Thursday, March 31, 2016

De La Ceta De La Compra Depende Tu Salud by Luis Garre Lopez

By Luis Garre López

Aprende de forma sencilla y práctica qué alimentos elegir
en el supermercado para multiplicar tu vitalidad y gozar de
una claridad mental sorprendente.

De la cesta de la compra depende tu salud te muestra de la manera más fácil y paso a paso cómo hacer la mejor compra posible de tus alimentos en el supermercado para una alimentación consciente y saludable. Leyendo este libro aprenderás:

·        Donde se encuentra la mejor comida saludable que puedes comprar para el bien de salud y cuidado personal y porque debes comprarla.
·        Los alimentos “estrella” y anticancer de cada sección que deben ir a parar a nuestra cesta en cada compra.
·        Qué alimentos debemos eliminar para siempre de nuestra alimentación si queremos comer bien a diario.

Dispongo de un carro de la compra vacío y pretendo llenarlo contigo a mi lado. No todo lo que ves en el supermercado es bueno o saludable solo por el hecho de que se encuentre allí.

La industria alimentaria es un gran negocio donde por desgracia en muchas ocasiones prima el dinero sobre la salud.

El supermercado puede llegar a ser un auténtico campo de minas para tu salud y con este libro te voy a enseñar como esquivarlas, ¿Me acompañas?

De la cesta de la compra depende tu salud  te ayudará a:

·        Conocer lo que hay de cierto en los productos que nos venden como "saludables", "ligeros" o "sin azúcares".
·        Desterrar para siempre alimentos que pensabas o que nos dicen que son buenos para nuestro organismo.
·        Diferenciar entre productos congelados, en conserva o precocinados. Si quieres preservar una salud de hierro debes conocer las diferencias y su valor nutricional.
·        Saber porque es tan importante eliminar el azúcar blanco de nuestra cesta.
·        Entender la importancia de elegir el arroz, la pasta o el pan integral en vez de blanco.
·        Darte caprichos saludables comprando los ingredientes adecuados para tus postres y alimentos dulces.
·        Elegir bebidas vegetales antes que los lácteos de toda la vida.
·        Desechar la bollería industrial junto con las perjudiciales grasas trans.
·        Averiguar cuáles son los efectos de una buena o mala alimentación en nuestro cuerpo.
·        Cocinar con recetas para hacer barritas proteicas y energéticas para deportistas
·        Adelgazar sin milagros.
·        Aumentar tus conocimientos sobre dietética y nutrición.

Nota personal del autor.
Me he atrevido a escribir este libro basándome en un estilo de vida que comencé casi al bajar de la cuna e iniciarme en el deporte y la alimentación saludable para mejorar mi forma física y mental de por vida. Con el paso de los años he ido aprendiendo y perfeccionando mi alimentación a través del conocimiento de personas expertas, libros y experiencias adquiridas y puestas en práctica con mi propio cuerpo.
Actualmente mantengo una alimentación inteligente basada en lo aprendido del mundo de la nutrición deportiva y saludable. Mi única intención es conseguir despertar la conciencia de las personas que aún creen que no es tan importante comer sano. Por desgracia, está demostrado científicamente que la enfermedad está muy relacionada con los malos hábitos alimenticios. Todos los días podemos escuchar a expertos de la medicina científica, alternativa y nutricional hablándonos de estas verdades. Es hora de hacerles caso.

Sobre el autor
Funcionario de profesión, terminó sus estudios dentro de la comunicación audiovisual ejerciendo como Editor de Video y Cámara de Televisión para posteriormente adentrarse en las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado. Después de llevar durante toda su vida un modo y estilo enfocado en la salud física y la alimentación, ahora destaca por afrontar un nuevo reto, el de servir de ayuda a los demás. Para eso se ha dispuesto a publicar libros y ebook para el desarrollo y crecimiento personal y profesional, junto a temáticas relacionadas con la consecución de objetivos hacia un estado mental y espiritual bien cuidado y trabajado.

Biografía del autor
Luis Garre López es autor del libro De la cesta de la compra depende tu salud, ejerce de funcionario dentro del cuerpo de la Policía y ha sido Editor de Video y Cámara de Televisión para diferentes televisiones dentro de su territorio de residencia. Hoy se encuentra en pleno proceso creativo intentando exponer en sus libros los conocimientos adquiridos a través de las experiencias vividas, libros leídos, objetivos logrados y propósitos definidos. Dentro del desarrollo de la autoría de libros, se encuentra preparando diferentes temáticas para que sirvan de ayuda al mayor número de personas posibles en la consecución de todo tipo de metas, tanto a nivel profesional como personales.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Denise Brown, Artist, Author & Illustrator

Artist Denise Brown and 'Abenaki' Trail of Painted Ponies

Painting Ponies: An interview with artist Denise F. Brown
An Arichived Interview
As seen in the February 2016 issue of Arabian Finish Line Magazine

Denise F. Brown is an equine artist and illustrator. An advocate for America’s wild horses (and all horses), Brown is a life-long horse-lover. She grew up in Rye, New Hampshire next to four horse farms where her love affair with horses began. At an early age, Denise could be found in the fields drawing horses or reading every horse book she could find…

GM: Denise, your artwork is lovely. Describe your studio...
DB: I have been a self-employed graphic artist and illustrator for 35 years, with a home office and studio. My world is wrapped around computers and the internet, with a variety of businesses as my clients. My passion is my artwork. My love is painting horses. 

GM: When was your first encounter with a horse?
DB: I grew up next to four horse farms and fell in love with horses and drawing and painting them. You could always find me in the fields sketching them. My cats would follow me and we would spend the afternoon watching the horses and foals. The foals would rest their head on my lap while I sketched them. The family I babysat for had a big horse and also a pony named Gidget that I exercised because their kids were too little or not interested. My other neighbor’s donkey named Henry would follow me everywhere when I wore my pink sweater. I took riding lessons in high school but could not afford a horse of my own. Then I was off to college and after that started an advertising and graphics business. Working 80 hours a week, being self-employed, I never had the time to own a horse, so I would only go riding occasionally when the opportunity arose, but the love of horses was deep in my heart.

GM: You capture the true beauty of the Arabian horse in your art...
DB: A friend of mine raised Arabians in my hometown. That’s where I learned of the grace and unique beauty of the Arabian horse breed. They are like the Prom kings and queens of the horse breeds. The chiseled face and head, the long neck and slender structure of an Arabian is stunning and captivating to paint. They are what legends and movies are made of. The first sculpture ever found was made by mankind 35,000 years ago. It was a horse that had a long neck like that of an Arabian horse.  Horses have inspired artists since the beginning of time and I will never tire of painting them.

GM: I know you admire all horse breeds. Do you have a favorite painting of your own creation? What is the story behind this beautiful artwork?
DB: I am an artist for The Trail of Painted Ponies. I was a runner up in one of their contests with my entry, “Abenaki, the Indian pony”. They often donate to help wild horses so I am proud to be one of their stable of artists. That’s when I wrote my first horse book, about “Abenaki”. I began researching the life of a wild horse and realized how important it was to write and illustrate my next book, “Wind, Wild Horse Rescue”, so people could easily understand their plight. The NHSPCA uses it to teach children about the mustang.

GM: Congratulations on your book release. Your illustrations are beautiful!  The colt in your story, Wind, is chased by a government helicopter. What was it like to witness this horrifying event as horses were herded and captured off of their homeland?
DB: I’ve never had the opportunity yet to see a live round up. I watch every video and read everything I can about the wild horses roundups and the slaughterhouse pipeline. It’s on my bucket list to spend time with the other advocates on actual roundups. I’ve talked to people who have seen them and they come away quite traumatized and heartbroken as the wild horses lose their freedom. I wrote the book as a story in the eyes of a colt, so American citizens can easily understand and learn about the plight of the wild mustang today and how they can help to keep them free and not end up in the slaughterhouse pipeline. Trucks go up the highway in New Hampshire where I live to Maine and over the border to Canada to the slaughterhouse. It is not a happy sight to see a trailer with horses that you know are not on their way to be "adopted by a kind family". Their life is beyond suffering on route in crammed trailers with no water.   

GM: Wind, the horse in your story, is successfully placed in a rescue and finds a home. Is that a common scenario for most captured wild horses?
DB: Actually only a small percentage are adopted. The price of hay and the economy has not made it easy for stables to afford extra mouths to feed. The ones who do get adopted often take months and years for them to settle down, but once they gain your trust, people describe them as “bomb proof”. They can become great horses. Many New Englanders and East Coast people have adopted them. A friend of mine in New Hampshire has two. There are several rescue organizations in every state.

GM: What are your views of the current BLM’s (Bureau of Land Management) attempt to save the wild Mustangs?
DB: I am optimistic that there are some good people in the BLM who truly want to protect the wild herds, but overall the BLM constantly blames the mustang for bad range conditions and over-grazing. They don’t like to factor in how cattle greatly outnumber the mustangs. Cattle have a different way of grazing than horses, as they have one set of teeth and rip the grass and roots out of the ground. Horses have upper and lower teeth and bite the grass off, leaving the roots, so there is actually less damage. Plus, cattle grind up and digest the grass and grass seeds through a couple of stomachs. Horses have one stomach so the grass seeds pass through them and are nature’s way of reseeding the land. Studies show that horses help the land this way. Cattle are sent out in the spring and eat all the grass, so by the time it becomes hot weather and drought, the grass can’t recover. The wild horses are left with drought conditions so they are blamed for the damage while searching for water.  I don’t think the BLM really wants to “save” the mustangs, but instead prefers to limit their numbers. They know that they can’t continue to stockpile wild horses in pens as a solution.  However, each time they decrease a herd under 150 in population, the herd is not viable as a healthy number and leads to inbreeding. This makes them genetically weaker. 

GM: In your opinion, what can the BLM do to ensure the success of America's Mustangs?
DB: Scientific studies have been done and are on-going in birth control for mares. They have gelded the stallions in the wild, but there is a very dangerous risk of infection and bleeding. I hope they don’t continue that. If they geld the stallions, it upsets the balance of the herds, too, because the gelded males still compete with the stallions. A mustang’s life is not easy but they are better off living free and dying in the wild than being locked up forever in holding pens or sold to kill buyers.

GM: How did you become involved with protecting American’s wild horses?
DB: When I learned about the plight of the wild horse about ten years ago, I wanted to use my artwork to help them. I will always be dedicated to educating anyone who will listen about saving the wild ones. People around the world become upset when they hear how we manage our wild horses. They love Western movies and can’t believe a cattleman would not love the wild horse. Believing in conservation all my life, I feel that it is important to speak up and protect the land and the animals. Thank you for the opportunity to speak about wild horses. Senator and Congressman and submit their opinions and suggestions. They can attend a BLM [USA Bureau of Land Management] meeting if they are in that area or write to the media or visit a holding pen or a roundup and document it if possible.

You can see my artwork and books at and read my ‘Wind Wild Horse’ Blog at to learn about the wild horse in the news today and spread the word to everyone who will listen. 80% of the American public wants the wild horses to be free and protected from the slaughterhouse pipeline. We can all be their voice to save the wild horses and burros. 

An Arichived Interview
As seen in the February 2016 issue of Arabian Finish Line Magazine

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Dying Daffodils by Hamza Hassan Sheikh

“Sensuous poems with a voice for humanity.”
Dying Daffodils is the 3rd collection of poems by Hamza Hassan Sheikh.  Dying Daffodils is a collection of fifty-five poems on multiple themes of love, nature, social issues, peace, humanity as well as voice against terrorism, violence and atrocities.
 Purchase here!

About the Author
Hamza Hassan Sheikh is a forceful young romantic poet and a novelist from Pakistan. He is famous for his love poems and lyrics of romance. Hamza was born in D.I.Khan, the city located on the bank of the Indus River. He passed his early childhood in this city. He got his early education from the government school of his hometown. His educational career kept in progress from one institute to another. After his Bachelor, he moved towards Islamabad for higher education. During his stay at the university, he participated in the extra-curricular activities. He was also the editor of the literary journals of school, college and university. Hamza Hassan completed his Masters in English Language and Literature from NUML in 2008 and secured his MS/M.Phil degree in English Language and Literature. He has also completed a Masters in Pakistan Studies. In addition; he is a creative writer, a novelist, poet and short-story writer recognized with a pen name of Hamza Hassan Sheikh. He is an author of 10 books, 5 each both in English and Urdu languages. The different editions of his books have been published in Pakistan, India and USA. He is first ever English novelist and short-story writer from his province KPK.  He has more than 20 honorary certificates on his credit in different creative writing competitions and extra-curricular activities. He has presented his papers and poems in many national and international conferences and literature festivals and therefore visited Iran and India. His poems and short-stories have also been published in different international anthologies and yearbooks in China, Taiwan, UK, USA, India and Australia.

His first collection of poems Some Moments of Love appeared in 2004. The book consisted of 45 short and long poems glittering with different romantic themes. The book was highly appreciated in the literary circles. His book was regarded as the evidence of revivification of romanticism and reinvention of the romantic symbols, imagery, subjectivism, joyous and painful thoughts, unfulfilled desires, pangs, perforations and ecstasy of a lover. Some Moments of Love played a vital role in the literary career and fame of the poet. The book was not only appreciated in Pakistan, but it was highly recommended in India, England, Japan and News Zealand. His poems have also been translated into Arabic, Persian, Urdu and other regional languages. In 2009, his second collection of poems Museum of Reminiscence appeared. In 2010, his debut novel Thirst All Around was published and in 3 years its editions have been published from Pakistan, India and U.S.A. In 2013, his first collection of Short Stories Rolling Gems and a collection of translated poems of Amrita Pritam Splashes of Moonlight appeared. His first collection of Urdu short-stories (Fiction) Kaaghaz appeared in 2014. In 2015, his third collection of poetry, Dying Daffodils appeared. He is also the author of 3 collections of Urdu Short stories for the children which published in 2006, 2007 and 2008.

1) Some Moments of Love (Poetry-2004/2013)
2) Museum of Reminiscence (Poetry- 2009/2013)
3) Thirst All Around (Novel-2010/2011/2013)
4) Rolling Gems (Short-Stories- 2013)
5) Splashes of Moonlight (Translation of Amrita Pritam’s Punjabi poems- 2013) 
6) Kaaghaz (Short-Stories-2014)
7) Matti Ki Khushboo (Children Short-Stories-2006)
8) Aakash Ka Jhoomar (Children Short-Stories-2007)
9) Bin Pankh Ke Panchi (Children Short-Stories-2008
10) Dying Daffodils (Poetry-2015)

Research Papers:
1) Postcolonial perspective: The Elements of Colonialism in Khadija Mastoor’s Novel “AANGAN”
2) Male chauvinism in film Pinjir: A Semiotic Analysis
3) Post-Colonialism in novel/film Pinjir: A Semiotic Study

Awards: National Book Foundation Award
Frang Bardhi Literary Award (2015)

Area of Interest: Poetry, Novel, Creative Writings, Post-Colonial Studies, Comparative Literature.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The Artful Arabian Horse Adult Coloring Book

The Artful Arabian Horse Adult Coloring Book 
by Carmel Rowley

Anyone interested in the purebred Arabian and studies its history often looks to the early artists to understand the sought after characteristics of the ancient and noble breed. The Arabian horse is a phenomenon of nature and a masterpiece of design. While my coloring book is not designed to be a masterpiece, it is designed to give pleasure and provoke thought. The purebred Arabian horse is an enchanting treasure to the horse lover and as it is important to preserve object of art the harmony of the Arabian horse must also be preserved. As the pages are colored the wish is for reflection and the desire to know more about one of the world's most noble of horses.

Read Carmel's Riding & Writing interview here!

Carmel’s website for International buyers

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Susan W. Watt, Executive Director IRAM Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary

Archived Freelance Interview
1st Publication February 2016
An interview with Susan W. Watt, Executive Director IRAM
Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
by Gina McKnight

Susan W. Watt is the Executive Director of South Dakota's Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary. Watt writes, “I have been at the Sanctuary almost twenty years assisting Mr. Dayton O. Hyde, IRAM President.  IRAM’s Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary is home to ‘America’s Luckiest Wild Horses.’ Our organization was founded in 1988 by our President Dayton O. Hyde and is a 501 c 3 non-profit organization registered in the state of South Dakota. IRAM is an 11,000 acre privately owned land dedicated to range preservation and balancing the ecosystem. The Sanctuary is home to over 600 unwanted wild mustangs. Most of these wild horses were born in other areas of the United States and were removed from their homes by the state or federal governments. Many of our mustangs have Bureau of Land Management neck brands on the left side of their necks.
"Our Sanctuary is a true melting pot of America’s wild horses that have all come seeking a new home of freedom. There are bands of American Mustangs, Spanish Mustangs, Choctaw Indian Ponies, Curly Mustangs and American Paints and Quarter horses.
"IRAM is supported by donations from kind caring individuals and from a Tourism and Education Mustang Sponsorship Program. No State or Federal Funds are received to support our program as we are an independent non-profit organization and are not connected in any way to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or other Government entity.
"The only connection is that some of our mustang originated in the Herd Management Areas of the BLM, were went through the BLM Adoption Program and then the system failed them and the mustangs ended up in rescues, other sanctuaries, or even wandering for years in the hills of Tennessee. All of the Sanctuary Mustangs were in need of a permanent sanctuary when they arrived.”

IRAM Overview:
"It has been twenty seven years since Dayton O. Hyde first saw masses of wild horses standing in boredom in government-sponsored holding facilities, and persuaded Congress and the Bureau of Land Management to let him put together a large tract of quality horse range and set these wild horses free.  He left his ranch in Oregon to pursue that dream. With an abundance of enthusiasm and a dearth of fiscal resources, he managed to set up, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, a private sanctuary for America’s unadoptable and unwanted wild horses.

On an early fall day in September 1988 the first load of wild horses straight from the BLM arrived at the newly fenced IRAM property in South Dakota. Since that day many mustangs from all over the United States from rescues, state governments and parks have come into the program."

Welcome Susan!

What are your views on current BLM laws and regulations in regard to the Mustangs?
As a private nonprofit organization we do not have any public views on BLM laws or regulations. However in 2015 we granted permanent sanctuary for 10 older BLM mustangs from the recent round up in Wyoming. These mustangs were members of the same band in the Adobe Town HMA and we wanted to try and unite them with some of their original band members and give them a new life of freedom outside of a BLM holding facility.

And your views on the current slaughter debate?
As a Sanctuary that holds life in high esteem, all life is precious and we do not support economic gain for ending the life of any being. 

Do you travel to feedlots, etc., to rescue Mustangs?
Most of our mustangs were rescued and transported to the Sanctuary by our donors that are trying to find permanent homes for America’s unwanted mustangs. Some had already been sold to slaughter buyers and the mustangs were purchased by a donor and shipped here to the Sanctuary for a permanent home of freedom.

Photo by Karla R. LaRive (c)
How many Mustangs come through your sanctuary on a weekly basis? 
The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary is not a rescue organization; we are a permanent home for the resident mustangs that live here. They do not arrive on a weekly basis.

Does the US Government/BLM subsidize your work and care of the Mustangs?
IRAM receives no state or federal aid all of our income comes from grants, donation, tourism and sponsorships from our kind caring donors. All of bills are paid by the income from IRAM’s programs to support the mustangs that live on the Sanctuary.

Do you have a favorite Mustang related anecdote to share?
In August of 2006 a shipment of 17 BLM and State of Nevada wild geldings had just arrived in the early afternoon. One of the tour drivers told me there was a problem over at the corrals that I needed to check on so I ran over.  One of the new arrivals, a little bay Nevada mustang gelding with one white back foot, had kicked back at another horse and got his hind foot caught in the chain between the two panels.

I saw quickly that this job needed the help of Dayton Hyde that I could not break the chain. So I ran to his home and asked him to come quick. Not even explaining the situation, I grabbed a crowbar and Dayton and ran over to where the gelding was upside down.

The sky had not blessed us with rain all summer and just then the lightning started striking the ground around us and the rain poured down. As we approached the metal panels we were soaked and trembling with fear that we would get struck by the lightning. Dayton quickly freed the gelding.  The frightened mustang lay on the ground for a minute just getting his bearings. After catching his breath the gelding jumped up unhurt and just a little sore. He walked over and joined the other new mustang arrivals standing nearby.

Dayton looked up at me and said, “When did this horse get here?”
I said, “About an hour ago.”
“Anything else you need to tell me?” Dayton said. 
“No sir," I said.

After that group of geldings were given their freedom, that little bay Nevada mustang gelding would come over to me whenever I was out with the herd, and look directly at me with the kindest eyes as if he was thanking me for rescuing him from the panel and giving him freedom!

Do you train and find homes for rescued Mustangs?  
Once an unwanted mustang comes into the Sanctuary program they are granted a lifetime of freedom here and they do not go to a new home.

What can we do to help protect the Mustangs?
Sharing the knowledge that wild horses originated in North America millions of years ago and they are a native species worth saving and protecting. It is very important to educate the public about mustangs and encourage contributions and support of rescue groups and sanctuaries that work to give the unwanted mustangs a home. Caring and doing are the most important ways to help protect the mustangs.

Connect with Susan at the IRAM, Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
 Photo by Karla R. LaRive (c)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Betrayal is Inevitable: The Gifted Series by Malik Rosser

“In the near future, everything will change.”
The Gifted Series: Book 1
By Malik Rosser

Ever dare to wonder what caused all the major disasters around the world; who started the trend of mysterious crimes and killings? If your answer is yes then I'm sure your also wondering why? What was their motive? What was the reason--the real reason? If you believe you’re ready for the knowledge of my people, take a peek inside, but beware of the danger that comes with this valuable information--nothing good can come of this. In the near future everything will change whether it's good or bad we must all be prepared. Giving away this information marks me a traitor, but for the sake of my people and yours--betrayal is inevitable. The countdown to destruction has already begun for both of our worlds so I must tell this story before it’s too late. It's time the world knew about The Gifted.

From the Author
I created Betrayal is Inevitable at the age of eleven, however, in the past the book title was originally named Gifted and it wasn't going to be a part of a series. It's gone in a completely different direction than I had anticipated in the beginning, but I'm glad I gave it time to evolve into what it currently is now. It's gone through multiples changes: title, characters, plot, etc. (the usual process for any writer I would imagine). I didn't know quite as much as I do now, as you would expect from a young, inexperienced writer, which is why it took me so long to finally work up to the starting build-up of the series.

I spent a lot of time reading. I admire authors such as Rick Riordan, J.K. Rowling, Craig Thompson, and many others who are (in my opinion) veterans in the influential war of creative writing; I studied their craft all the way from their ability to create amazing stories all the way down to their unforgettable characters, hoping to lead into my own style of story-telling. One thing I wanted to do with the story, was use each character to lead the story in their own individual way; each depicting their own personal life-changing experiences, stirring emotions and raising the tension, aiding in driving the plot.

To be honest I was a bit nervous to even release bits of my story, let alone agree to publish the entire book. I constantly filled my head with negative thoughts, mainly believing that no one would like it. I soon gained the confidence after letting close friends and a few strangers take a peek at a few chapters. After receiving a variety of comments and opinions I began to open-up and show off my work to a bigger audience, and that's when I decided to use Wattpad, and all I can say is, "Thank you", to everyone who took the time out of their day(s) to actually read my book and in addition vote and comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I promise...there will definitely be more coming to The Gifted Series. I have ideas written and lined up ready to become a possible best-seller one day.

About the Author
I was born in Paris, Texas, USA, but I'm currently residing in Texarkana, Texas with my family. I like to watch and play sports (football, soccer, etc.) and I love writing anything and everything that comes to mind. 

I've been writing since I was in elementary. Even at a young age, I knew I wanted to be a writer and hoped that one day I could make a career out of it and become a successful author. My favorite genres to read and write: Action, Adventure, Fantasy and Poetry; but lately I've been practicing more on romance for a novel I plan on writing in the future. I'm also working on publishing my first book: Betrayal Is Inevitable | The Gifted Series, on Amazon as an e-book pretty soon. And I will be posting a few of the chapters on Wattpad to see how people like it beforehand. I accept negative criticism just as positive. I won't take it personal; I think of it as a chance to seek advice from other writers and to see which areas I may need to improve in. But I think that'll do for an introduction. I will be updating more of my story soon and you can find it here:

Connect with Malik…
Instagram: mrosser_rgw4life

Friday, March 25, 2016

An Interview with Author Cygnet Brown

Book I in 'The Locket Saga'
Welcome author Cygnet Brown! The author of The Locket Saga, and several other historical novels, Brown talks about her writing, books, and advice for writers…

GM: What was your inspiration for The Locket Saga?
CB:  The Locket Saga actually started from dream that I had. I dreamed that a boy and girl reunited in a frontier setting after having not seen one another since childhood. This led to the storyline of Soldiers Don’t Cry, the Locket Saga Continues.

A line that I wrote in Soldiers led to a prequel where I went back into the sisters’ (Rachel Mayford and Elizabeth Thorton) past to show the love story involving their parents which was a lot more complicated than what you might think.

The inspiration of Book III-A Coward’s Solace was also inspired by Soldiers, this time the opening scene.  A person comes back into Elizabeth’s life who was thought to have been killed. 

GM: Where does The Locket Saga take place?
CB:  The first two books in the Locket Saga are set in Boston. When God Turned His Head is set around 1750 and the second, Soldiers Don’t Cry at the birthing of the American Revolution. Book III, A Coward’s Solace is set at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-78, not the most likely place for romance, but it worked.

GM: Who is your niche market for The Locket Saga?
CB:  My fiction genre is Early American Christian Historical Romance. If you like your heroine on the strong feminine side, I write books for you.  These women may live in a male dominated society, and even though the men portrayed in my stories are chivalrous, the women have an unseen power that holds men captive.

GM: How do you maintain thoughts, ideas and editing?
CB:  Whenever I get a new idea, I have to write it down whether I get the idea while driving, cleaning house, or waking up in the morning. Many of my ideas come to me during that foggy time between sleeping and being fully awake. I have to get up and write it down before I forget. Sometimes I write it on my computer, but usually I write the gist of it down on a piece of paper on my desk. That way when I do start up my computer, I have enough information to remember and incorporate that idea somewhere in my writing system.

New ideas might go into one of my files called “new ideas” or I might incorporate that idea directly into a story line I have written or plan to write.

I put off most of my editing until after I have the first draft done. Then I go through the manuscript first editing content several times and then proof reading also several times. When I think I am done, I hand a POD copy off to my beta reader and then to my editor. I then make the necessary changes that they suggest.

Sometimes when I am writing a first draft I might have an idea about a change in direction. I’ll generally entertain that idea within a pair of parentheses to review the idea in a later draft.  This way I don’t get too sidetracked.

When creating new characters, I’ll take the time to write out a lot about that character before I get started. Some of what I write goes into the books but a lot of it doesn’t. The purpose of character sketches is for you, the author, to flesh out the character until that character seems real to you. After that, the character sketch for that specific character is actually is no long needed because you know that person as a real person, not just a “stick character” or a bunch of character traits. For instance, my character Elizabeth Thorton McCray if put into a scene, will act a certain way. Her sister, Rachel, on the other hand, if put into the same situation, will act completely different.  Just as I have different friends in real life that I don’t get mixed up, I have these friends in my head that I also don’t get mixed up because they seem as real to me as those real friends.

I have friends in my head and friends in real life (AKA readers). I imagine myself as a medium and the book as a séance that brings the two worlds together.

GM: Where do you like to write?
CB:  I write on my laptop, usually at my desk in my office. Sometimes, though, I might go to a café to write just for a change of scenery. I especially like to do this when I find I feel restless, but I need to finish the work at hand.  The change of scenery helps me regain focus. I don’t know how it works. It just does.

GM: Do you have a favorite genre of music?
CB:  I can’t say that I necessarily have a favorite genre of music. I like classic rock, Christian Contemporary, and once in a while Country Music. When I write, though, I only listen to classic music and I try to find music that offers the proper backdrop for the scene that I am working on.
Music creates an emotional response. Music can make you feel emotion that’s why it’s good to play music in the background when writing. It is easy to get distracted by the music though, which is why I prefer to write using classical music. It doesn’t have words to sing to. In the same token, I like to vent onto the page whenever I feel strong emotion. If I am sad, angry, fearful, depressed, or elated I make it a point to get those emotions down on paper. Not only is it good therapy, but it often makes good copy.

When I was writing When God Turned His Head, I had a time when everything seemed to be going wrong for us. Both my husband and I lost our jobs and we couldn’t get new work in our chosen professions. Because we lost our jobs when then lost our car and our house. Our car was repossessed while I was at a swap meet trying to get enough money from the sale of few things to pay the electric bill and put food on the table. During that time my husband’s Dad died. Because my husband wasn’t able to pay child support on his elder daughter, he went to jail for nonsupport. My response to all of this was in writing what I now refer to as “Drusilla’s to be or not to be scene” and like Drusilla, I took the high road.

GM: Who is your favorite author? Why?
CB:  I read a lot of different genres. I think it helps keep make me a well-rounded author. I try not to be too stuck on a genre or a specific author’s work. I like Stephen King, John Grisham. In my formative years as an author I read everything by Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter Rose Wilder Lane. In addition, I took a lot of my genre cues from the late Gilbert Morris because he covered the same time period in his House of Winslow series that I am covering with the Locket Saga.

GM: What are you currently writing?
CB:  This weekend I sent off for the copy of my latest book Sailing under the Black Flag. That book will be going to Beta reader for content editing and proofreading then on to my editor. Therefore, I am sort of between writing projects at the moment and am focusing more on marketing. 

Sailing under the Black Flag is a coming of age story of Jonathan Mayford. Jonathan, the son of an American merchant ship owner, joins his father’s privateer. While aboard ship, he learns that life is more than the adventure of the ship’s next capture. He hopes that live involves gazing into the eyes of the mesmerizing Lowri Howell.

GM: Any advice for novice writers?
CB:  Read a lot and write every day. Review other writers work on a blog. You don’t need to do a book a week or anything, but do a review of every book you read. Join a group of experienced writers who will patiently work with you. This can be in person or even be an online group. Once you have a genre, decide your market audience and get to know them.

GM: Define the perfect story…
CB:  The perfect story involves a woman with a strong spirit who believes that love conquers all obstacles. She has convictions beyond that however. She meets the man who is her equal and her opposite. The situation in which they find themselves makes love appear as though it will go unrequited. However, in the end, love conquers all. 

Donna Brown writes under the pseudonym--Cygnet Brown. She chose Cygnet Brown because her maiden name is "Swanson" (a cygnet is a baby swan) and Brown is her married name. She grew up in Northwestern Pennsylvania and began writing stories in Mrs. Watson's seventh grade English class. From that time on she wanted to become a professional writer, but life got in the way. After graduating high school, she served on active Navy from 1981-1987 as a Neuro-psychiatric Technician then in the reserves until 1999. She married, became a mother to three children, step mother to another, and became a nurse. She resumed writing in October 2008 when she fell in love with her characters all over again. She graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts from Argosy University in 2014. 

Cygnet Brown currently lives in the Missouri Ozarks. She loves to write and research history. She never knows when she'll uncover a historical tidbit that sparks another story in The Locket Saga. When God Turned His Head is the first book in her historical romance series The Locket Saga written in 2010. Her second book Soldiers Don't Cry came out in 2012. In 2013 she published her first nonfiction book Simply Vegetable Gardening based on her 40 years of gardening experience. This year, she is preparing to publish Book III in The Locket Saga: A Coward's Solace. See updates at her Website:

Brown is the owner of Cygnet Publishing of the Ozarks, a business she founded in 2013. She has written for Mother Earth News magazine and online article sites including eHow, Busika, Infobarrel, Bubblews, and Hubpages. In addition to publishing her own books and writing articles, she is publishing her father, R. Leonard Swanson's memoirs and poetry book.

Donna is an ordained minister and teacher. She is the author of a Christian blog called How My Spirit Sings.

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