Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Art and Science of Clicker Training for Horses by Ben Hart

 Clicker training can help owners improve their relationship with their horses

The Art and Science of Clicker Training for Horses:
A Positive Approach to Training Equines and Understanding Them 
by  Ben Hart

How does a small plastic box, bridge the gap between desired behavior and effective positive reinforcement and in doing so greatly enhance equine-human communication?

Ben Hart explains the evolution of clicker training from its use with dogs and marine animals, to its place in horsemanship, and the importance of refining its use for equines. His years of practical experience, gained all over the world, ensures that in this book Ben answers all the most frequently asked questions, while solving the most common problems that are experienced during clicker training.

By teaching people, how to think, rather than what to think, the author gives all owners and trainers the opportunity to develop their own abilities and to improve their own unique equine relationships. This book will help anyone to understand the application of the science of behavior in training horses, donkeys or mules. Clear and concise, definitive and accessible, this is an indispensable guide to an exciting, effective and positive method of training equines. 

About the Author
Ben Hart grew up with horses and in 1996 was invited to be one of the first trainers at Monty Roberts International Learning Centre. He returned to England and established the equine learning firm, the Company of Horses, and has trained people all over the world: including Australia, Holland, Ireland and Canada.

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