Monday, November 16, 2015

Breaking Limiting Beliefs: Impossible to I'm Possible by Clare Liang

Impossible to I'm Possible 
“Change your beliefs and actions and you can change your world.
Available in eBook here

Impossible to I'm Possible Kindle Edition
by Clare Liang 

Ever hear of the term “You are your own worst enemy”? What if I were to tell you that you can be your own best friend? Imagine if instead of telling yourself that you can’t, you learn to unlock the self-confidence deep within you that tells you otherwise. A self-confidence that focuses on solutions instead of problems, a resolve that keeps you directed on your dreams and goals, a relentless focus on action. 

We have been programmed by life experiences and beliefs that keep us in our comfort zone, that stop us from looking into possibilities and that create fear in our mind. 

This book was created to enable you to have the choice to remove these mental blocks. As Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” 

This eBook perhaps is the key to progress and happiness: we need to change our usual patterns of behavior, and the most logical place to start is with our own beliefs. Our beliefs affect our thoughts; our thoughts become our words, and our words become our actions. 

We need to be infused with the belief that we can control our own emotions, that we can name our own life’s purpose, that we can do just about anything in life. We need to recognize our limitless potential. 

The simple truth is that real change and happiness come from within. Real change comes from awareness, alignment and action. The real challenge in society today – indeed, in all societies – is self-belief. What we believe in today will influence our actions of tomorrow. Change your beliefs and actions and you can change your world. 

This practical guide to personal empowerment is designed to help you to remove the word “Impossible” in your mind and create a new life of “I’m possible”. Bring a wealth of experience of the power of not just the mind, but the heart as well, to bring about restoration of health, wealth and relationship. The eight chapters are divided strategically to help you in your reading. With its easy-to-follow instructions, it is a breeze both understanding and completing the book. With plenty of examples and anecdotes, your learning curve in life will be greatly simplified if you apply the principles and techniques laid out for you. 

This e-book could be the start you need to help you to find true happiness and overcome your challenges in life – to live your life the way you really want to live it. 

Impossible to I'm Possible 
“Change your beliefs and actions and you can change your world.
Available in eBook here

Aloysius Lim, Entrepreneur
I was a troubled person, burdened with a painful past. I had lost myself and my purpose for living. Getting hold of myself, I read the words of Clare, seeking a way to move forward. What mattered most to me? How could I overcome my fears, my confusion, and my challenges? What beliefs would I have to hold? Could simply reading a book make a difference? And would it provide the tools I needed as well?

Breaking Limiting Beliefs did make a difference. Reading Clare’s book for me was like returning from Mars to Earth. I completely connected with her words. The simple language and profound learning lifted me to a new high. It provided a roadmap to resolve my personal and professional challenges.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from this magnificent lady full of heart. She is very passionate and full of life. Her experiences and learning bring to the table practical wisdom anyone can benefit from. Breaking Limiting Beliefs brings a wealth of experience of the power of not just the mind but the heart as well; to bring about restoration of health, wealth and relationship. You, too, can turn Impossible to I am Possible!

Elphine Chia, ERA Division Director
Thinking of improving your life for the better? This is a book not to be missed. Clare shares her life experiences to highlight the importance of changing your limiting beliefs. She demonstrates practical, simple-to-understand and easy-to-follow techniques that anyone can apply to achieve the life they fully deserve.

With determination and focus in applying these techniques, I believe all your dreams can come true.

Nina Tan (FCPA, MBA, PMC), Approved Angel Investor and Founder of Business Intelligence and 8nalytics Pte Ltd
As an Author, Clare writes from her turbulent experiences so that you can live vicariously through her ordeals.

As a Trainer, Clare imparts simple yet proven techniques that will enable you to attain your goals.

As a Friend, Clare walks the extra mile with you whenever you need her and supports you unreservedly. Clare, with a Heart of Gold and Courage like Steel, will refine you into a Diamond that shines brightly for the World to see.

Impossible to I'm Possible 
“Change your beliefs and actions and you can change your world.
Available in eBook here
Clare is a strategic business coach, a best-selling author, a consultant and trainer and most importantly, a mentor. She is defined by excellence and does things differently, by relying on simplicity, and on a creative and innovative approach. Clare has more than 17 years of experience in business operations. Her expertise ranges from restaurant to manufacturing operations such as plastic injections, metal stamping, electronics and the medical device industry.
  • Strategic business coach: After 17 years of doing business, Clare has learnt that a company’s greatest asset is in its employees. The business process she developed eliminates the issues that might be caused by the work force and creates a strategy with the help of which a business can reach peak performance and record continuous growth yearly. 
  • Investment Consultant in Malaysia: Business investment in Malaysia is not very different from business all over the world: the main goal is profit. As companies chase profit, they often focus only on sales and business costs. Clare proposes a new way of increasing the income of companies that is based on the incentives the Malaysian government provides for the businesses that fill their criteria. 
  • Author: Besides being a Strategic Business Coach and an Investment Advisor, Clare is also the author of "Breaking Limiting Beliefs, Impossible to I'm Possible” and "Enroll & Retain Customers for Life”, bestsellers which are available through her training workshops and online purchasing.

Clare’s Story
Clare began her professional life with a B.Sc. in Computer Science, however she developed a passion for manufacturing. Despite having no knowledge in the engineering field, she plunged into her first manufacturing job. Her position was Management Trainee in the Quality Department of a local company. Her lack of engineering experience meant that she had to double the effort and time invested in order to better understand engineering matters and resolve technical issues. She has always been determined to push herself, which lead to her being known as reliable, responsible and committed. Her career propelled and she became the General Manager of several well-known Swedish medical companies based in Malaysia.

In 2007 and 2012, she negotiated two medical investments totaling 10.7 million MYR, provided by Swedish investors into Malaysia. In both cases, she secured all the government approvals necessary and was also the one who found and acquired the perfect location for the future factory. Clare also interviewed all the candidates and trained the staff so they could begin operating in October 2007, three-and-a-half months after the project had started. 

Clare has been running operations for Bactiguard since 2012. Under her leadership, the company achieved the remarkable record of zero product recalls and zero customer complaints, an annual staff-turnover-rate of almost zero percent for both white-collar and blue-collar workers and one of the highest productivity rates in the Malaysian manufacturing industry.

Impossible to I'm Possible 
“Change your beliefs and actions and you can change your world.

Available in eBook here

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