Illustrator Katie Drakulich and Author Cristina Sicard at Monday Creek Publishing |
An Interview with Ohio Author Cristina Sicard
From Ohio USA, meet children’s literature
author Cristina Sicard! I first met Cristina when she was a student at Ohio
University. Now, pursuing her Masters degree away from home, she continues to
inspire and motivate! Her first children’s literature, Harmony, was
released in December 2019. Harmony is the story of an Ohio llama who
thinks about his relatives in Peru. A cute story that has become a favorite of
many, Harmony continues to be enjoyed by children around the world!
Welcome, Cristina!
GM: Your new children's book Harmony
is adorable! How did you come up with the idea?
CS: Realizing writing gave me the
power to share stories, I dreamed of writing a children’s book from the time I
could talk. Entering Ohio University as a journalism major, I told myself I
would try my hardest to find a way into the publishing world. As part of my
News and Information Capstone, I interviewed a llama owner, Donna Moore, for Southeast Ohio magazine. That day, I
brought my good friend from high school, Katie Drakulich (Harmony’s illustrator), because I had a feeling this was it. From
little Harmony’s fluff and friendliness to Donna’s commitment and charisma, I
wanted to tell their story with a touch of my own. I was fascinated with all
these lovable llamas, thinking how in the world did they end up here? This was
a question I asked myself many times growing up away from family. Harmony gave me the chance combine
real-life components with a message of appreciation and love.
GM: Writers are always writing,
coming up with new ideas. How do you maintain thoughts and ideas for
CS: There is nothing better than all
of this! It has felt unreal sharing Harmony
and interacting with the next generation of leaders. I get emotional when
kids share stories of their own with me. From reading to the child I tutored to
whole classrooms, I have adored and am thankful for every event. If I had to choose,
I’d say it’s a tie between reading to my grade school St. Paul and my hometown
library in North Canton, Ohio. They were full circle moments in which I saw
teachers and adults from my childhood—unbelievably
special. I never imagined having the opportunity to revisit my stomping
grounds with a book to call my own. Everyone was so supportive, and we had fun
crafting all things llama. With summer now here, I am open to any events in
Ohio or Georgia!
Writing doesn’t always have to be physical. I am constantly
thinking what children’s story to write about next. I keep a “inspiration notebook”
with me where I jot down people, places, things, or interactions that catch my
attention (that notebook journeyed with me to the llama farm). I also type what
catches my eye in my notes on my phone whenever I misplace the inspo notebook. I
keep ideas alive by listening to children and teachers in classrooms,
especially during recess and lunch. I listen to what they are talking about—what matters to them. I try to identify
their needs and what stories aren’t being told and need heard. I also grab
ideas from looking at old pictures of when I was a child, recalling what
stories could have represented my community or me. I believe every day can be
turned into a grand story!
GM: What are you currently writing?
CS: I just finished writing what I hope is my
second children’s book, Sábana the Sloth!
Sábana hangs in a tree practically on the ground in Peru worrying about it all.
Just like me, Sábana has high anxiety that seems to get in the way of him
living. The little girl he meets, Lula (which means famous warrior), is the
complete opposite. Like Harmony, this
story has touches of personal pieces mixed with humor and hope. With anxiety
leading mental health issues among children in this nation, we need to end the
stigma about mental health. Sábana the
Sloth has actually been really hard to write because I’ve had to open
myself up. Above all else though, it’s resulted rewarding. Just thinking about
its impact on children exhilarates me. The story includes Spanish words too. I
simply can’t wait to share it with you!
GM: Who is your favorite author?
CS: My favorite author regularly changes depending
on what’s going on in my life. However, Eric Carle and Gail Gibbons have stayed
with me since forever. I admire how they both write and illustrate so
beautifully (they make it all look easy). I didn’t necessarily have to read to
enjoy Eric Carle’s stories. But once I could—I couldn’t stop rereading his style. And Gail Gibbon’s books
made me feel like the smartest kid in town. Both these authors motivated me to
craft my own picture books as a child.
GM: Do you have
advice for novice writers?
CS: START. Start
somewhere with your writing and have fun. Do not look back and do not compare
yourself to others (I struggle with this daily, but I know a strong mentality
takes people far). Envision your story as a television show or movie (this
helps with my character and plot development). Team up with your friends or
family to create a story (it could be turned into a play or more). As
terrifying as it may feel at times, share your work. Find people who will
constructively criticize your work. Keep a notebook with you or use your phone
to jot down ideas for storylines. And lastly, read your story out loud to check
for rhythm. What sounds okay in our heads oftentimes needs polished once we
share it aloud.
GM: List 10 things your fans may not know about you…
CS: 1) Two videos of mine have made it on The Ellen
DeGeneres Show. One was a Mother’s Day video about my mom being the best and
the other was one of Ellen’s crazy challenges where I went “koalaing” or
jumping on strangers like a koala.
2) Running and I have an on and off relationship at
times, but I mostly love it. Joining track my senior year of high school was
one of the best decisions I’ve made. I had the chance to travel with the team
to the state championship. Since then, I’ve ran two half-marathons, woo!
3) I LIVE for warm weather and sunshine. My family
is from the Dominican Republic, so it may be the tropical blood in me that
makes me feel so dependent on the sun. I absolutely love being outside (ideally
a beach). Most of my writing happens outdoors (when the sun is out of course).
4) The summer following my freshman year at Ohio
University, I lived in New York City interning at a start-up media company. One
of my greatest memories was walking the entirety of Central Park with my
favorite Aunt Julie. I dream of going back to the Big Apple one day.
5) The travel bug bites me often. I have traveled
to Costa Rica, China, Italy, Greece, and Kenya. One of my dearest trips was
traveling to Cambodia with my incredibly talented Ohio University Global
Leadership Center (GLC) classmates to work as consultants for real world
projects. I already can’t wait for our GLC reunion!
6) I journeyed from Athens, Ohio to
Athens, Georgia. I just completed my first year of graduate school at the
University of Georgia. I am getting my masters in teaching preK-5. My hope is
to become an elementary-school teacher and help as many children as possible.
Hopefully, I’ll get to use my fluent Spanish in the classroom and continue
writing stories inspired by the children.
7) I LOVE Enrique Iglesias, Michael
Bublé, One Direction, and Camila Cabello. These beauties bring out all my
emotions! I convinced my Dominican family to take me to an Enrique Iglesias
concert—there are no words to describe his
8) I prefer experiences over tangible
things. So, I don’t watch a lot of
television, but I did finally finish The Office (started this sophomore year
of college). The Office is my
9) Dancing is the best. I prefer it
over talking. I dance in front of the mirror anytime I have a big project,
exam, interview, or just about anything! I love making up dances with friends
or family because it’s hilarious and good for the soul.
10) I luckily call mi Mami my best
friend. She thinks I’m the funniest person and supports me in everything. We
are quite the duo. Love you Mami.
Connect with Cristina...
The "real" Harmony at home in Ohio.
Illustrator Katie Drakulich and the Author with Harmony at home in Ohio.