Monday, June 26, 2023

Milliron Monday: Letters Home Oct 16 1959


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"I’d certainly appreciate a letter from someone there..."
― Jody Smith

October 1959, Jody's letter home to Mansfield, Ohio. A bit of insight to this letter - Michael (aka Mike) is Pete and Jody's Irish Setter living with Jody's parents. Starboy is Jody's beloved gelding, a gift from Lavender and Brother McArthur. 

917 Remington

Fort Collins, Colorado
Friday, October 16, 1959

Hi All,

I hope things are going well in Ohio. I’d certainly appreciate a letter from someone there since I’m rather curious as to what the situation is. I hope Michael is behaving himself. Starboy is still as angelic as ever. Pete’s sister Carol and Debbie, our 2 year old niece came up to see us last weekend and the three of us went for a cart ride. Starboy was a perfect gentlemen. Pete was in Wyoming purchasing some sick cows which he is practicing veterinary experiments on, and hopes to make some money with, if and when they get well. So now I’m content with 26 pets (24 Herefords, a horse, and a kitty cat which is still with its mother unfortunately).

I received the slides of the United Nations building yesterday but I don’t quite understand why you sent them. I certainly hope my Shakespeare slides are on the way. I could be working on the lesson plan this weekend but I need the slides to plan it.
Please tell Gary Franklin “Happy Birthday” quite belated from Pete and me.
Jess, the European trip is certainly paying off in memories now. Two out of the three of my long creative writing assignments have been on Rome and Paris.
Lavender and Brother have invited us down for Thanksgiving. It’ll certainly be pleasant to see them all again.
School is still busier and busier but so far so good. I got an A+ on the first Comparative Religions test and an A on the first Early English novel test. I just hope I don’t get too far behind because “catching-up” time is sure scarce. I haven’t been getting in many hours at the bookstore though.
Please send me the addresses I’ve asked for as soon as possible. I’d surely like to finish off these few “thank you notes,” they’re way overdue.
Carol, Pete’s oldest sister, gave us a very nice white chenille bedspread. I just washed the blue and white one you gave us, Mom, and it really looks nice.
I’m now writing this in the evening and am minus one of my pets – Pete butchered a cow which one of his veterinary friends (an instructor at the school) termed incurable so he’s going to have to sell it for dog food.
It snowed this afternoon as I amused myself by baking a couple dozen cookies and some cornmeal jelly muffins. Pete said they were delicious, but then, he always does. He’s been so sweet and patient with me on nearly everything. That mixer you gave us, Aggie and Gary, is really a time saver, and so handy to use.
Dad, I surely wish you were here to enjoy the hunting season. It opens tomorrow. We’re going to try tomorrow and again Sunday if necessary. We saw two nice bucks up at Kremmling when we were there weekend before last. Pete’s going back to Kremmling next weekend and taking the vet he worked with this summer along for an elk hunting trip. Pete used to cowboy for the man who owns the ranch at Kremmling so he has horses, equipment, etc., at his disposal. I surely hope they have good luck – a deer and an elk would set us up fine for meat this winter.
Guess I’d best quit and get to bed; it’ll be a busy homework and housecleaning day tomorrow (plus a bit of riding, I hope).


P.S. Also would like slides of Starboy to take and show McArthur’s on Thanksgiving – but no need to hurry on those.

P.P.S. Just received the framed announcements, Western Horseman, scissors, etc. Thank you very much – especially for the little note, Mom; it meant a lot to us. Unfortunately my Shakespeare slides aren’t in the box which I purchased in Stratford with six slides and the printed description of them and then eight slides which I took. Thank you for the shears. We didn’t have any at all and those kitchen ones will be real handy.

~  ~ 

The Shakespeare slides Jody refers to are in the Smith's box of slides - somewhere. I'll see if I can find them.

Previous Letters Home: 

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.



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Milliron Monday: The Journals January - March 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...