Let sheep out to graze in alfalfa meadow >
tracked on Chadwell’s, picked up Pat > J Pony Club > Bill Wright here
Mom called > took book back to J L’H, met
Marie Morrison about photo of Puff, had dog training articles copied at
library, ordered book from library in inter-library loan > fed rams
Pete and Jessica to Charleston > Pat, me,
patched up water gap, put ewes thru > Put Western ewes out to graze, 2 hrs.
> Put my sheep back down in bottom > rode Blaze, exercised Puff, Kanga
Church > Pat fed sheep, I grazed them for 45
mins, fed at barn, herded my sheep out of hay meadow, saw reddish brown stray
dog > repaired fence by locust grove, took Kanga, put up portable fence, put
my sheep down on bottom with Jim > rode Blaze, exercised Kanga, Puff >
watched Walt Disney sheepdog movie
Fed at barn, gathered goose eggs > 4H >
Abbott, Janet, called Pete > wrote letters, Mom, Dad, Betty, Abbott
Fed at barn, put my sheep, Sassy thru troughs,
dewormed them > rode Blaze around fence line, took Puff, Kanga, Bess >
picked up Pat at high school
Worked on ATC material > picked up yard >
fed at barn, worked Jim > Pat, athletic banquet
Fed at red barn > rode Blaze, took Puff,
Bess, Kanga > Put my sheep thru troughs, out into bottom > tracked in
front of Eddy’s – Puff, Song
Made 2 oatmeal cakes > got groceries, present
for Pat > tired, went to bed early > J Pony Club at Akron, Rodgers
Puff, stepped on my eye (left) > tracked at
Chadwell’s, laid track for Jake; Jan laid 2 tracks for Puff > put sheep thru
trough > Doug, gave Sassy 5cc penicillin in foot > rode Blaze, took Puff,
Kanga, around creek bottom > ate at Hungry Mouth, movie “All the President’s
Men” > eye, very swollen, painful
Dr. Paxton checked bandaged eye > Pete,
Church > I spent most of the day in bed, eye very sore
Well pump quit > Ellen Izor, friend here >
Dr. Paxton, Pete drove me in, too patch off; Pete ran errands, steal, etc., for
logging truck repair > 4H
Watched Pete’s sheep graze, took Jim >
tracked Song, Puff in hay meadow > fed up at barn > Pete, left for
Charleston, took truck, 7PM
Dr. Paxton > bought milk, groceries >
caught 3 geese for Mrs. McClain > fed grain at red barn > groomed Puff,
shaved feet, tattoos > ATC > Pete picked up Pat, Amesville
Read, finished Catherine Marshall’s “Adventures
in Prayer” > watched Pete’s ewes > tracked by Eddy’s > fed at barn,
put my sheep through trough > Pat pickup by Pete at Chadwell’s after
volleyball game
Evening Church “Stations of the Cross,” me,
Jessica > Pat party at motorcycle club, overnight at Bill Wright’s
Laid 3 tracks for Judy Glasgow; tracked Puff,
stopped Song, overheating > went to bird dog trial briefly, took J riding
lesson > put Sassy, ewes through trough, put another bell on Sassy > rode
Blaze, took Puff, Kanga, Bess
Buffet, OU Inn > Tim Schmittauer here to
borrow plow > napped > Pete, Herbie Everett, fed sheep, logged > Pete
looked at pump, fixed light socket in basement
Dr. Paxton’s office > made peach pie >
Dave Russell worked on Citroen > 4H
Mingus looked at pump > watched Pete’s sheep
> got part for pump, some groceries > tracked Song, had to walk here thru
most of 1st track; snatched 2nd track on 2nd
leg; 2 dogs barking, caught one “Echo” Warmke boy came after him
Howard Strode and sons sheared my sheep (24)
> Pete operated on ewes with hernia > baked chocolate cake > ATC
Finished “Hungry Hill” > Jerry Hartley here
> tracked Puff, did well
Watched ewes > Dr. Paxton > fired blanks
in .22 for Kanga, Puff > wore lenses (2 hrs.) > rode Blaze, took Puff,
Kanga > tied up fence in bottom filled with debris from flooding
Put my sheep plus Sassy thru troughs, fed at
barn > rode Blaze up on ridge, heard chainsaw, took Kanga, Puff > lenses
6 hrs. > dinner at Abdella’s with Everett’s
Rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor, took Ruff, Jim,
beautiful trilliums in cliff pasture, full dogwood > rode Blaze on bottom,
took Puff, Kanga, Bess > turned sheep, horses into paddock, washed saddle
pad, girth > saw spotted snake by garage > napped
Fixed dog trap, walked in ravines, beautiful
trillium, took Kanga > fed at barn > baked bread > 4H
Fed rams, Jerry Hartley here with Pete >
tracked Song, Puff, hay meadow bottom > Puff worked ducks briefly, Lolly
asked to go in paddock > Herbie, Kay Everett here
Picked up car at Russell’s > ATC
Fed hay at barn > worked Jim, Bess, Puff on
ducks > tracked Puff, Song, J Jones > went after Pete at Phillips place
Pete to Charleston > yellow/white cate in
trap > saw Pete at Dolen’s > watched Kentucky Derby > tracked in hay
Church > J Croxford, etc., here, Debbie rode
Tinker, J rode Cricket, checked/patched up fence ridden down by motorcyclists,
found Jan’s crop > let Puff, Kanga, Bess run with Blaze in bottom >
tracked in rain, hay meadow, Judy G
Possum in trap > wrote Mom/Dad > mailed packages,
picked up oxygen > lunch Perkins > 4H
Worked Puff, gaiting; Bess, Jim, with ducks >
fed at red barn > rode Blaze
ATC > let possum go at Dow Lake
Cleaned out water tank in paddock > OVMA,
Marietta, toured Fenton Art Glass
Took pet care filmstrip into Katherine, ran errands
> rode Blaze, worked Puff
Dottie, Spence Rutter stopped by while riding
> rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor, checked, fed rams, rode back thru woods >
2 pony clubbers here overnight with J
Pete, Jessica, to Laird’s > Pat, me, Church
> lunch at Burger Chef >rode Cricket, Pat rode Blaze, took Kanga, Jim
around thru woods
Pat, to doc, cat bit thumb > 4H
Paul, Tom (?), switched pumps > napped >
Jackie, Ray Jones, Eddy’s, ate at Chinese restaurant, Parkersburg
ATC > Bird Arena > walked Bess, Ruff,
around recreation area
Napped > worked Puff > turn squirrel out
of dog trap
Fed at red barn > rode Blaze, let Puff, Bess,
Kanga run in bottom > brief rest > dug out saddle gate by highway >
tracked Song in sign pasture, Puff in long bottom > worked at desk
Banded lambs, Jerry Hartley, John, J.D., Herbie
and Kay Everett > all for lunch at Perkins > Cricket shod > napped
> watched Preakness > put my sheep, except Sassy, thru trough > rode
Cricket, took Puff, Bess, Kanga > Everett’s here, late supper
Worked Bess, Jim on ducks; Puff on recall >
Church > DQ > Jennifer Henderson here, picked up OutLook article >
finished balancing bank statements, wrote letters > dewormed horses, ponies,
trimmed Tinker and Angel’s feet
Tracked at Jones’ > 4H
Sorted dog bowls, etc., magazines to take to ATC
display > ATC
Rode Blaze around trails, took Jim, Kanga,
checked dog trap, Kanga killed young groundhog > let Puff, Bess, Kanga run
in creek bottom > napped
Watched Pete’s sheep > ran clinic Ad up to
Messenger > napped > water at barn again, finally! Watered ducks, put
sheep, Sassy, in house paddock > tracked Puff, Song, long field
Put Sassy, sheep, thru trough > cistern dug,
switched to well > bathed Puff, air dried with vacuum cleaner > napped
Fed at red barn, rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga,
Bess > Church, late > napped > Pete, Herbie logged > J rode
Cricket, Kay rode Apple > Pizza at Angelo’s
Library, shopped, groceries, napped, made
macaroons/punch for surprise party at for J Croxford at J L’H
Jogged in bottom, Puff chased 2 deer, returned
quickly, frightened by snake, dove down bank into stream > napped > Herbie
here for dinner > tracked Song, paddock: Puff, hay meadow
Jogged in long bottom, took Puff, Kanga, Bess
Lollypop black jack baby > took J, P,
shopping for clothes > tracked J. Jones, Puff distracted by small animal
(cat?), laid track for Perce
Put Lolly and baby, Persimmon in pond pasture
> put my sheep thru trough > let dogs run up to white gate, back >
7:15 to 3:30 drove to Joliet, 8 ½ hrs. >
napped > saw Marti’s, BSCA Banquet, annual meeting
Stone City Show, Illinois, Best of Winners Puff!!
5 pt major! Dinner with Marti’s
Drove home > Doug O’Dell came up to see
Puff’s trophies, burro baby
Jogged, napped > 4H, ATC practice
Napped > napped > Marshall’s dog brought
to hospital > ATC graduation > congratulations cake from J Croxford
Put up hotwire, moved doghouse, chain for
Marshall’s GSD’s Mya, Yianca > Pat, graduation, awards day > tracking J
Jones, looked for Ray’s wallet, track 1 hr. 45 min
Let dogs run in paddock > Puff blood check
for OFA, normal > took in SW for oil change, rode back with Paul Mingus >
took Jim in for physical, okay > Bill Wright here overnight
Persimmon, white jack > helped Pete work on
dipping tank > napped > began dipping ewes, lambs; ran out of dip > J
to Jan’s overnight
Up at 5 am, finished dipping sheep > Gary
Franklin’s graduation, buffet supper > Pete cavity, J braces adjusted, home
2 am
Took bank deposit, shopped, groceries >
tracked Song, Puff, long bottom sign field > Katherine, Fed Foster came up to
see burro
Pete to Charleston, napped > ACKC J Croxford
Gaited Puff with bike, 10 minutes > let dogs
run in paddock, Mya went over fence by water trough, Jerry Hartley here to see burros
> got cashier’s check at Amesville for Britannica > fed at barn, J to
Laird’s > 4H > put sheep in house paddock, bedded down sheds
Put Pete’s ewes, lambs in corral with Jim (out
on Marquis hay field) > rode Blaze, took Kanga, Puff, for a run in creek
bottom > napped > migraine headache > took supper to Pete > J
Jones, Mr. Thorn laid track for Puff
Rode Blaze out thru Brown’s, motorcycle club;
watched loggers, back thru Phillip’s place (Dutch Creek) shut gate to sheep
pasture on ridge; saw doe, fawn > napped > wrote a couple letters, took
bank deposit > put 2 ewes, 3 lambs in 690 > put 4 rabbits in freezer
Put ewes thru trough with Jim, Sassy escaped
> Pat party at Ricky Koker’s > worked at desk
Church with Pat, lunch DQ > Sickles here to
look at Sailor > gaited Puff on foot > John Hanson here overnight
5:30-7:30 am Marshall here to pick up dogs >
P helped David with yard fence, J to sale with Jan > tracked Puff, laid
track myself, hot/dry, did poorly, let Puff run in meadow, put deep fryer
grease in dog trap
Tracked Song, Puff > took Pat into Brown’s 4H
camp, took J, shopped for Pete’s birthday > 4H toured Ed Linscott’s Brittany
Kennel, 4H meeting with Canine Capers Humane Society talk
Tracked Puff in hay meadow, Song hill paddock,
checked dog trap > Pete’s birthday, baked cake (farm tool, Prince Valiant,
Cinci books) > PCA signed new loan > 4H > wrote Mom, Dad, Betty,
Abbott > watched Pete on TV “The Great American Pet” WOUB
Worked Bess on ducks, fed at barn > headache,
napped > put ewes, lambs in off 690 > tracked, Jones, 1 hr. 45 min, did
poorly, cows, etc. > Ray washed car
Trefa killed 2 baby birds > white duck, dead,
turned others out > put sheep in hill paddock with Jim > worked at desk,
judges’ list
Tracked Puff, Song > Paul built crate dolly
> picked up Pat, Kevin, at Tar Hollow 4H camp > lunch McArthur DQ >
went on a call with Pete to Marietta run, cut horse
Church > attempted to go to Square Dance,
wrong night in paper, went to DQ, home
Short track on creek bottom > Continuing
Education Open House
Tracked Puff, Song > 4H
Picked up parts at Boggs > tracked J Jones,
Puff, Song, did well
Mansfield show, Puff BW 2pts, BB over special!
Worked on sheep, trimmed feet, dewormed, lambs
castrated, Herbie/Kay Everett, Doug O’Dell worked
Gaited Puff > got truck unstuck, racks on,
etc. > picked up pony (old, foundered) at Dottie Wright Rutters
One ewe, several lambs dead, gathered sheep, put
sheep in, sorted, trimmed feet, etc. > Doug here for lunch > Pete
Cut up meat, Pat, Paul, helped cut meat, I
packaged it > Apple, Sailor, Cricket, reset; Blaze shoes pulled, feet
trimmed > 4H
Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from
vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random
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