Monday, March 10, 2025

Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: 
April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate 
the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, 
Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Let sheep out to graze in alfalfa meadow > tracked on Chadwell’s, picked up Pat > J Pony Club > Bill Wright here overnight

·        Mom called > took book back to J L’H, met Marie Morrison about photo of Puff, had dog training articles copied at library, ordered book from library in inter-library loan > fed rams

·        Pete and Jessica to Charleston > Pat, me, patched up water gap, put ewes thru > Put Western ewes out to graze, 2 hrs. > Put my sheep back down in bottom > rode Blaze, exercised Puff, Kanga

·        Church > Pat fed sheep, I grazed them for 45 mins, fed at barn, herded my sheep out of hay meadow, saw reddish brown stray dog > repaired fence by locust grove, took Kanga, put up portable fence, put my sheep down on bottom with Jim > rode Blaze, exercised Kanga, Puff > watched Walt Disney sheepdog movie

·        Fed at barn, gathered goose eggs > 4H > Abbott, Janet, called Pete > wrote letters, Mom, Dad, Betty, Abbott

·        Fed at barn, put my sheep, Sassy thru troughs, dewormed them > rode Blaze around fence line, took Puff, Kanga, Bess > picked up Pat at high school

·        Worked on ATC material > picked up yard > fed at barn, worked Jim > Pat, athletic banquet

·        Fed at red barn > rode Blaze, took Puff, Bess, Kanga > Put my sheep thru troughs, out into bottom > tracked in front of Eddy’s – Puff, Song

·        Made 2 oatmeal cakes > got groceries, present for Pat > tired, went to bed early > J Pony Club at Akron, Rodgers

·        Puff, stepped on my eye (left) > tracked at Chadwell’s, laid track for Jake; Jan laid 2 tracks for Puff > put sheep thru trough > Doug, gave Sassy 5cc penicillin in foot > rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga, around creek bottom > ate at Hungry Mouth, movie “All the President’s Men” > eye, very swollen, painful

·        Dr. Paxton checked bandaged eye > Pete, Church > I spent most of the day in bed, eye very sore

·        Well pump quit > Ellen Izor, friend here > Dr. Paxton, Pete drove me in, too patch off; Pete ran errands, steal, etc., for logging truck repair > 4H

·        Watched Pete’s sheep graze, took Jim > tracked Song, Puff in hay meadow > fed up at barn > Pete, left for Charleston, took truck, 7PM

·        Dr. Paxton > bought milk, groceries > caught 3 geese for Mrs. McClain > fed grain at red barn > groomed Puff, shaved feet, tattoos > ATC > Pete picked up Pat, Amesville

·        Read, finished Catherine Marshall’s “Adventures in Prayer” > watched Pete’s ewes > tracked by Eddy’s > fed at barn, put my sheep through trough > Pat pickup by Pete at Chadwell’s after volleyball game

·        Evening Church “Stations of the Cross,” me, Jessica > Pat party at motorcycle club, overnight at Bill Wright’s

·        Laid 3 tracks for Judy Glasgow; tracked Puff, stopped Song, overheating > went to bird dog trial briefly, took J riding lesson > put Sassy, ewes through trough, put another bell on Sassy > rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga, Bess

·        Buffet, OU Inn > Tim Schmittauer here to borrow plow > napped > Pete, Herbie Everett, fed sheep, logged > Pete looked at pump, fixed light socket in basement

·        Dr. Paxton’s office > made peach pie > Dave Russell worked on Citroen > 4H

·        Mingus looked at pump > watched Pete’s sheep > got part for pump, some groceries > tracked Song, had to walk here thru most of 1st track; snatched 2nd track on 2nd leg; 2 dogs barking, caught one “Echo” Warmke boy came after him

·        Howard Strode and sons sheared my sheep (24) > Pete operated on ewes with hernia > baked chocolate cake > ATC

·        Finished “Hungry Hill” > Jerry Hartley here > tracked Puff, did well

·        Watched ewes > Dr. Paxton > fired blanks in .22 for Kanga, Puff > wore lenses (2 hrs.) > rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga > tied up fence in bottom filled with debris from flooding

·        Put my sheep plus Sassy thru troughs, fed at barn > rode Blaze up on ridge, heard chainsaw, took Kanga, Puff > lenses 6 hrs. > dinner at Abdella’s with Everett’s

·        Rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor, took Ruff, Jim, beautiful trilliums in cliff pasture, full dogwood > rode Blaze on bottom, took Puff, Kanga, Bess > turned sheep, horses into paddock, washed saddle pad, girth > saw spotted snake by garage > napped

·        Fixed dog trap, walked in ravines, beautiful trillium, took Kanga > fed at barn > baked bread > 4H

·        Fed rams, Jerry Hartley here with Pete > tracked Song, Puff, hay meadow bottom > Puff worked ducks briefly, Lolly asked to go in paddock > Herbie, Kay Everett here

·        Picked up car at Russell’s > ATC

·        Fed hay at barn > worked Jim, Bess, Puff on ducks > tracked Puff, Song, J Jones > went after Pete at Phillips place



·        Pete to Charleston > yellow/white cate in trap > saw Pete at Dolen’s > watched Kentucky Derby > tracked in hay meadow

·        Church > J Croxford, etc., here, Debbie rode Tinker, J rode Cricket, checked/patched up fence ridden down by motorcyclists, found Jan’s crop > let Puff, Kanga, Bess run with Blaze in bottom > tracked in rain, hay meadow, Judy G

·        Possum in trap > wrote Mom/Dad > mailed packages, picked up oxygen > lunch Perkins > 4H

·        Worked Puff, gaiting; Bess, Jim, with ducks > fed at red barn > rode Blaze

·        ATC > let possum go at Dow Lake

·        Cleaned out water tank in paddock > OVMA, Marietta, toured Fenton Art Glass

·        Took pet care filmstrip into Katherine, ran errands > rode Blaze, worked Puff

·        Dottie, Spence Rutter stopped by while riding > rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor, checked, fed rams, rode back thru woods > 2 pony clubbers here overnight with J

·        Pete, Jessica, to Laird’s > Pat, me, Church > lunch at Burger Chef >rode Cricket, Pat rode Blaze, took Kanga, Jim around thru woods

·        Pat, to doc, cat bit thumb > 4H

·        Paul, Tom (?), switched pumps > napped > Jackie, Ray Jones, Eddy’s, ate at Chinese restaurant, Parkersburg

·        ATC > Bird Arena > walked Bess, Ruff, around recreation area

·        Napped > worked Puff > turn squirrel out of dog trap

·        Fed at red barn > rode Blaze, let Puff, Bess, Kanga run in bottom > brief rest > dug out saddle gate by highway > tracked Song in sign pasture, Puff in long bottom > worked at desk

·        Banded lambs, Jerry Hartley, John, J.D., Herbie and Kay Everett > all for lunch at Perkins > Cricket shod > napped > watched Preakness > put my sheep, except Sassy, thru trough > rode Cricket, took Puff, Bess, Kanga > Everett’s here, late supper

·        Worked Bess, Jim on ducks; Puff on recall > Church > DQ > Jennifer Henderson here, picked up OutLook article > finished balancing bank statements, wrote letters > dewormed horses, ponies, trimmed Tinker and Angel’s feet

·        Tracked at Jones’ > 4H

·        Sorted dog bowls, etc., magazines to take to ATC display > ATC

·        Rode Blaze around trails, took Jim, Kanga, checked dog trap, Kanga killed young groundhog > let Puff, Bess, Kanga run in creek bottom > napped

·        Watched Pete’s sheep > ran clinic Ad up to Messenger > napped > water at barn again, finally! Watered ducks, put sheep, Sassy, in house paddock > tracked Puff, Song, long field

·        Put Sassy, sheep, thru trough > cistern dug, switched to well > bathed Puff, air dried with vacuum cleaner > napped

·        Fed at red barn, rode Blaze, took Puff, Kanga, Bess > Church, late > napped > Pete, Herbie logged > J rode Cricket, Kay rode Apple > Pizza at Angelo’s

·        Library, shopped, groceries, napped, made macaroons/punch for surprise party at for J Croxford at J L’H

·        Jogged in bottom, Puff chased 2 deer, returned quickly, frightened by snake, dove down bank into stream > napped > Herbie here for dinner > tracked Song, paddock: Puff, hay meadow

·        Jogged in long bottom, took Puff, Kanga, Bess > ATC

·        Lollypop black jack baby > took J, P, shopping for clothes > tracked J. Jones, Puff distracted by small animal (cat?), laid track for Perce

·        Put Lolly and baby, Persimmon in pond pasture > put my sheep thru trough > let dogs run up to white gate, back > ironed

·        7:15 to 3:30 drove to Joliet, 8 ½ hrs. > napped > saw Marti’s, BSCA Banquet, annual meeting

·        Stone City Show, Illinois, Best of Winners Puff!! 5 pt major! Dinner with Marti’s

·        Drove home > Doug O’Dell came up to see Puff’s trophies, burro baby



·        Jogged, napped > 4H, ATC practice

·        Napped > napped > Marshall’s dog brought to hospital > ATC graduation > congratulations cake from J Croxford

·        Put up hotwire, moved doghouse, chain for Marshall’s GSD’s Mya, Yianca > Pat, graduation, awards day > tracking J Jones, looked for Ray’s wallet, track 1 hr. 45 min

·        Let dogs run in paddock > Puff blood check for OFA, normal > took in SW for oil change, rode back with Paul Mingus > took Jim in for physical, okay > Bill Wright here overnight

·        Persimmon, white jack > helped Pete work on dipping tank > napped > began dipping ewes, lambs; ran out of dip > J to Jan’s overnight

·        Up at 5 am, finished dipping sheep > Gary Franklin’s graduation, buffet supper > Pete cavity, J braces adjusted, home 2 am

·        Took bank deposit, shopped, groceries > tracked Song, Puff, long bottom sign field > Katherine, Fed Foster came up to see burro

·        Pete to Charleston, napped > ACKC J Croxford

·        Gaited Puff with bike, 10 minutes > let dogs run in paddock, Mya went over fence by water trough, Jerry Hartley here to see burros > got cashier’s check at Amesville for Britannica > fed at barn, J to Laird’s > 4H > put sheep in house paddock, bedded down sheds

·        Put Pete’s ewes, lambs in corral with Jim (out on Marquis hay field) > rode Blaze, took Kanga, Puff, for a run in creek bottom > napped > migraine headache > took supper to Pete > J Jones, Mr. Thorn laid track for Puff

·        Rode Blaze out thru Brown’s, motorcycle club; watched loggers, back thru Phillip’s place (Dutch Creek) shut gate to sheep pasture on ridge; saw doe, fawn > napped > wrote a couple letters, took bank deposit > put 2 ewes, 3 lambs in 690 > put 4 rabbits in freezer

·        Put ewes thru trough with Jim, Sassy escaped > Pat party at Ricky Koker’s > worked at desk

·        Church with Pat, lunch DQ > Sickles here to look at Sailor > gaited Puff on foot > John Hanson here overnight

·        5:30-7:30 am Marshall here to pick up dogs > P helped David with yard fence, J to sale with Jan > tracked Puff, laid track myself, hot/dry, did poorly, let Puff run in meadow, put deep fryer grease in dog trap

·        Tracked Song, Puff > took Pat into Brown’s 4H camp, took J, shopped for Pete’s birthday > 4H toured Ed Linscott’s Brittany Kennel, 4H meeting with Canine Capers Humane Society talk

·        Tracked Puff in hay meadow, Song hill paddock, checked dog trap > Pete’s birthday, baked cake (farm tool, Prince Valiant, Cinci books) > PCA signed new loan > 4H > wrote Mom, Dad, Betty, Abbott > watched Pete on TV “The Great American Pet” WOUB

·        Worked Bess on ducks, fed at barn > headache, napped > put ewes, lambs in off 690 > tracked, Jones, 1 hr. 45 min, did poorly, cows, etc. > Ray washed car

·        Trefa killed 2 baby birds > white duck, dead, turned others out > put sheep in hill paddock with Jim > worked at desk, judges’ list

·        Tracked Puff, Song > Paul built crate dolly > picked up Pat, Kevin, at Tar Hollow 4H camp > lunch McArthur DQ > went on a call with Pete to Marietta run, cut horse

·        Church > attempted to go to Square Dance, wrong night in paper, went to DQ, home

·        Short track on creek bottom > Continuing Education Open House

·        Tracked Puff, Song > 4H

·        Picked up parts at Boggs > tracked J Jones, Puff, Song, did well

·        Mansfield show, Puff BW 2pts, BB over special!

·        Worked on sheep, trimmed feet, dewormed, lambs castrated, Herbie/Kay Everett, Doug O’Dell worked

·        Gaited Puff > got truck unstuck, racks on, etc. > picked up pony (old, foundered) at Dottie Wright Rutters

·        One ewe, several lambs dead, gathered sheep, put sheep in, sorted, trimmed feet, etc. > Doug here for lunch > Pete butchered

·        Cut up meat, Pat, Paul, helped cut meat, I packaged it > Apple, Sailor, Cricket, reset; Blaze shoes pulled, feet trimmed > 4H

Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

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Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...