Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Your First Horse: Fun Beginner Horsemanship by Robbie Jones

“When we are with horses, we are aware that we are in the presence of joy.”
Available in Paperback here!

This new informative horse care book is a new release from the knowledgeable horseman Robbie Jones. It is a collection of information gathered over an extended number of years working with what he loves to do, caring, handling and selling horses in the central Texas USA area. By sharing his experience with insights into horses, Robbie Jones will actually bring you into his world of horse handling, horse rescue management and simply loving being around horses every day. Robbie looks at horses as if looking into a mirror held up to life, and through his writing we come to see not only horses but ourselves in relation to the horse we prize above all animals.

Writer and rescue horse manager Robbie Jones is clearly a modern horseman, fascinated with this regal creature whose physical power is second only to its power and grace over our hearts and imaginations. When we are with horses, we are aware that we are in the presence of joy; we are overwhelmed, we are in a very calm place in our mind. Horses have saved our lives of boredom and normality, pulled us from worry and show us where our place is in the world; with our horses.

Horses remind us of what is important; nature. Robbie's book will hold your attention and heart, impossible to resist. His reflections are genuinely American and down country simple. A real life horse trader, trainer and horse rescue manager, you can learn the near magical abilities as Robbie dramatically transforms beginners into experienced horse riders.

A note from the author…
“For the last 20 years I have made a good living caring, buying and selling horses. And during that time we have sent hundreds of horses each year to some wonderful new homes. But sadly I always had a nagging feeling as the horse trailer pulled out that the new owners were in over their heads. The more this went on, the more I felt the need to write a book to address this need. So began my first attempt at writing this book. Three years later I discovered that the sparse outline I was storing in my desk had not magically been expanded upon. I was going to have to invest the time to finish this outline and hence continue on to write the book. A few months of hard work, focus and concentration and many hours sitting in front of my laptop, finally the book was born. Your First Horse, Fun Beginner Horsemanship is now available!”

Robbie Jones is a writer, horse trainer, horse rescue manager and the author of the block buster Amazon eBook Trail Riding on Horse Back. Besides operating a sailing school for many years, he now resides on the East Texas piney woods just outside the historic town of Trinity, Texas.

Most of Robbie's horse books are straight forward and richly textured with a simple country style. He has been teaching beginners to communicate with their horse through leadership and sensitivity, not punishment.  His books will hold your attention and heart, impossible to resist. His reflections are genuinely American and down country simple.  You can learn the near magical abilities as he dramatically transforms beginners into experienced horse riders

Connect with Robbie…

“When we are with horses, we are aware that we are in the presence of joy.”
Available in Paperback here!

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