Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Message: Just one last favour by Tait Williams

Just one last favour
Available in ebook…here
A New Novelette by Author Tait Williams
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by Tait Williams

Granddad's sudden death leaves his family penitent and unable to let him go. He must find a way through his paranormal presence to communicate with his daughter-in-law, the only one he believes can help him. After months of fear and trepidation that almost drives her to the edge of insanity, he finally succeeds. She delivers the message and they all find the peace they longed for.

Harrowing and yet up-lifting for those experiencing the sudden loss of a loved one and mulling over things not said or things not done.

From the author…
The Message is based on true life experience. It is a novelette of just over 3000 words.
Until then, I had no interest in the supernatural but as a last resort, I went to see a medium. She listened to my story, believed me and then asked if I knew who it was. I told her I thought it was granddad. “Then he must have a message for you,” she said calmly. “You should ‘stay open’ and wait for his message when he next comes to you.” I hadn’t finished taking in what she had said when she asked if there was anything else I wanted to know.

I didn’t at that time, but as I drove home, questions swirled in my head: How would I know what message it was? Who it was for? What signs would I look for? When was it likely to come? How would it all happen? What could happen next?

The medium was rather ‘a matter of fact’ in her instructions and said that I should ‘stay open’. Mostly I just waited for the air to clear, or for the presence to go. Now a list of questions ran through my mind: What should I do differently? Should I talk to it? And if so, what should I say? I could feel frustration rising. I knew what was happening to me, but I just didn’t know how to make it stop. Then, and quite unexpectedly, I found the answer.

Just one last favour
Available in ebook…here
A New Novelette by Author Tait Williams
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An excerpt...
It came one Saturday afternoon when I was sitting in my front room, watching T.V. Halfway through a nostalgic old black and white movie, the empty seat of my leather sofa sunk as it would when someone sat next to you. Eyes and mouth wide open, my heart felt heavy in my chest. My breathing, trapped. This time I was sure that fear would kill me. I expected to be swamped by the eerie presence, but it didn’t come. Instead, there was an easy calm.

Unable to move, I watched as the seat slowly returned to its normal shape. Moments later, there was a disruption in the T.V.’s reception. My head, seemingly stuck in its position, nonetheless allowed my eyes to move, making me see white lines zigzagging across a completely black screen.

Just one last favour
Available in ebook…here
A New Novelette by Author Tait Williams
Get your copy at

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Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

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