kanga
Fed, looked for missing Hamp twins, turned ewes
out > took dogs down to hospital for deworming > Pete, cut down dead
Ralph F., son, brought 6 year old birch tree
Picked Pete up at Russell’s truck repair >
Puff tracked reg TDX track > Humane Society meeting
Put stray sheep in, walked sheep pasture, put
Hamp ewe over fence > Flat tire, Pete pumped it, had it repaired > Don
Newsome here > repaired lightening rod fence at barn, watered, staked new
tree, Pat and I cut brush, hill below Locust grove, Puff chased sheep
Rounded up sheep, lambs, dewormed, banded, etc.,
redid lambing pens > Jim – Bess, 1st tie > repaired lower field
fence, herded > checked on sheep shearers
To Church > To Columbus Dog Show, Rita Reed,
Judy G., flat tire > Song didn’t return over high jump, didn’t go over broad
jump, showed Puff
Very depressed > walked pasture, put 2
sponges out, got my sheep in from cliff pasture, patched hole, drove sheep down
to bottom pasture with Jim > picked J, P up at high school after track, basketball
game > Puppy Pooches meeting, took Benny Bennett home, saw 5 deer along
Dutch Creek
took Lucas' dog back to them, talked to Mrs.
Adams, Walter Cunningham about dogs in cattle, fed, let dogs run in paddock
> went on calls with Pete, to Conrath’s, lunch in Albany, Laird Gassan’s,
R.K. Harper near Wheeling, dinner in Marietta > tied Jim and Bess
Pete left for Cincy, flat tire on SW >
checked lambs, got Lolly, sheep back in, fixed fences, took Jim over to Jack
Adams > ate at DQ > ATC
Took machine back to Gibson’s, took culture to
lab, heavy rain, Jake flooded in > went to Columbus with Pete, read in
parking lot, Pete and Stan Jones
Went down to Clinic to see R bitch > let Puff
run in hay meadow, put 2 sponges out
Athens County Kennel Club match, took jumps,
tables, etc., 196 entries, Song blew high jump return
Church > BBF lunch, Pete ate in town >
looked for 4 of 2 chains from manure spreader > Pete buried sheep, leveled
out red dog with bulldozer > watched Godfather II > Joe Lucas,
Homer Calentine here for calving case
Swept out troughs, caught lambs for banding,
walked pasture, put up sponges > laid track for Jake, Jan for Puff across
road > let dogs run in paddock
Apple, Sailor, reshod > swept out troughs,
helped feed, caught lambs with net > Pete butchered 2 wether lambs for Greek
Easter > J Theiss here for dinner > Pete left for Cincinnati, acupuncture
Herded sheep in with Jim > J, P, helped band
lambs at red barn > P helped switch electric fence to locust grove gate >
Rode Blaze, J rode Apple
J., P., fed Western ewes, carried buckets of
grain from barn > Humane Society dog
day > J riding lessons
Church with Pat > David Crippen, P, J, and I
worked on fencing in sign pasture > Pete put up part rail, woven wire by
road > J rode Apple, led Persimmon, I rode Cricket, led Lolly
Swept out troughs > Pete treated Hamp lamb
with sore eyes (mother #5) > saw 4 deer in pasture, lovely trilliums in
ravine behind pond pasture, saw 5 goslings > Puff tracked J’s track, across
creek, into woods
Sorted rams, banded lambs > vacuumed house
> herded about 125 ewes (lambs) in for sheering, Coffey’s 2 ½ hours late
> put 33 rams in Nad. Pasture > let Puff, Kanga run in bottom, 2 glove
Banded lambs, herded my sheep out of pasture
behind hay meadow, tacked up fence, cut thorn bush, put it under fence, took
Kanga > made rhubarb pie > ATC, took J, P
Tracking, good glove find > picked up Joyce
Nelson, J Croxford, Sarah, Bethany; George R. Clinic, Prof. Handler, Heath,
Ohio > Pete, lights went out in truck, stayed in Charleston
Jan drove bulldozer, walked pasture, herded
sheep in > walked up to cliff pasture, 100’s of trillium, Puff ran into
Banded lambs, herded ewes in for shearing,
treated 2 ewes for foot rot > J. Croxford picked up small alive traps, put 2
blocks salt in barn for rams, burros > P rode bicycle in town
Dave Crippen fed treated ewes for foot rot, took
hound back across woods; Dave, Pat worked on water gap > to Episcopal
Church, Moses Drama > ate at Farley’s > herded Hamps, my ewes, lambs down
on sign bottom > worked on fencing, cattle guard, pinched finger in concrete
Jerry Hartley here for breakfast > Jerry,
Pete fed, herded my sheep, Hamps, down by road, worked on concrete for cattle
guard by highway > went after oxygen tanks > Pete, Jerry went to
Fed ponies, geese, sheep, left hay out for
horses > J. L. in Columbus hospital with spotted fever > ATC
Helped shovel corn, swept out troughs, herded
lambs in, banded lambs, brought down ewe
Picked up Jan 4:30 am, Puff – Baltimore type TDX
match, did terribly, 2 dogs out of 8 passed > went to Jan’s house, napped,
watched Preakness, Wilson Davis symposium, stayed overnight at Jan’s parents
Wilson Davis Symposium > stopped briefly to
see Penny Malevite
Helped shovel corn > helped Pete dig out
cattle guard, put in pipes, bolt them down, etc. > Pat, I, finished digging
drainage path under cattle guard > Puff 4 short tracks with 1 return,
started Boo, tracking 4 short tracks, hid behind bamboo > 4H 1st
night with dogs, went well
Put up cattle guard barrier, Pete finished
bolting down pipes > Pete to Davis’, Laird’s > went over tracking book
with Jan
Opened gate to pasture for sheep, fed sheep,
horses, ponies, geese, brought Boo down, shut off bottom land pasture, herded
geese into pond pasture, 3 small goslings, 4 large > ATC
Picked up Jan to go tracking > heavy rain, Pearsall’s
arrived early, didn’t track > Betty birthday
Roger Linscott did some wiring at barn >
clouded up, put sheep in, let them out again > bedded down sheep shed with
straw, put sheep in, went down to Jone’s, briefly
Clayton Caffey and Joyce (wife) sheared sheep,
32 ewes, 26 Hamps > very hot > herded sheep down to hospital pasture
TDX match at Jones’, Puff did well, one assist
> David Hartley’s graduation
Pete, David, Pat, put in posts for bridge >
4H meeting
Walked pasture after sheep, Jim good > put
concrete on rest of water gap, wire on gate, etc. > herded sheep down to
hospital pasture with Jim > Pat 4H at Brown’s
ATC good, J Jones judged
Went to pay Pete’s traffic fine, truck muffler
> helped Pete with bridge, guardrail > tracking with Jan, J, short track
Followed Pete in with dump truck
Fed at hospital, moved panels, etc., on logging
truck to Phillip’s barn > Doug Odell here, helped us get heavy panels at
Dutch Creek > sheared rumps of two maggoty
sheep > met Mom/Dad at motel, went to Hop Sings for dinner
Fed, herded sheep into cutting gate > ordered
hide-a-bed > herded sheep to barn > went down to treat maggoty ewes, dead
Saw deer while sorting sheep > picked up
Jackie Jones > Marietta “team” graduation
Separated sheep, walked pasture, up valley, back
down East line fence, up pine ridge, down the west ridge; brought lamb in,
caught four wooled sheep out of brush (with crook) > called Nellie B >
drove to Marietta after anesthetic, took Puff, Kanga
Shearers finished 670 ewes > short, heavy
rain, basement flooded > took Pete to airport
5:00 got up, fed sheep, put 4 ewes, lamb back
in, saw 3 deer, carried red dog to block holes along house foundation, checked
water gaps > got started for dump truck > got flowers for window boxes
Fed sheep, Pat hauled off dead ewes, put
insecticide on maggots; Pat drove tractor back, fed rams, cleaned out clinic
barn, then rode to town on bike with John > took Puff, Kanga, walk in bottom
field looking for chain for manure spreader
Pat, Dave Crippen went after grain/corn > J,
me, to Episcopal Church > Little Professor’s, picked up lunch at DQ > put
up gates between corral, garage, picked up pipes, etc., along road > went to
Columbus airport after Pete, took Jessica, Puff, picked up Paula Brown on way
Doug Odell here, picked up small trap > walked
pasture, saw young groundhog, deer, drug off dead ewe, lamb > got maps for J
Jones, got book from Kathryn at library > picked up radio Pat left at school
> took Boo, Puff, tracking
Fed sheep > banded 3 lamb tails > went in
to courthouse with Pete for titles > worked with Judy Briggs
Mrs. Wallace here for horse > worked on
sheep, trimmed feet, dewormed > Herbie, Kay Everett, ride > Tom Wagner
248 lambs trimmed feet, 29 rams
got birthday presents for Pete – lounge chair,
accessories for lantern (Pete Coleman lanterns) > moved crate in dining room
for Bess > worked Puff, whistle, in pond pasture
4:30 am up, Pete left for Minnesota with Tom Wagner
> fed sheep, J, and P > Pat and I went to mall, stopped at Arrowhead >
drove home on 555, beautiful scenery, stopped at fruit farm, got cucumbers >
rode Blaze, Pat rode motorcycle, took Puff, Kanga, thru hay meadow, woods,
around bottom
Got truck license > Pete and Jessica to
Rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga > Sherry bought
lamb and ewe > Lockwood Dewitt here overnight
Tom Wagner here for lunch > Pat, Pete went swimming
at Windy Hills
Finished cleaning out water tank (for 2 wethers
in ram paddock) > took Pat to Browns for ride to Tar Hollow, 4H camp > J,
Apple, left for Pony Club at Gassan’s
Fed rabbits, drove to Washington Court House
after tractor part, went up 33, back by R 50, picked up chainsaw > 4H Pearsall
Training films, Green Door Room, Jan brought Jessica, dropped her off at Booth’s.
Black smoke in garage > mailed hospital films
> picked up tractor parts in Lancaster > met Vietnamese family at airport
(14) > 4H out on sign bottom
Fed, ground corn, drove truck, hay wagon back
> Tom Wagner, grad student, here for lunch
Had Blaze checked, slightly lame > bedded
down sheep, horse sheds > herded sheep into paddock with Jim > worked
with Todd Dean “Mister Ed”
9 dead ewes, Pete fed, I opened gate in drift
fence > Chuck began cleaning horse shed > Pat rode bike in to town,
bought new tennis shoes > Bess, 6 pups – 3 M, 3 F > Ruth Richmond brought
Bess’ smallest puppy, female, dead > put
extra wire in front of rhubarb > fixed opening in side of barn for Boo >
let Puff, Boo, Kanga, Jim, run in bottom, left Boo in pasture
Boo, skunked! > fed, hauled off 3 dead ewes
> Pat raked hay > Kuykendahl’s here, looked at pups > Pat, John, David
Crippen, put up hay