is a former counter-intelligence officer, special agent and intelligence
analyst with the U.S. Department of Defense. He was named by the commanding
general, U.S. Army-Europe as an authority on international and transnational
terrorism. On four continents John served in national security investigations
and overt and covert special operations.
had continuing access to world-wide intelligence communications for thirteen
years, after he left the "business" and buried devoured the Word he
was amazed at the way in which world events dovetailed perfectly with prophecy.
Now retired and studying with his wife toward degrees in theology, John has
conducted extensive and intensive research into the correlation between current
events and ancient prophecy.
John is a firm believer in signs, wonders, miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Born with acute scoliosis, at nine months he stood unassisted and began walking. His mother died of cancer on the operating table, yet returned to life cancer-free for eight years. One son died twice of cardiac arrest at 27, yet returned to life and was released to go back to work at six months.
amazing writer, John lives with his wife, Carol (an elementary school teacher
he met on the internet in 2001) in the Branson, Missouri area. His book, The Disappearance: A Journalist Searches
for Answers
will leave you inspired to think about your future. John is a firm believer in signs, wonders, miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Born with acute scoliosis, at nine months he stood unassisted and began walking. His mother died of cancer on the operating table, yet returned to life cancer-free for eight years. One son died twice of cardiac arrest at 27, yet returned to life and was released to go back to work at six months.
In The Disappearance, author Jeffries
reveals events and trends that have been thousands of years in the making. This
heavily fact-based fiction (or 'faction') relies on sources that have proven
completely accurate in every respect, to demonstrate a coming rapid slide of
the United States through anarchy, to tyranny, and beyond. David Jamison,
editor with the U.S. Weekly News
magazine, is on a quest to discover the real reason for present and coming
disasters. This novel follows Jamison and his wife Janet as they cope with a
world gone mad. Jeffries takes the many potential explanations and disproves
them to arrive at the truth.
Welcome John!
What is
the premise for The Disappearance?
The Disappearance: A
Journalist Searches for Answers found its genesis in the increasing
questions I have received over the years concerning what is happening in
America and around the world: what does it mean, where is it all headed, what
can I do that really matters?
the age of five I have had a passion for the precise, effective use of the
English (and later German) language in both spoken and written form. In my
years working intelligence for the federal government I had written over 33
articles on issues of espionage, terrorism and security as well as a large
volume of official reports. However, I was reluctant to take on as massive a
project as a full-scale novel. Then I met my wife Carol, my greatest encourager
in the flesh. Each time I would read a page aloud to her, the response was
"Hurry up, Johnny, write another page!" The favorable comments from
the then pastor of our church (who wrote the foreword) and others who have read
the novel have been quite favorable.
The Disappearance is what I refer to
as a "faction," a heavily researched, fact-based fiction. A goodly
number of novels have been written on apocalyptic and eschatological matters,
some of them quite good. What I noticed overall, however, was a tendency to
take liberties with accuracy for the sake of entertainment. My passion was to
produce a work that is entirely accurate according to Old and New Testament
prophecies that have never failed to come true to the finest point while
helping the reader visualize himself in the setting and action. This will be my
intended approach to each succeeding novel (there are six in various stages of
research and preparation, with the second today approximately 93% complete). As
side projects, I am (1) translating The
Disappearance into German, and (2) translating Keith Moore, my
pastor's first book God's Will to Heal into
German. It is good linguistic practice.
the 13 years I was "active" I performed national security
investigations and intelligence special operations on four continents in the
disciplines of espionage, sabotage, terrorism, VIP security and positive
intelligence collection. The hats I wore were those of counter-intelligence
officer, special agent, intelligence analyst and linguist. As such I had
continuing access to all classified information short of Eyes Only The
President. It was not until I went on inactive status that I realized how
perfectly all I had taken in dovetailed with Biblical prophecy.
In your
research, what was the most dynamic piece of information you uncovered?
most dynamic piece of information I received in my research is that everything
God has done, is doing and will do is an offshoot of His intense love for me --
even those things that might seem unpleasant or even painful at the time. As
with everyone, He is passionate in His devotion to me and desire for good
outcomes for me. Wow!
Can you
explain your book cover and the red balloon?
cover for The Disappearance is
designed to illustrate the level of destruction that can be expected in the not
so distant future, while the balloon offers genuine hope in the face of it all.
share an excerpt...
"... A deafening clap of thunder that
seemed to be everywhere at once, and an earthquake struck with unbelievable
violence that lasted but a moment. All around [David] saw streaks of light
ascending to the clouds."
"... The driver of the blue BMW checked his watch. Then he smiled, raised
his hands to the roof and screamed, 'Allahu akhbar!' An instant later the
equivalent of one thousand tons of TNT detonated with a deafening roar."
"Across the street from David the green
line bus had run out of control, slamming into the pumps at the Kum-n-Go. The
bus burst into flames that quickly engulfed the other vehicles at the pumps,
then the pumps themselves. Those who had the time and presence of mind ran
screaming from the carnage. Nearby a growing number looked on the scene.
Collisions were becoming the norm, with one SUV ramping over a sports car and
flipping into the river. There were multi-vehicle pileups, some caused by the
rubbernecking curious.
Overhead he heard the scheduled Airbus on final approach, a temporary
appearance of normalcy. Out of habit David thought: "Right on
sched... Wait, it's coming in too low, too fast!" David watched in
horror as the Airbus lost altitude and slammed headlong into a nearby
skyscraper in a huge fireball. In his mind and heart David re-lived the horror
of the tragedy that was 9/1/1.
Flames, crumpled metal, broken glass, injured and dead whole and in pieces were
scattered everywhere he could look. The sound of multiple sirens was growing.
He was sure that every available unit was being pressed into service.
His instinct was to fall to his knees and weep uncontrollably, but the trained
professional inside would not allow that. Later maybe, but not now. There were
people in need of help, and, yes, information to gather for the magazine."
What are
you currently writing?
Elliott: A Man Who Did
Not Die (tentative
title) will take the entire story of the prophet Elijah and transplant it into
21st Century America.
Do you
have advice for novice writers?
the novice reader: writing can be either a way of life or a hobby. If from the
moment you wake up until you go to bed your desire is to eat, drink and sleep
writing, do not be concerned over deficiency in technical skills. Those you can
develop. What is in your heart is what matters most. Do not be overly concerned
with those who would discourage you, rather follow your passion and gifting.
the manuscript is only part of the job. Take the time to obtain whatever help
you need with proofreading, editing, publishing and promoting your work.
Impartial third parties can give you a solid assessment of the work done on
your manuscript. Research the entire process from first word typed to final sale,
for what you do not know can affect your success significantly. Make use of all
the reputable help available.
What is
your charity and where do you volunteer?
enjoy helping others. Every good that I can say or do is a seed planted. And as
any gardener or farmer knows, seeds properly planted and tended will reproduce
in kind in multiples often in the hundreds. Being relatively new in the
Branson, Missouri area, thus far my activities focused on doing things for my
church and for the senior citizens community where we live.
What does
the future hold for the United States?
let me state that regardless of how it may appear the future for the nation
remains largely in the hands of its citizens. I will elaborate on this later in
this message.
- My understanding of it all stems from several decades of
- Intelligence/information analysis,
- Trend analysis,
- Studies of culture, government, human nature, international relations, business, religion, history...
- Intense study of the Scriptures
the trend continue unabated, the future for this nation I love and have served
faithfully is grim at best. Only the mercy of God has prevented utter disaster
before now.
the nation is being propped up artificially, and that cannot go on forever. The
notion that we can borrow our way out of debt and continue printing money that
is worth less by the minute is pure foolishness. Our economy and the
stock/commodities/housing markets are hugely dependent upon good faith and the
trust of those investing. That in turn is emotion-driven more than by logic.
Hence it is little more than a wisp of smoke in the open air.
1844 in particular the US Constitution has come under increasing attack through
the legislatures, the courts and the executive. To cover for the attacks,
history in schools has been re-written (make that falsified). In my collection
is a brief work by David Barton, America's
Godly Heritage. This should be a must-read. Attempting to separate the
nation's government from its Judeo-Christian roots cuts the props out from
under the government and society itself. A constitutional republic (not a
democracy as it is so often mis-tagged) is designed for a moral and faith-full
people. Indeed, it is suitable for no other. Teaching ethics and morality
devoid of the Source of said ethics and morality leads to every person deciding
for himself what is right and wrong, good and bad. This is a recipe for chaos
and eventual despotism.
seen the results clearly. Our schools and workplaces have become battlegrounds.
When I went to school the worst problems facing the administrations were more
those of Leave it to Beaver. Chicago,
boasting some of the toughest gun-control laws in the nation at times loosely
resembles shoot-out at the OK Corral.
majority of inventions devised for the good of mankind have rapidly been
weaponized for use in warfare. Others were developed specifically for that
purpose. We have come up with technology far faster than we can develop a
system of ethics for its use. Often the first question should not be whether we
can do a thing, rather whether we should do it in the first place. The most
recent issue is the discussion in the UN regarding a code of ethics for robots
and robot development. The discussion drags on. Yet already autonomous and
semi-autonomous weapons are being developed -- some already deployed.
the situations I have been monitoring for some time:
- Growing production and deployment of nuclear weaponry by Russia
- Development by a few nations (not specified here) of weapons of mass destruction that could be intended for the US, including nuclear, biological, chemical and nuclear electro-magnetic pulse weapons
- Growing moves by Russian and Chinese military to the very edge of American airspace and sea limits
- Increasing incursions by Mexican military, armed and in uniform across our southern border
- Increasing activity in terrorist training camps and indoctrination/radicalization facilities within the continental United States
- Terrorist infiltration into the continental United States
- Sleeper cells established within the continental United States
- The rise in persecution of Christians and Jews around the world and within the United States
- Et al
as you can see, the world is a far more dangerous place than it was even thirty
years ago. For a limited list of recipients I put out a weekly summary of
information and analysis on these and related matters via email.
How can
citizens of the United States Prepare?
those who are truly believers in and followers of Jesus, I recommend:
- Praying more fervently
- Studying the Word more intensely
- Focusing on a close, daily relationship with Jesus. Religion will mess you up -- He never will let you down
- Committing to living what you believe at all times, in all situations

religion in some manner is a matter of man reaching out to God, thinking
erroneously that they can ever do enough good to earn a place in heaven. That
will never happen given the imperfection of man and the perfection of God.
Truly Jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE, and no man can reach the Father
other than through Him.
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