Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Short Halloween Stories by J.M. Villalobos
Spooky Stories for a Spooky Night
Available in eBook and Paperback!

A collection of short, spooky tales appropriate for ages 10 and up. Along the lines of the Goosebumps series--not gory, just eerie fun!

Spooky Stories for a Spooky Night
Available in eBook and Paperback!

J.M. Villalobos is a college student. From an early age, he's enjoyed an active imagination and loves reading, listening to, and making up stories. As a teen he decided to mix this love of stories with his favorite holiday--Halloween. Thus were born Short Halloween Stories. Inspired by the Goosebump series, J.M utilizes a spooky but fun style--nothing gruesome here! J.M. still loves Halloween to this day, and is currently busy watching movies from his big pile of Halloween selections!

“Ever since I can remember, Halloween has been one of my favorite holidays. My favorite part of Halloween was not trick-or-treating. Instead I most enjoyed reading stories of a spooky nature. Even now I am thankful for Halloween because it gives me a chance to read stories that some would view as too macabre to be read at any other time of year. However, the stories in my book, Short Halloween Stories, are not overly gruesome. Authors who write for young adults were my main inspiration in writing the tales contained in the book. This small offering is my way of thanking Halloween for all the doors into the imagination which it opened for me. If my book does the same for even one person, then its purpose will be fulfilled.” J.M. Villalobos

The author in full Trick-or-Treat costume

Connect with J.M. Villalobos…

Spooky Stories for a Spooky Night

Available in eBook and Paperback!

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