Thursday, February 11, 2016

Whispering Hooves: The Missing Art of Horsemanship by Katherine Barbarite

Whispering Hooves:
The Missing Art of Horsemanship
Professional Horse Trainer and Riding Instructor
Katherine Barbarite

Available in Paperback! Buy now!

Whispering Hooves:
The Missing Art of Horsemanship

Whispering Hooves: The Missing Art of Horsemanship is a comprehensive educational tool of Katherine’s methods for horses and clients. These are the same methods she demonstrates at expos and workshops…

“Partnership & Confidence Building Horsemanship”

*Instructional Trail Riding  *Clinics  *Workshops 
*Horse training (behavior to mechanics)

*Riding Lessons Western & English  *Demonstrations
*Leadership programs  * 2-5 day Private Inclusive  *At your facility or mine

Katherine teaches a straight forward set of exercises that aides in the development of a calm confident horse and rider. No matter the skill level or discipline, these steps remove fear and resistance, elevating trust, communication and bond. Understanding the importance of herd structure and leadership to enhance safety and promote growth. Earn why bad timing and poor releases lead to unhappy and ridged horses. Most of all, “become more than a passenger, become a partner.”

Katherine expounds…
Through years of being captivated by and passionate about horses, and with determination to break into the barriers of horse training, I have studied and worked with many horse trainers.  I have put an intense amount of time working with horses and people, trying to find a way for both to come together in order to communicate and bond, creating a partnership. To align a happy, safer horse and rider no matter what level or riding discipline. I am a true believer in "Partnership & Confidence Building Horsemanship". It is a method of educating the horse and rider without using brute force, but instead using a take and give format - communicating in a language they understand.

In 1996 I began working in local barns voluntarily dedicating time, and doing anything I could from mucking stalls to assisting veterinarians and farriers. Then in 2000 I started to help run and work at guest ranches, teaching people and horses how to find and work through issues and problems before they find them. In 2004 I began to live out my true passion and I traveled across country working with "problem" horses helping to desensitize them and have them overcome their fears and issues. I often admit it’s caused from humans or human made "issues".

I teach everyday with the methods to form a safer foundation, help me reinforce how important ground work is before you can get up on a horse. In 2006, I set up my first clinic in Jamesville New York. While working the floor I watched clients go from uncertainty to confidence in a short period of time. It was exhilarating and a great success. Also, I had the opportunity to help run and teach a clinic in Fraser Colorado. Over the summer of 2006, with horses and people at a guest ranch in Granby Colorado and was in charge of horses, clinics and riding instruction. I worked with guests from all over the world teaching them one on one, about the importance of ground work and how to better improve their riding and relationship with their horse.

The most memorable experience was an 8 and 10 year old who attended one of my riding and instruction clinics. Now they have a foundation and are creating their own future with horses in England. I worked with horses that some long time "cowboys" claimed to be unridable and irrational making them suitable for guest ranch work. They are now being ridden by guests, as young as 8 years old, by using a method that I call "Partnership & Confidence Building". With my life dream now being pursued, I had the opportunity to work with over 1000 horses, making them safer for clients, guests and as well as the workers at the ranch. Now these horses and people ride and enjoy each other more safely.

Currently, I am working with people in order to help them understand that communication and working with such a majestic and powerful animal is not difficult and need not be rocket science.

Early spring of 2007 finally broke through, with determination of helping people learn feel technique, observation, and being the horse's advocate, drove to accomplish becoming a Certified Horseman’s Association Riding Instructor in English and Western; at the same time ultimately receiving the honor of being recognized as a Certified Horse Trainer with the Frank Bell's program. With these incredible accomplishments under belt, the quest for knowledge, experience, listening and understanding all horses, ability to heighten CONFIDENCE and communication. Without delay and much interest from the public, in May of 2010 I was asked to demonstrate as a Featured Clinician for many Expo events all over the country. August being a wonderful time of year, I decided to pack a horse and dedicate a two day 70 mile track upstate New York. I went from Jamesville, New York to Camillus, New York passing towns, villages, people, stores, and wonderful country. I camped out with the horses at the 9 mile creek. The Horses were great and looking forward to more miles. As of the recent, the ongoing journey of teaching the "Missing Art of Horsemanship" of training persists here in my home of New York, as well as throughout the country performing demonstrations at many expos.

About Katherine…
International Equine Presenter and Lecturer: Certified Horse Trainer w/Frank Bell / Certified Horseman’s Association

Riding Instructor (Western & English)

Featured in: Trail Rider Magazine, Phoenix Times, Tito Times (Costa Rica), The Times Independent (Moab Utah), Syracuse Times (NY), Performance Horse Digest, Tri-State Horse, Country Folks Mainstream, Trail Blazer Magazine.

NE Equine Expo, Equine Affaire, Islip Horseman’s Assoc., East End Livestock Horseman’s Assoc., National Day of the American Cowboy (NY), Malibu Dude Ranch (PA), Kay El Bar Ranch (AZ), King Mountain Ranch (CO), White Stallion Ranch (AZ), De La OSA (AZ), Sunrise Farm (MD), Las Cascadas (MX), Barking Horse Farm (Costa Rica), Rancho Tranquillo (Costa Rica), Todd Mountain Ranch (BC) Cimarron Ranch (NY), RoseWal Farm (Gilboa, NY), Horse World Expo (PA), Equifest (NY), Saratoga Horse Expo (NY), Certified Horsemanship Association International Conference (NY),Tombstone Monument Ranch (AZ), Quiet Creek Stables (NY), Northfolk Stables (NY). NY Horse Center (NY).

"Connect with the Mind and the Feet will Follow.” - Katherine Barbarite

"Ask...Wait...Give for Results.” - Katherine Barbarite

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