Monday, January 8, 2024

Milliron Monday: Letters Home June 19 1960

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"We really splurged last week and bought a quarter of a watermelon which we immediately devoured!"
― Jody Smith

Jody's letter home to Mansfield, Ohio. Backstory: A hot summer in Colorado, Pete and Jody are now living at Birky's Ranch in Fort Collins. Jody, due with their first child in July, handles the household duties while Pete juggles college and on-the-side jobs. Jody's parents continue financial support, sending weekly gifts of household items and money. Jody writes about a photo of her taken by Hope Rivers, but after digitizing thousands of photos, I don't remember seeing this one. In fact, I don't remember seeing any photos of Jody pregnant. 

Route 1, Box 61
Fort Collins, Colorado
Sunday, June 19, 1960

Dear Mom, Dad, Jessie,
    Sorry it's taken me so long to answer your letter. I really had no idea that I was so far behind until I began sorting through the mound of clippings, letters, etc. which I have been reading and then stuffing in my desk, always thinking that I'd answer them in the evening and then always deciding I was too tired, and going to bed. Have been getting enough sleep - so don't worry about that. Pete scolds me if I don't nap in the afternoon and if I'm not in bed by nine or so at night, he practically puts me there forcibly.
    *Now Monday, 9 a.m.*
    Thank you for all the clippings. I've enjoyed them very much. It certainly was a surprise to see Mike Winters marrying DeAnn - wonder how they ever met? Also very glad to see that Mark Murphy made it into dental school.
    I received a real cute card and much welcomed graduation gift from Gary, Aggie, and Gary Franklin. Thank you for sending the diploma - certainly do appreciate all you did to make it possible. I've really enjoyed my part of doing the studying, etc. to get it, and I'm sure it wouldn't have read "with high distinction" if I'd had to have been working enough to pay my way all four years. So, I am really very grateful that you made it possible for me to spend my four years studying rather than studying part-time and working part-time in order to get through.
    Guess I'd best stick our new phone number in here before I forget. Add party code 3 - whatever that means?
    I really love it here more and more every day. It's kind of maddening to see Starboy so much and not be able to ride him but it's still lots of fun just to brush him and fuss with him. I'm also fooling around with a yearling colt which a lady is going to pay me to halter break. Pete put a halter, rope, etc. on him the first time and took the roughness out of him so he's quite safe for me to be fussing with now - all I do is lead him around, feed, brush, etc.
    Pete's youngest sister, Janet ("Nanny") was with us from Saturday to last Thursday. She is about the same age as Birky's daughter and they enjoyed themselves riding, swimming, etc. around abouts. Janet is now up to Aspen where she will babysit for a friend of their family for the summer. 
    I very much like the three Corningware saucepans which arrived in fine shape as our housewarming gift. Thank you so much for them. They're certainly handy and pretty and the blue flowers look nice with the Willowware. I used the largest one yesterday for baked beans and it was really convenient just to unsnap the handle and set it in its little basket right on the table. One of Pete's best friends from high school days came up to visit us yesterday. We had dinner with him and his folks the Saturday before when we went to Denver to pick up Nanny and meet Carol and Debbie at the airport (Pete's older sister and little girl who were coming out for her divorce proceedings in Pueblo). At any rate, Pete had to help bale and sled Birky's hay so we ended up having dinner about 3 instead of at noon as we had planned. Fortunately everything turned out fine in spite of the delay.
    Don't worry about my having twins or triplets this time - I've only gained about 11 pounds so far (actually 16 since I lost 5 pounds the first 3 months, then gained that back plus 11 more). We have high hopes that this young one won't be having a brother or sister for at least 3 or 4 years but then, of course, we weren't expecting this one for 3 or 4 years but we'll certainly do our best to space the next one or two. We want to have at least one more, possibly two - but "the best laid plans of mice and men ofttimes go astray" as we're finding out.
    Sounds as though you're becoming professional babysitters. I hope our kid likes cart riding, also wonder when Dr. Rumley will approve of such things for the two of us, but at any rate, it certainly sounds as though Aggie has a good deal. Wish I could park our young one with someone right now and go horseback riding but I guess I'll at least have to wait awhile for that!
    I visit the doctor once a week now and have been feeling fine as per usual. 
    Enclosed are a couple of crazy pictures which Hope Rivers took when they were down for Easter. Note the magnificent "Pooh" cat which I am holding. (Also note my favorite maternity blouse - red and white checked one). 
    Thank you very much for the money in the checking account - it's a lifesaver, getting paid for any of this work yet (not til the end of the month) and the track job hasn't started. I've been using it for the grocery shopping, etc. We really splurged last week and bought a quarter of a watermelon which we immediately devoured!
    Also, still wondering about the wedding veil. Simmy isn't getting married until the beginning of September since Bob's leave was changed but she's planning on coming up sometime in July or August to see the baby so would like to have the veil here by then to lend to her.
    Thanks for sending back the picture of Pete's grandmother. His Dad called us Thursday on Pete's birthday, to say that his Mom was all right and recovering nicely from her operation. She just had a major operation - hysterectomy - last Monday.
    They sent me a cute little herd (8) of miniature (about 3 or 4 inches high) white china horses as a graduation present. They're in all different poses - feeding, rearing, running, lying down, etc.
    Pete has certainly appreciated his presents from you. He wore his light blue and white striped pants and white shirt for his birthday dinner. Fortunately the cake (from a cake mix, of course) turned out all right - but I don't think I'll ever figure out this weird gas oven.
    Guess I'd best quit this if I expect to get down the lane to the mailbox before the postman comes driving by.
    Sorry this is such a disjointed letter - will try to be a bit more coordinated next time.
P.S. Happy Father's Day, Dad. A wee bit late. Thought of you yesterday and wished we could be in Ohio for a little bit to say in person how much I love you. 
    I just missed the mailman so I may as well add a bit to this. Just received your note and clippings (church bulletin). I'm glad to hear that Gary is able to spend some time with Boy Scouts as I'm sure he enjoys it, and he must be awfully good with youngsters from the sounds of the way his business is doing. Also, sounds as though you've been helping a bit in that way. Now you know so many people with lots of kids who need a dentist. I'd forgotten that Marion Bieri had so many - she must be awfully busy. Are you living out at the cabin? It's warm here but the huge cottonwoods around the house shade it nicely. Poor Pete has been loading, hauling, unloading and stacking truckloads and truckloads of hay all day long (since 7:30 a.m.; it's now 7 p.m. and he's still not in and probably won't be until dark). It's been so hot out there in the field (it's 90 in the shade; heaven only knows what it is in the Colorado sun), I don't know how he does it. I napped for a couple of hours this afternoon - it's really fortunate this bedroom is so cool. The one at the apartment used to get so hot I couldn't sleep. Guess I'll try again in the morning to get down to the mailbox before the postman. The walk down the lane is pleasant exercise but it'll sure be fun just to hop on Starboy and canter down - someday! I have to watch out for the red-winged blackbirds now - they fly around me and scold and one even hit me on the head in his divebombing. I guess they are attempting to protect their nests which are in the alfalfa on both sides of the lane.
Bye again,

Previous Letters Home: 

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Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


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Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...