Monday, January 11, 2016

How to Live in the Present Moment by Matt Morris, CPCC

Let Go of the Past & Stop Worrying About the Future
“Live in the now…!”
Available in Paperback, eBook, and Audible here!

Let Go of the Past & Stop Worrying About the Future

You are about to be taken on a journey through the beautiful land of the PRESENT MOMENT so that you can set your body, heart, and mind free. This is a place where you'll find peace, joy, and perpetual happiness. You will be guided through a step-by-step process to overcome any personal barriers you have, and you'll be shown exactly how to overcome them by letting go of the past, not worrying so much about the future, and enjoying what is here NOW - in the present moment.

Past events haunt all of us and the future weighs heavy. Our what ifs, maybes, and not good enoughs paralyze us and prevent us from enjoying what we have right in front of us – the beauty of a sunset, accolades for a successful project, the smell of freshly baked bread, a good friend. We accept our past as who we are, and yet, we would all like to break out of that mold and truly enjoy life for what it is.

How To Live In The Present Moment, Version 2.0 will gently guide you through breaking the shackles of your debilitating thought patterns of the past and future and give you the tools to live in the Present Moment.

The methods I describe will lead you through the unknown jungle of self-doubt and I will show you how you can forgive yourself and those around you so that you can move on to become who you truly are NOW, not who you were yesterday. I discuss how you can meaningfully plan for your future without getting bogged down in trying to predict what might happen.

So take my hand and let’s stroll down the path of self-discovery and celebrate the true and happy new you – the you who has been waiting patiently in the wings for you to discover how to live in the Present Moment and thus discover true happiness.

It is time to break out of your self-imposed jail sentence to experience freedom of your body and mind using the power of the Present Moment! 

About the Author
Matt Morris is a spiritual coach who helps his clients to stop worrying so much about the future, let go of the past, and fully embrace the gift of the present moment.

After having several traumatic experiences, Morris fought hard to learn how to live in the present moment. Earning a Bachelor's degree in Business and Psychology, he then went on to work in several business firms for nearly ten years before he experienced a remarkable epiphany at age 30. His inspirational and moving near death experiences tremendously changed his outlook on life, and his work is now rooted with the wisdom and knowledge he gained while connecting to the purpose that God gave him.

Matt currently lives in San Diego with his family. He can be contacted via email at


Let Go of the Past & Stop Worrying About the Future
“Live in the now…!”
Available in Paperback, eBook, and Audible here!

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