Monday, October 26, 2015

The Final Act: Frozen Voices by Chelsea Brodin

Available in eBook, hardcover, and paperback…here
by Chelsea Brodin

Suicide awareness and prevention; about self-harm/destructive methods that can be triggered by any situation. Every Suicide is 100% preventable. It's time to face the harsh reality that pain and self-harm can be hidden behind a smile.

By Valerie F. on October 18, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Many of us have had encounters with suicide among those we knew, and I think that familiarizing ourselves with means of prevention and awareness of suicide, we can become a positive influence for those struggling. I found that this book explains the subject of suicide and prevention in a well-researched and meaningful way, and I found myself learning many new important facts on the subject. Overall, very valuable, with concrete and informative examples and lessons. Thumbs up.

By Anne on October 21, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Through her photography, Ms. Brodin depicts the emotions of struggling teens with real issues. Her book is a poignant portrayal of suicide, bullying and self-abuse. It could be used by therapists, parents and teachers as a bridge for communication. The Final Act is strong, to the point and has the potential to reach across the ages.

Available in eBook, hardcover, and paperback…here
Chelsea Brodin is a soul driven entrepreneur. She wishes to inspire others through her personal projects as well as helping their small business goals become a reality. Mrs. Brodin is currently taking classes to fulfill her Bachelors and Master's degree in Business Management. In 2013, Mrs. Brodin was involved in her community - from volunteering at daycare centers to serving as a board member for a nonprofit. Chelsea is currently serving as the Vice President for the Business Women's Network; she has been a member since 2008.

Available in eBook, hardcover, and paperback…here

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