Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Devil's Game by Loretta Jackson and Vickie Britton

Read all the exciting tales in Loretta and Vickie’s
Luck of the Draw Western Series

Drew Woodson thought he was running a lucky streak. First he won a claim from Blackjack Logan in a poker game, and then it yielded a lucky strike. But the feeling turned when his stash of gold and his young partner, Tommy Garth, turned up missing. Drew realized that Blackjack Logan, who threw in with Reno Slade's gang, had taken revenge by capturing Tommy and stealing his gold. Drew dreaded telling the beautiful Celene, Tommy's fiancée, that Tommy had been kidnapped and probably murdered. But he keeps his doting feelings for her to himself as he delivers the crushing news. In pursuit of the robbers, Drew finds, not Tommy, but one of the bandits hanged, and he must face the possibility that his own partner has betrayed him. Determined to discover the truth, Drew is forced to become a player in the Devil's Game.
Read all the exciting tales in Loretta and Vickie’s
Luck of the Draw Western Series


Loretta Jackson and Vickie Britton, sisters and co-authors, are drawn to out-of-the-way places, old mining towns, and vast rangelands where the legends and history of the past live on. Inspired by the rugged mountains of Wyoming and Colorado, they find the lonely, high country region a perfect setting for their novels.
They are authors of the High Country Mystery Series: Murder in Black and White, Whispers of the Stones, Stealer of Horses, The Executioner’s Hood, An Icy Death, Crying Woman Bridge, and also A Deal on a Handshake, an anthology that also features Wyoming sheriff, Jeff McQuede.
They have written fifty novels, including the eight-book Ardis Cole Mystery Series and the Luck of the Draw Western Series: The Devil’s Game, The Fifth Ace, and The Wild Card. Listed among their work are the The Vanished Lady, Death Comes in Pairs, and The Lost City of the Condor. Both sisters live in Kansas; Loretta in Junction City, Vickie in Hutchinson.
Read all of the exciting tales in Loretta and Vickie’s
Luck the Draw Western Series

Connect with Vickie and Loretta…
Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson's Writing Tips and Fiction

Western Blog Two Sisters Writing Westerns

Jeff McQuede High Country Mystery blog

Other books in the series…
The Fifth Ace
The Wild Card

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