Sunday, January 10, 2016

Horse Tales by Dede Hoffmann

Stories of Horses, Characters & History
“Real horses, real people, actual photos, and the best tales…”
Available in Paperback and eBook here!

Stories of Horses, Characters & History 

Horse Tales is an eclectic collection of stories based on our rich American history. You'll find tales of Wild West characters, unique beginnings of tools and programs that shaped our world and the role of horses in it all. From Cowboy Kitchens to the Kentucky Derby, from horse thieves to madams and Jingle Bells to horse ballet, Horse Tales brings a delightful, entertaining mix to those that love the western lifestyle.

About the Author
Dede grew up with a love of writing and using her imagination. It is only fitting that marketing became her future. After 18 years as a marketing communications professional in the corporate world, she began her own business, Wordscapes, LLC, to be creative and help people. She was involved in marketing projects from initial concept and research through project completion. Dede’s broad marketing background includes experience in development of marketing communication pieces, both print and electronic, as well as event marketing.

A regular contributing author to Central States Horseman, her love of horses shines through. Dede was also a longtime volunteer and has served as Affiliate Board President for St. Louis Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Her involvement with Komen allowed her to give back to the community and work toward a better future for all of our daughters.

Stories of Horses, Characters & History
“Real horses, real people, actual photos, and the best tales…”
Available in Paperback and eBook here!

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Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

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