Saturday, July 9, 2016

Lane Changes: Book One of the Lane Changes Saga by Anna J. Adams

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 Lane Changes: Book One of the Lane Changes Saga
Young Adult Mystery Romance

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Book One of the Lane Changes Saga
by Anna J. Adams

I waited until the last two years of high school to take Spanish and am now one of only three seniors; Sam and Rob are the others. Every day we have to conjugate verbs and today, the teacher was in a rare mood.

Amar: to love
That's what I associated with Rob Holland, the newest student at Naylorville High who somehow has the power to make me blush, stammer and trip all at once.

Molestar: to annoy
That should be Sam Seeley's middle name. Since seventh grade he has annoyed me to the point where I should earn a gold medal for ignoring him.

Matar: to kill
This is what I want to do to the person putting black origami roses in my locker, writing hateful notes, rude emails and texts and throwing a rock at my bedroom window.

Nadar: to swim
My one talent. A college scholarship I desperately need. Something I never thought I wouldn't be able to do until an "accident" cuts my swim season short.

Aprender: to learn
I have a lot to learn. About Rob and how emotionally stunted a person can be. About Sam and how his life isn't better than anyone else's. About how one friend's mental illness can have lasting effects. About love. About myself...Lane Meyers. 

About the Author
Anna received her college degree in Elementary Education but has always had a passion for writing. After numerous fan fiction stories and dabbling in full-length books, she finally finished Book One in the Lane Changes Saga

Anna was born and grew up in Maryland, USA, but lived for a brief time outside of Boston. She used to love snow but after 111" of it in one winter, the south beckoned her back!

In addition to writing, teaching and volunteering, she and her children foster kittens for the local animal shelter and enjoy traveling, especially to Disney and the beach!

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