Wednesday, January 17, 2024

An Interview with Ohio Writer Jennifer Kempton


An Interview with Jennifer Kempton

From Ohio USA, Jennifer Kempton is the proprietor of Shelled Ones & Friends, a local animal sanctuary in the beautiful Hocking Hills. I met Jennifer at one of our book festivals and, after talking with her about animals, found out that she has ducks! At the time, I was having a duck dilemma – my ducks would not stay on the pond and wandered off into the neighbor’s yard and into the road. The ducks came from a home where they were used to hanging around people all day and not the pond. Jennifer and her family happily rehomed my ducks to their animal sanctuary where they are thriving.

Shortly after, we collaborated on a coloring book and journal to benefit Shelled Ones and Friends. I recently caught up with Jennifer to ask about her sanctuary, writing, and more...

Welcome, Jennifer!

GM: Tell us about yourself, Shelled Ones & Friends, and the animals that you care for...

JK: I am native to the Hocking Hills where I currently live with my wonderful husband of 12 years along with our two beautiful children. I enjoy time with my family, volunteering in my  local community, and being a Hocking County 4-H advisor. I also enjoy the great outdoors and anything animal related. I love plants and herbal medicine. 
    I established Shelled Ones & Friends Animal Rescue/ Sanctuary back in March of 2022. I have always had a passion for animals and helping them. I have been rescuing animals as long as I can remember. From big to small we rescue them all. Right now we have a menagerie of donkeys, goats, chickens, ducks, lizards, turtles, tortoises, parrots, and  Guinea pigs just to list a "few". Many of our rescues have permanent health issues or deformities. We have turtles and tortoises with permanent shell damage, chronic vitamin deficiency, missing legs and toes. We have parrots with beak deformities and missing toes. Lizards with missing tails and toes. Along with trust issues, some just don't trust humans. It’s an everyday working progress to give these animals the happy healthy life they all deserve.

GM: Visiting schools and informing the public about animals must be rewarding! What is the best way to schedule an in-person event?
JK: One of my favorite things is to do education about our animals. At our programs you get to be up close and persona with the animals. I teach history of where the animals come from, how they became domesticated, proper animal husbandry species specific. If an animal I am presenting has a health issue or deformity, I teach why this occurs and how we can fix it or make it manageable.  To schedule an event you can message our facebook page.

GM: As the author of a coloring book and journal, with a portion of proceeds benefiting your rescue, what would you like readers to take away from your books?
JK: The things I would like readers to take with them from my coloring book and journal is the love for learning and freedom to express who they are.

GM: Who is your favorite author?
JK: I actually don't have a #1 favorite writer. I love to read it all!

GM: What are you currently writing?
JK: Right now I’m working on some children's books based on our rescues. Some are fiction and some are nonfiction.

GM: What are you currently reading?
JK: I’m currently ready Chicken Soup for the Soul:The Gift of Christmas by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newman and Indefensible by Michael Griesbach. I always have two books going at a time!

GM: Do you have advice for novice writers and those looking to publish their first book?
JK: My advice for a novice writer...I still feel like I'm a novice. Don't be afraid, just do it!! Don't worry about being too Much, just do it!

GM: List 10 things your fans may not know about you...
JK:10 Things Readers may not know about me:
1. I've been reading since I was three years old. My Grandpa taught me by reading hunting and trapping magazines to me.
2. I worked in an Emergency Department for 16 years.
3. I wanted to be a veterinarian, writer, and a photographer when I was a child.
4. I'm an old-fashioned country girl at heart.
5. I'm a True Crime Junkie.
6. I'm frugal.
7. I enjoy exchanging post cards with people from all over the world. 
8. My favorite place is at home with my family and critters.
9. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
10. I’m a BIG KID at heart.

Connect with Jennifer...


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