Friday, February 5, 2016

Horse-Drawn Plowing with Farmer Brown by Jim and Linda Brown

by Jim and Linda Brown
New York, USA
Available in 4 ½ hour – 3 DVD Set here!

by Jim and Linda Brown

This is from the Master of Horse Drawn Plowing himself, Jim Brown has been selling for over 11 years. It is a must have for all. This is a 4 ½ hour – 3 DVD set. It will show you the do's and don'ts of plows and plowing in a simple, down-to-earth style.

You will learn…
  • What to look for when purchasing a used plow
  • How to assemble a walking plow piece-by-piece
  • When to replace the plow beam, frog, landside, shin, moldboard, point, jointer, and depth wheel
  • How to plow with two and three horses
  • How to adjust and use a walking plow and sulky plow to gain proper width and depth of cut in various soil conditions
  • How to adjust horizontal hitch, vertical hitch and line of draft, and how these affect the plow and cut
  • How to open a land
  • How to make the crown, dead furrow and headlands
About Jim and Linda Brown…
Settling in Hunt, New York, Jim and Linda first began in dairying, milking 25 cows, while raising two children. "Dairy farming taught us how to live on nothing, because we didn't have a lot," said Jim. "The horses provided extra income. They had to pay their own way for us to survive."

At this time, the Browns also decided to work as family care providers for the state of New York. For 20 years, the family hosted as many as five individuals at a time, and worked with more than twenty people in need. "Family Care taught us how to work with people, because we worked with so many," said Jim. This experience helped cultivate Jim and Linda's interests in teaching, which soon became an even bigger part of their lives.

Growing the Business:
The logging business that thrives today began with Jim skidding firewood in a nearby pasture. He learned the skills he needed through trial and error and patient advice from Linda's father.

Jim's interest in plowing took off in 1976, when he did a demonstration in Calidonia, NY, at "Old Fashioned Days." This experience was a springboard for teaching future clinics and demonstrations.

Now, with 11 Belgian horses on the farm, Jim and Linda travel to teach clinics on horse logging and plowing. Farmer Brown has ventured as far as Idaho, and continues to host clinics and visit farms and enthusiasts. Jim and Linda's business is known for selling plow equipment, effectively logging woodlots and providing the highest quality job for log buyers and landowners alike. "Our goal is that we've passed on this knowledge well enough so that each student can carry on this lost art," said Linda.

by Jim and Linda Brown
New York, USA
Available in 4 ½ hour – 3 DVD Set here!

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