Monday, March 24, 2025

Milliron Monday: The Journals October - December 1976

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010

Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: 
April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021

Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate 
the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, 
Dr. Pete and Jody Smith.

A continuation of Jody’s Journals.



·        Put Western ewes back in pasture (from Chadwell’s) directed Jim from the car > put Western ewes from bottom in hill paddock with Jim > Ruffian RV due

·        Rounded up Western ewes, ran them thru formaldehyde, used Jim, Kanga, dewormed sheep, Dave Coen hauled sheep up to clinic > P overnight at motorcycle club

·        Dogs in sheep, killed a dozen (found some injured) > to Church > Apple, Sailor, at Windy Hills > Pete fixed wire water gap above Warmke’s; hayed Meigs County > baited dog traps

·        Used Jim, Kanga, to get ram, check horses > Pete hayed Meigs County > lost left lense > chalked sheep, baited dog trap, took Kanga, but dog bit ewe in yard > Doug slept in hay meadow

·        Took Jim, caught 2 ewes for Doug to treat, P looked for sheep on motorcycle > took Kanga, walked up to fence line in hill pasture, saw dead ewe, checked dog traps

·        Tire flat again, fixed at Motyre > drove Hooper Ridge looking for stray dogs > put Western flock down in this pasture, got buckeyed (?) ewe out of ravine > ATC > Doug slept in barn overnight

·        Put Western flock in hill (house) paddock > drove Hooper Ridge looking for stray dog tracks

·        Closed hay meadow exit gates, put my flock up into hay meadow > put sheep back in > worked at desk

·        Got ewes from bottom in, sorted out 17 lambs for Arabs > put ewes in paddock > Schultheis party

·        BKC tracking test at Jones’, Song TD > Mule, burro show at Albany, Jones’ stopped by to see burros

·        Pete put Western ewes up in meadow > checked dog traps, brought flock down, went after Pete at Chadwell’s

·        Opened gates for ewes, let dogs run in paddock, raked leaves, got new contact lenses > checked dog traps, put ewe, rams in paddock

·        Kanga birthday, 5 years old > Took pears down to clinic, worked Puff, soaped saddle > painted dog box > ATC

·        Let sheep out, worked Puff, worked on saddle > Pete hayed at Meigs > painted front of shed > laid 2 tracks for Katherine on Chadwell’s > put sheep in

·        Worked Puff > ACKC City garage sale, took Kanga, Puff in car; worked sale around block

·        Worked Puff > got 3 white ducks, 2 dillies, 1 drake > Pat/John finished painting front of shed > D.W. Rutter saw 3 grey-white goats on Phillips place, called

·        Worked Puff at barn, got newspapers > Pete/Doug hayed at Meigs > to Church > let J drive station wagon at old airport, ate at DQ > put pack on Puff, laid track in blackberry meadow > caught brown (white chest) female dog up in woods; larger brown, blue dog escaped > took Puff, herded sheep down to hay meadow, put sheep in hill paddock with Jim > Pat/John looked for stray dogs with .22’s > cooked, dried liver, worked at desk

·        Worked Puff, 2 finds in ram paddock, got newspaper, some heeling > put sheep in with Jim, worked Puff in sign field, clinic barn

·        Kay Everett here, rode with J > Marshall left Mya, Ivanhoe [dogs] here, to VA hospital > worked Puff at hospital barn, put sheep in

·        Returned book, shopped, groceries > ATC took Puff

·        Pete to Charleston > cooked dried liver > checked dog trap, got sheep in with Jim > tracking at Jones’, Puff, 2 cross tracks > Pete overnight Colonial Stables

·        Put sheep in hay meadow with Jim > worked Puff > sheep in with Jim > picked up Doug, left logging truck for repair

·        Put up storm doors, P helped > laid track for Chauncey, K. Foster, worked Puff at clinic barn road > P double date with Brent

·        To Church > lunch at Ponderosa > Pete/Doug, Meigs County, hay > got sheep into barnyard with Jim > worked Puff

·        Took Jim, Kanga, opened gate to hay meadow > made custard, napped > got sheep in, took Jim, Kanga

·        Opened gate to meadow, took Jim, Kanga, got crippled (arthritis?) Suffolk ewe down to sell > checked dog traps, checked electric at Jones’

·        Pete, Gaines Symposium, Columbus > lecture, mule dash, Valarie G > ATC

·        Took flat saddles to Russ Fagan > tracking > Marshall picked up dogs > J, P, Spanish Club Halloween party

·        Hawk hit bird in fence row while I was on porch > Herbie and Kay Everett here

·        Church > Pete, Dr. S., rode, looked for beaver locations > got sheep in with Bess, Jim > watch TV



·        Worked Puff, whistle commands > Ralph Guthrie swabbed wells > Trefa caught two young wood mice > worked Puff at Med Center parking lot > P basketball physical; me, swine flu shot > took P to basketball tryouts > coon hunting, Everett’s at Phillips’ place, got 2 young coon, beautiful moonlit night

·        Voted, lunch at Grange Hall > Frank Johnson reset Apple, Blaze > possum in dog trap

·        Put possum in smaller cage > Pete x-rayed my spine > made apple crisp > got sheep in > picked up P, activities bus > ATC > J flu

·        Slept in, headache > walked up to fence line, brush over fence, on horse trail, got sheep in with Jim, Kanga > tracked at Jackie’s, regular track on dirt field, Puff did very well

·        Checked snow fence gate sheep had pushed it open, took Kanga, Jim > Mary Connor called, ewe, lamb on road, herded them in with Jim, car > worked Puff at parking lot, stopped at Karen Knight Wilson’s > all but 4 sheep already in, closed gate with snap > worked with Jim Thompson, Gussy; worked Puff, broke lead

·        To lawyers, closed Nadroski house/barn/5acres, deal > Kay Everett here > rode Blaze up on ridge, loggers not there; brought Sheep in with Jim, shut gate toward cliff pasture > ate at Baker Center, play “Lost”

·        To Church > field trial > rode Blaze, brought sheep in with Jim, Kanga > took J, P, to church bowling party; Pete, I, went to library, ate at Baker Center

·        Walked after sheep, took Jim, Kanga, checked snares, dog trap > worked Puff > ATC practice at clinic barn > worked in Pete’s study at desk

·        Rode bike, 12 mins, Puff, whistle commands > Pete got sheep in > worked on slides

·        Betty, Abbott arrived, brought placements, strawberry jam > walked around meadows after sheep > Abdella’s for dinner > watched movie slides > Betty, Abbott stayed at Lake Motel

·        Walked with Betty, cliff pasture ravine, etc., > Abbott chopped up 2 dead maples > Betty, Abbott, left > rode Blaze, gathered sheep, took Kanga, Jim > fed horses hay

·        Pete and J to Charleston > Pat, I hauled wood (wheelbarrow) stacked it on porch > put out cat traps > rode Cricket, checked Hixon fence line, looked at dog traps

·        Let sheep out, got newspapers, took Puff, chased four rams on road > Pete talk at Charleston > Rutter’s here (on horses) > worked on woodpile > rode Blaze around thru meadow after sheep, heard owl, watched buck

·        Rode Cricket after sheep, 5 in woods, had to walk one part way in > OU Symphony, J, Pete, me, lovely

·        Possum in cat trap, gave it to Doug > made pumpkin pie, bread, biscuits > rode Blaze, some sheep on ridge above 2nd meadow, Jim brought them in > worked at desk

·        Pat, Dr. S, Lancaster, 1st set of allergy tests > went to gallery/sculpture > took P to basketball practice > rode Blaze, got sheep in

·        Worked Puff > rode Junco, Joleen (Wilson) rode her horse > rode Blaze, took Kanga, Jim

·        Herded geese, sheep, etc., out of bottom > rode Blaze after sheep, Jim, Kanga put George [cat?] up a tree

·        Marly Whiting Clinic, took Katherine Foster > J OU weekend, riding lessons, etc.

·        To Church > ate at OU Inn > P hare scramble, motorcycle club > rode Blaze, took Kanga, Jim

·        Doug got George out of tree > J rode Apple around meadows, walked up to close gate, took Jim, Kanga > picked up Pat > worked Puff

·        Worked Puff > Marshall brought dogs >rode Blaze, took Jim, Kanga, got sheep out of 2nd, 3rd meadows

·        Icy, snowy roads, slow trip to Dr. S, Lancaster, 2nd set of allergy shots > let dogs run in paddock, Bess attacked 2 German Shepherds > walked up creek bottom into blackberry meadow, took Jim, Kanga, only found 1 ewe out of meadow, J rode Apple into upper meadows

·        To Gary, Aggie’s, Dottie there; Pete and I visited Katan’s, met Anne’s husband > Gary worked on Pete’s teeth

·        Let dogs run in paddock, dead Western ewe lamb in stream by locust gate > Pete, John, unloaded manure from truck (from Nadroski barn) I put some around maple tree > rode Blaze, took Jim, put sheep in paddock/barn

·        White dog, black dog, killed lamb in hay meadow, black dog caught in snare > Pete to Charleston (Ruff)

·        Checked snares, opened gate > to Church > tracking at Jones’, Puff, Dean Eddy, rain/sleet > put sheep in from hay meadow, put burros in pond pasture

·        Rode Blaze, opened gates, saw 3 deer, 1 set of hunter’s tracks > walked around meadow, took Jim with bell; saw buck above 3rd meadow; saw sheep tracks on Phillip’s > Harp concert, took pickup

·        P, Lancaster, 3rd allergy test, got gifts at Woolgrowers, took P to basketball practice > Pete shot buck in blackberry meadow



·        Pam Collier, Collie here, lessons > picked up saddle at Fagans

·        More snow, no school > 5 hunters on Connor property, rode Blaze, looked for sheep, brought 20 in from 1st meadow, rode near Phillips place, 2 sheep couldn’t reach, saw 2 pigs on ridge, saw several hunter’s tracks on Hixon’s side of fence > ATC J L’H’s went over Whiting Clinic, etc.

·        Very cold > rode Blaze, Pete rode Sailor, took 125 sheep from Hixon’s to Jan’s (several hunters on other side of fence) black/white dog

·        Looked for sheep, rode Blaze > walked up on cliff ridge with Jim (on lead) got 2 ewes in (jumped corn meadow gate), lovely moonlit ride, 2 different kinds of owls

·        Moved rest of sheep up to 1st meadow, brought them back, buck stood and watched above white gate > sorted Sassy, most of my sheep out of flock; move rest over to Jan’s

·        Let dogs run in paddock; let horses (3) up to bales in hay meadow > bank, Mac’s, left care at Russell’s, rode back with Shelly

·        Pam Collier, Gatsby 2nd lesson > cleaned McClellan saddle > turned Lolly & Persimmon out of road pasture > checked dog trap

·        Pete sanded hill [driveway], brought station wagon up to house > Marshall here overnight

·        Trimmed sheep’s feet (180+) > Kay Everett, Rick Hartley ate lunch here > roasted venison over fire

·        Walked along Brown's fence line, took Kanga, checked box trap, snares

·        Mr. Chadwell brought P back > worked sheep, Kay, Herbie Everett, Jerry Hartley, helped out > party at Barrett's, Belpre, Akers

·        Helped trim feet, Herbie here, Craig Kinzelman helped, 520 sheep trimmed approx > office party for staff (except Nanette)

·        Received check from Betty/Abbott > fed at barn, 16 ewes, Sassy > let Puff run in hay meadow, checked snares, put traps out by lamb carcass

·        Let Puff run in meadow, worked up to Brown's fence line, loggers > took wheelbarrow down to hospital barn > rode Cricket, showed Blaze, Sassy to William’s girls

·        Pam Collier 4th lesson > let puff run, set traps at lamb carcass > worked on Christmas postcards

·        Let Puff, Kanga run > shopped > to library, courthouse >P assembled new grate for fireplace

·        Let Puff, Kanga run in hay meadow, Puff chased Angel > to Sandford’s, took rice, fudge, beer

·        Church > tracked Bess, Puff at Jones’

·        Met Gary, Aggie and family at Ramada Inn, we left for Florida

·        Flat tire, Knoxville, Tennessee > Lunch Georgia, Crystal Burger > Holiday Inn, Gainesville, Florida

·        Pete dewormed horses, separated burros > arrived at Mom, Dad’s, Florida

·        Christmas Eve Presbyterian service with Gary, Aggie, Gary Franklin, Tina, Pat

·        Christmas Day, to the beach, it was crowded

·        Lutheran Church with family

·        Walked on the beach, cold, rainy

·        Left at 4 am for home

·        Ice on interstate, Gary Franklin did a good job of driving > met Pete at Ramada Inn > Woolgrowers closed > Pete, Pat, chopped firewood, logged > Hartley’s, Jan, Chapman, etc., over New Year’s Eve

Please forgive typos, name or place misspellings; transcription from

vintage handwriting sometimes requires a magnifying glass and random


Connect with Gina

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian. 

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