Sunday, March 20, 2016

Uncovering Love's Hidden Truths by Larry Mickelson

“Take control of your love live!”

A Fresh Look at a Complex Topic 

One's entire life is somehow connected to love. Whether "in love" with someone special or simply loving others, we all make life's major decisions based upon our beliefs about the concept. Love is, therefore, a very important thing to understand. But, who provides us with all of this knowledge and advice? Historically, the two main sources have been grandma and Hollywood. It's true. We get married because of pithy sayings from grandmas and touching scenes in chick flicks that make us cry. These pools of information are obviously a bit unreliable when one's entire future is at stake. 

This book takes a more intellectual approach. Most readers will see themselves in almost every page mostly because love is something we all feel, have felt or want to feel in the future. This analysis of love is unusual (at times even irritating) but it will make you think. It might even change your life.

Learn about the seven precise steps involved in falling in love. Learn about the five distinct times we are willing to gush "I love you". And sadly, learn about how when things go badly in our love lives, we end up heartbroken. Understanding what heartbreak is and why it is so totally depressing is one of the lessons that will be covered.

About the Author
Larry Mickelson was born and raised in Cheyenne, Wyoming. He graduated from The University of Wyoming and began teaching high school Psychology. It was while teaching that he began to develop his uncommon ideas about the nature of human emotions, especially love. His first book in 1979: "Understanding Heartbreak" was popular in the Denver, Colorado area and began to be referred to as the "Divorced Person's Bible".

Larry is the father of three sons and the proud stepfather of two girls and a fourth boy. Since grandchildren are on his wish list, he is currently working on a new book with the tentative title: How to Discipline Children; Why Spanking is Never Necessary. The approach will go hand in hand with all of the concepts in the works currently available.

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