Saturday, November 14, 2015

Predators in Our Pulpits by Todd Tomasella

Invasion of the End Time Wolves 
Available in eBook and Paperback

Invasion of the End Time Wolves 

The prophesied great “falling away" is upon us – in Christian media, seminaries, books, programs, and especially in our pulpits (2 Thessalonians 2:3). As promised by our LORD and His apostles, “evil men and seducers” are waxing “worse and worse” in this late hour just before our Savior’s return (2 Timothy 3:13).

Invasion of the End Time Wolves 
Available in eBook and Paperback

By wegenerbon  
This volume is richer than the last 10 “Christian” books I have read. In my opinion, this book is easily worth $100 and would pay that gladly to get it. The depth of Scriptural knowledge from this author is beyond what I have witnessed in a long time. The way this book is written reminds me of the spiritual depth I get from reading pastors of the past like Oswald Chambers or Andrew Murray. Next to God’s Word, I couldn’t more highly recommend an author or a book.

By Green Thumb76on November 8, 2014
This is a very good book. Not many authors are touching this topic. I will be sharing this book with others.

Read more reviews here…

Invasion of the End Time Wolves 
Available in eBook and Paperback
Todd is the widely read author of several enlightening and influential articles, study courses, and books on subjects ranging from false prophets, divine mercy, Satan's original lie to mankind, evangelism, and the daily walk of an authentic disciple. Todd's books can be found on,, Kindle, and on His website visits and readers number in the millions.

A former Marine, contracted to NASA, youth pastor, TV host, Bible College class president, founder of Grace and Truth Bible School, and member of numerous churches throughout the south, Todd is endeavoring to set aside all that involves the philosophies and whims of mere men to follow the King of the Kingdom as a simple, sound servant - and through his writings to help others in the same. His sincerity and gifted ability to speak on a variety of topics from a broad and edifying perspective, and with a humble candor, is refreshing.

Todd has an obvious understanding that he is nothing without Jesus and yet, by the working of divine grace, his Gospel tracts, articles, Moments with My Master email devotional, and books have taught, encouraged, and inspired thousands. He is the author of five Christian, non-fiction books, hundreds of articles, devotionals, audio messages, study guides, and more. This author realizes that no matter the format utilized, the divine mandate is simply getting people into God's Word for themselves (Nehemiah 8:8; Habakkuk 2:2; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17). This makes Todd regrettably rare among those who lead today. 

Contact Todd at or

Invasion of the End Time Wolves 
Available in eBook and Paperback

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