Sweetbrier Farm |
First Memories of Sweetbrier
What did you want to do when you were
little? I wanted to be a champion rider, like my sister. But I never seemed to
do things at the same rate as other kids. I arrived a couple months early,
tipping the scale at a whopping three pounds. At first, the doctors said it
would take me time to catch up with other children, so my parents didn’t fret
about it until I was nearly four years old and still not walking. They decided
it was time to visit a specialist. I still remember that day because it changed
everything in an instant.
My dad carried me into the office.
Guess what happened a few minutes later? The doctor had the nerve to tell my
dad I’d never walk, due to cerebral palsy. It’s something caused by damage to
my brain at birth. I’m very lucky it only affected my legs. My dad scooped me
up and stormed out, after he told the doctor where he could go with his
Of course, neither of us were
pleased, but my dad said, “Don’t pay any attention to what the doctor said
because he’s wrong. I’m going to teach you to ride horses and you’re going to
be fine.”
We lived on a riding school called
Sweetbrier so we already had ponies and horses to ride. Our farm was named in
honor of rare flowers called Sweetbrier Roses. People came from far away to
admire the roses and take pictures of them.
Smiling as widely as possible, I
couldn’t wait for the big day when I’d ride the chubby little speckled-gray
pony, Little Man. When I first started riding Little Man, my dad led me around the
riding ring while he rode another horse. My arms weren’t strong enough to use
the reins. I liked listening to Little Man’s the slow clip-clop of Little Man’s
hooves hitting the sandy soil in the ring. Just to keep things interesting, I’d
slide off whenever my legs got tired.
“Why did I fall off, Daddy?”
“Your legs got tired, but eventually,
they’ll get stronger and you’ll stay on.”
I hope I learn that little trick quickly, I thought.
What happened when I rode Little Man by
myself? “Now I can ride by myself, Daddy,” I said, grinning. Every day before
my ride, I’d give Little Man a sugar cube, thinking he wouldn’t dare misbehave.
But bribery wasn’t always helpful. I was so busy steering and trying to stay on
top of Little Man, I didn’t notice he got so bored he’d lie down and roll while
on was still on his back, yikes.
“Are you okay, honey?" Daddy would
ask, brushing the sand off.
“Yes,” I’d say, sniffing back tears. "The Humphrys don’t give up,” he’d say, giving
me a hug and kiss.
Little Man and I spent a lot of time
together before I figured out the secret to success. I’d pay close attention to
Little Man and I noticed he’d walk slower and slower, just before he’d lay down
for his nap.
You can see all I’d have missed if my
dad hadn’t made the decision to teach me to ride. We had good days and not so
good ones at Sweetbrier, but I learned to go after my dreams because nothing is
impossible if you persevere.
My dad always said, “You never know
what you can do until you try.” Isn’t
that great advice?
I wrote a book about growing up at
Sweetbrier. You’ll find out lots more about what happened during my childhood.
It’s an award-winning story called Tails
of Sweetbrier. I hope my Dad would be proud of our story.
Here is the closing statement from Tails of Sweetbrier.
“You have the power to make your
dreams come true so reach for them and don’t accept anything less!”
About the Author
Humphrys-Dunne is an award-winning children’s author with four books published
presently: Tails of Sweetbrier, Charlie the Horse, Charlene the Star and
Hattie’s Heroes, and Charlene
the Star and Bentley Bulldog. All of her books are beautifully illustrated
by her sister, Holly Humphrys-Bajaj. Deanie’s true story, Tails of Sweetbrier, won the silver
medal in the Feathered Quill Book Awards, finalist in the CLIPPA, honorable
mention in the Purple Dragonfly Awards, and the silver medal in the Reader’s
Favorite Book Awards. Deanie’s fictional stories are told by the animal
believes the message that perseverance is the key to accomplishing amazing
things is one that can benefit every child. Through her inspiring, real life
and fictional works, children will learn that anything is possible if they
refuse to give up on their dreams. We can attain much more than we ever imagine
by never quitting. Children will be reminded that tenacity is the key to
success. They will see proof that obstacles can be overcome and that quitting
only guarantees failure.
wants to be a positive influence to children. She loves to write entertaining
stories that emphasize important values such as; never giving up, setting
goals, and working together to realize great things. Her goal is to write books
that build self-esteem and confidence in children. She works tirelessly to
write books that would appeal to children and also teach them valuable lessons,
presented in an engaging manner.
is a graduate of the Institute of Children’s Literature. She has been featured
on several author websites and received top billing for one of her interviews
with renowned author, Amb. Claire Power Murphy. She has been honored with
numerous blogging awards and nominations. Deanie was recently featured on
WTNH.com/CT Style television program to discuss her books. Additionally, she
has been featured on blogtalkradio.com with JD Holiday and Annette Rochelle
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