Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Who is the Sun King? The Journal of Sol Lidden

In the Language of a Dream
“A very good book packed with all kinds of surprises.”
The Journal of Sol Lidden
Tales from the 21st Century

Sol Liddens Journal
Tales from the 21st Century
by Sol Lidden
Edward C Harwell (Translator)

Who is the Sun King?’ and ‘Holy Smoke and the Fifth Dimension’ explore the relationships between science, human kind, and one man’s fascination with technology. Through interviews conducted during medically induced regression, Sol Lidden talks about the intelligence that conceived the ideas, and reveals who developed the piece of equipment that took him through and around time. By virtue of his geniality he claims to have gained the confidence of all the odd characters he met with. The forms he describes throughout the interviews seem unimaginable, his destiny in the manner described, laughable. But Sol would have no authority in a case of this nature, if the force of chance had not involved him in everything he describes, or it had not been possible to set down everything witnessed in the form of notes and sketches, all of which are safely locked away together with the technology; technology that in time, he claims, you too will have access to. 

If this man were simply to state that ‘this really happened’ or ‘that really happened’ it would be easy for many to dismiss. Some might say that he is a psychopath, whilst others may believe that there is a deeper meaning to his revelation.

With such detailed sketches and solid evidence to hand, his visions hold an amazing prediction – a prediction that the equipment that will give us the ability to travel to other worlds may be put into mass production much sooner than we think. 

Is what he talks about common truths, or twisted models of reality? It is up to you to decide. My job throughout has been to record and transcribe the journal as recited to me. 

Through images deeply engrained upon his psyche, his accounts of journeys into time, and other dimensions, are gifts that you can enjoy, pass on, and still keep with you.

They will stay in my mind forever.

Available in eBook
United States amazon.com
United Kingdom amazon.uk

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