Wednesday, November 11, 2015

VIC Challenger - Time Doesn't Matter by Jerry Gill

Book 1 in the Incredible Adventures of VIC Challenger
Who is VIC? Find out in this riveting adventure!
Available in eBook and Paperback
Kindle on sale for 5 days beginning November 11!

Book 1 in the Incredible Adventures of VIC Challenger

A mercilessly agonizing memory can sometimes break a person and render them incapable of facing even the commonplace without being unnerved. Sometimes it can endow a person with near super human ability to take action in any circumstance.

Vic’s memory from a thousand generations past has emboldened her with the daring and determination to embark on an epic quest that may last a lifetime and on any day could take her life. Yet she is prepared to challenge any peril and venture into any danger, known or unknown. She has learned from her mysterious avatar Nat-ul, even when you face the gravest of threats, you need not be brave, you just need to do what needs done, for whatever menace you face, no matter what seems to go wrong, “It’s not hard. It’s just living.” 

While big game hunting in Africa Victoria Custer recalls another time she was here and something she lost. Now she wants it back. She begins her search in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and takes brother Barney along and keeps him at his wits end wondering where she is and what he will tell their parents if he must return home alone. 

In this first in the Vic series, meet Vic, a new female action hero from the 1920’s. From jungle adventure in Africa to more jungle adventure in the Yucatan, join this new heroine for non-stop excitement! And unless you were around in 1920 some of the accurate historical details will have you saying, “Wow, was it really like that?” You can check it all out for yourself at Vic’s website with sources all listed and a link to her Pinterest boards. You'll like Vic. She's really nice, loves candy and is definitely a meat eater. She's in to fashion and collects cloches and barrettes. And she just happens to be a deadly expert with several weapons including prehistoric stone war ax and stone knife. And while she will readily cry at something sad or especially happy, don’t confuse emotion with weakness. Vic remembers a time and place that was stupendously savage and any moment might find you chomped and chewed and soaking in the digestive juices of some monstrous creature, so she will walk into things that make brave men cower and cry for their mother.

Book 1 in the Incredible Adventures of VIC Challenger
Who is VIC? Find out in this riveting adventure!
Available in eBook and Paperback
Kindle on sale for 5 days beginning November 11!

Visit VIC Planet
Vic Planet dot com is home for the amazing 1920’s adventuress Vic Challenger.  Vic is the re-incarnated cave girl searching for the soul mate she lost 100,000 years ago.  You can find all the novels in the fantastic series, “The Incredible Adventures of Vic Challenger”, which chronicles her daring and dangerous travels around the world as a travel writer (adventure travel of course).  Warning!  Vic still has the instincts of her former life and can be stupendously savage when required, and she has a knack for attracting bad guys and cryptids of every sort - to their detriment!

Vic Planet dot com also includes a references page where you can see sources for the facts in the books.  Novels are historically accurate and Vic meets some ‘non-fiction’ characters often. Poster page has free posters for PINning, copying etc.  New posters added often.  Reviews and trailers for every title, too.  Available in paperback or for Kindle.

Book 1 in the Incredible Adventures of VIC Challenger
Who is VIC? Find out in this riveting adventure!
Available in eBook and Paperback
Kindle on sale for 5 days beginning November 11!

I have written/edited/published for years but it was non-fiction, especially directories. The government decided to do some things that impacted my products, and spent years postponing proposed changes. My customer base was pretty much decimated. Oh

Wake up! When I was 10 or 12, I read The Eternal Savage by Burroughs (in two parts, 1914 and 1917). I immediately went looking for a sequel. There never was one. I re-read the book a few times and in 2013 decided I'd do the sequel myself. I re-wrote the beginning, sequel (#2), then #3, #4 as of February 2015. It will require 4-5 more at least to use the scenes already in my head.

Why Vic instead of a Victor? I have four fantastic hanai neices. Women have it better now than once upon a time but still people don't give them deserved credit. I wanted to create a character that wasn't a vampire or super hero, just the girl next door but with a goal and unwilling to let anything stop her. Vic remembers when life was stupendously savage, when actions we might today equate with extreme bravery were just daily life. Vic's motto: You don't need to be brave, you just need to do what needs done.

Obviously a great influence is Edgar Rice Burroughs. I liked all his work but especially his less celebrated books. I read most Tarzan books but preferred stories like Eternal Savage, Pellucidar novels, the Moon Trilogy, Beyond Thirty, Land of Hidden Men, The Oakdale Affair, Time Forgot books, and so on.

ERB was not my only influence, though; I remember trying to read a Hardy Boys book and never finished one. Tried Nancy Drew and loved it. One part of the formula for Nancy books is inclusion of real facts. For example I recently re-read Moss Covered Mansion and it had a fantastic description of visiting the Kennedy Space Center before a launch in the 60's. I try to include real facts without making it a travelogue. And although there is a sci-fi component to the books (and will continue to be) I want Vic to always do things that are possible. Often they are far from easy, and definitely not recommended as many of her actions are very dangerous - but always possible. On the website under references I give all the places where I dug up info for the books.

Nancy Drew and ERB had influential helpers. All those writers who contributed as Kenneth Robeson to Doc Savage and The Avenger were great influences, also. I read all of both series. I figure if my writing can bring readers even a tiny fraction of the pleasure I was given by those writers of yesteryear, it's worth anything I put into it.

Lots of information about Vic and the books are on the website References are listed, non-English vocabulary used in the books, discussion questions for book clubs, reviews, excerpts, trailers and more.

Each novel has it's own board on Pinterest. Just go to You can follow me and Vic on Twitter if interested @vicaction I spend about an hour per day on Twitter. Twice I read through the most recent 100 tweets. I usually retweet several on many topics. It's not just Vic stuff. I follow back 99% of the time. I send thank you tweets to new followers. I send about 5-10 tweets myself. Some are quotes from Vic or others. Some are about coming books. Some are review quotes. Some are none of the above.

A fan set up a Vic fan group on FaceBook. It would be great if you joined. No cost, no work. If you ever want to talk about a Vic book or related you have a place to go. I have nothing to do with the group (I think it would be tacky to join a group for my own character) but I will try to always give advance notice of next book and such, discounts and that sort of thing. Nothing to lose, maybe something to gain.

Finally, a request to share. I'm told reviews help. Amazon uses them to determine what customers see when they search. When you read a Vic novel, please write a review. Long, short, whatever. Post it on Amazon, GoodReads, Shelfari, Barnes and Noble, your own blog, anywhere! And tell people, on social media and face to face. Surprising how many lovers of action/adventure are in the closet. If they are not interested, that's that. If they are....imagine how happy they will be that you introduced them to Vic Challenger! If you tweet here's a tweetable with pre-counted characters - just think of all the work THAT saves you! Whew! - Found an awesome super #action #adventure series. Vic Challenger. Try it!

I still do some non-fiction but Vic Challenger is more fun!
Thanks for your interest! Happy reading! 

Book 1 in the Incredible Adventures of VIC Challenger
Who is VIC? Find out in this riveting adventure!
Available in eBook and Paperback
Kindle on sale for 5 days beginning November 11!

Super action packed and family friendly!
Superb action adventure reading!

Connect with Jerry…
Discounts for paperbacks available at

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