Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beyond the Fog: A journey to self-awareness by Ray Ortiz

A journey to self-awareness
“Startling insights. Satisfying.”
Available in Paperback, eBook and Audible here!
A journey to self-awareness 
by Ray Ortiz 

This book is intended to demonstrate how we have a tendency to fall into a state of confusion and emotional roller coaster by our set of beliefs and the power we give into our Ego. The author shares personal experiences and techniques on how to move beyond such state of mind. This book will give you the opportunity to challenge your status quo and provide you with the tools to perceive life circumstances from a place of self-empowerment.

Format: Kindle Edition
An enlightening story about Ego and Heart. There's really no one else like him, Ray's talent to inspire his readers with wisdom and hope, while offering them insight into the struggle that everyone encounters in their journey through life is strong as ever. There was a forgiving kindness and humanity that is unmistakable and tremendously appealing. Ortiz speaks to everyone, beyond the criteria of sex, age or class and religion. Through the guided meditation tools he puts the sacred within everyone's reach and gives back its magic to all. I am living Beyond the Fog now! Thank you Ray Ortiz!

Author Biography
Ray Ortiz arrived at the age of 18 to Atlanta, Georgia with only $50.00 to his name, a piece of luggage, no family and no domain of the English language. The author shares in this book his experience of persistence and spiritual journey, which translated into great life lessons and tips. Due to his endeavors and accomplishments, he decided to become a writer, Life Coach, and Spiritual Counselor after a successful career in various industries. His most recent Life lesson was the challenge to endure a divorce after 20 years of marriage.

Today, Ray Ortiz is fully recovering from the experience and with a great deal of wisdom he decided to write this book and many others in progress. Mr. Ray Ortiz founded The Eureka as a source to offer his services and assistance to everyone in search for a better life. Enjoy the reading!

A journey to self-awareness
“Startling insights. Satisfying.”
Available in Paperback, eBook and Audible here!

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