Saturday, February 10, 2024

An Interview with World Poetess N.R.Hart

An Interview with World Poetess N.R.Hart

With the release of her new poetry collection Twin Flame Love: Romantic Poetry, N.R. Hart shines. Her sixth book release, Hart engages readers with her insightful words and captivating scenarios. 

There is an issue with plagiarism into today’s book market, even poetry. This seems to be an ongoing issue for some poets, including N.R.Hart. We discourage and caution writers who are copying copyrighted material; it is illegal. Plagiarism is stealing someone’s intellectual property.

I caught up with N.R. to talk about writing, the poetry world, and much more...

Welcome, N.R.!

GM: What's the premise for your new book?

NRH: The premise behind my new book Twin Flame Love is about a powerful bond between two souls where a higher power is involved like the Universe. There are no accidental meetings between souls. Some loves are grander than the rest. I think for those who have experienced this rare bond, they want to give a name to their feelings.

They want to understand and explore this bond with the higher consciousness of spirituality and love and how the two are intertwined with this connection. Twin Flames have the ability to discover their higher purpose in life, together and apart. It is a love like no other. These poems make you confront your own soul.

GM: What is your writing process?
NRH: I don't pick a poem or a book title to write about out-of-the-blue. It doesn't work that way for me. It starts with a feeling. It starts with passion. It starts with a story.

I explore that feeling and then a story about it develops from the experience. I am a storyteller by nature. I write of experiences, feelings, emotions firsthand, and try my best to describe that feeling before it passes. Feelings are "fleeting things" we must capture them while they are upon us! We must escape into that feeling and let the words take over. I will always write about how I experience life and love with that vulnerable part of me that I expose to my audience. I write poems that are love stories. I once wrote "you don't pick the poem, the poem picks you." And I believe that is real poetry in its purest form.

GM: How do you decide which topics to write about?
NRH: To be honest, it was never my intent to publish a book on Twin Flames. I felt it to be a heavy responsibility and a daunting undertaking to publish an entire book on Twin Flames, a topic so complex, intricate and unexplainable. I needed to get it right for my own personal accountability. 

I have been writing about twin flames since 2012 with my first book Poetry and Pearls and I have included my Twin Flame pieces in all my books. Poetry and Pearls, Poetry and Pearls II, Love Poems to No One, Beauty and Her Beast, The Last of the Romantics. This is my Love Story... the happy, the sad, the beautiful.

It was a request from many of my fans to publish an entire “Twin Flame“ book that included all my Twin Flame pieces in one book. I did it specifically for my fans. I wrote this book for them.

GM: What strategies do you use to stay motivated and focused on writing?
NRH: Many writers ask me what inspires you or how do you stay inspired? First off, if you are not inspired, how are you writing? Either you have an authentic voice inside you that needs to be heard or you don't. You shouldn't be working that hard to stay inspired or motivated, using ideas from other works for inspiration, otherwise, it comes off as not genuine writing and I promise you; you can tell the difference between fake writings and authentic writings. They won't sound believable to the reader. The words sound "forced". Like everything else you have read. To stay inspired and true to your art, you must experience it "firsthand".

You must be passionate about life and love before you can write about them! It is the only way I know how to write. 

GM: Do you have issues with plagiarism and other writer's rewriting or using your work without permission?
NRH: I have had plagiarism issues with other writers copying my work throughout the years, and I do not mind being an inspiration only to those who have a genuine desire to write authentically and carve a brand of their own for their unique art. However,  recently another writer plagiarized my new book Twin Flame Love. They used the same title, similar layout, taking many parts, copying and rewording my introduction, ideas, poems in this book and my other books.

I think someone who attempts this should have been writing of Twin Flames all along, otherwise, it’s using another’s work, book titles and ideas. Anyone can write about Twin Flames, but plagiarism is illegal, and intellectual property should not be stolen! I have been writing about this topic since the release of my first book in 2015 Poetry and Pearls. You don’t pick the Twin Flame  journey. It picks you. 

This has been reported to my publisher as stolen intellectual property and copyright infringement. We are hoping to have this issue resolved. I think we are in an age now where there is little accountability, ethics, and integrity for other’s authentic works. It is a violation of self and privacy.

GM: Your writing appeals to a wide audience. What is your secret for success?
NHR: Being a romantic poet I believe my writing to be in a conversational tone as it comes straight from my heart and soul. Readers can relate to real, authentic, genuine writing. Even though a poem doesn't exactly describe every detail of how they are feeling, they take what they need from poetry and apply it to their own lives. It describes something of what they are feeling and this makes them feel less alone. I also write about the feelings you have trouble admitting to yourself out loud. All the words you are afraid to say.

I will never be one of those poets who writes about what people "want" to hear. I will write about what people "need' to hear. I am going to tell you how love "really" is, not how it should be. I want real feelings, real thoughts, real emotions. I want my reckless heart to be full of wild poetry!

Sometimes people feel like their feelings aren't valid, or they are crazy, or they shouldn't be feeling what they are feeling. But, the truth is feelings are "uncomfortable" things. This is why people shut down and stop feeling. Poetry makes readers confront their feelings. They find comfort in poetry. It makes them feel less alone.

GM: What do you believe will be the biggest challenge facing authors in 2024 and beyond? Do you feel AI will play a role in the future of poetry?
NHR: I love the "human" aspect of writing, the rawness, the imperfect words, the fumbling around to describe emotions, the "human touch" in writing, art. and poetry. I personally do not enjoy AI art, I think it takes the humanness out of it. I am old school. I want my poetry and art drawn by a human hand with human feeling behind it. I want to experience it - not perfect poetry or perfect art that AI produces. AI is a shortcut, and I happen to believe poetry and art should be hard and messy, and struggling, just like human beings are.

Connect with N.R.Hart…

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