Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Earth Organization: Special Event!

Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO)

Welcome Barbara Wiseman, International President, LAEO!

Barabara writes…
“I'm reaching out to you because I know that you care about animals and the environment and are actively doing what you can to help reverse the decaying situation of what is happening on this planet.”

September 15 - A Special Event!
Cooperative Ecology ™ – Living in Alignment
Be one of the first 500 to register. Click here!

“I want to tell you about an environmental educational campaign that the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization is launching on September 15th.  We have put together a gorgeous, 3-minute video about mankind's responsibility for taking care of the life on this planet, and are launching it as a part of a really great new website we have created.”

“We're having a free, on-line event to launch it all and would so love it if you could join us for the event. We are also producing a series of educational booklets around the concept of mankind's interconnectedness and interdependence with nature and the idea that to the degree any one life form (including mankind) falls away from working towards the mutual survival of all life, his/her own potential survival diminishes.  With the efforts you're making to protect and preserve animals and the environment, these materials might end up being helpful tools in your own work.

Win Prizes:
The FIRST 500 RSVPs will be entered into prize a drawing and will be eligible to win a set of all 3 amazing books by Lawrence Anthony:
– The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Bush –
– Babylon’s Ark: The Incredible War-time Rescue of the Baghdad Zoo –
– The Last Rhinos: My Battle to save One of the World’s Greatest Creatures –

All who attend our online Grand Opening will receive a beautiful special edition publication: Reflections of Lawrence Anthony 

If you can make it, please RSVP: Be one of the first 500 to register. Click here!

Warm Regards,

Barbara Wiseman
International President
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization (LAEO) 
Office:  +1 818-330-9528     Cell: +1 818-406-6321
3443 Ocean View Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91208
Skype: BarbaraWiseman

Support our campaigns to recreate a healthier world for all life!
Become a Member Now!

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