Monday, February 28, 2022

Milliron Monday: Horse Teeth


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021). 

"If a horse has 4 cups in 
his mouth, how old is he?"
- Jody Smith
Jody's battered green notebook documents all things horse. First, there are several pages of potential names for horses, including unusual and foreign names

The next section is all about horse teeth; how to identify age, details of lateral incisors, corner incisors, central permanent incisors, cups in central incisors, etc., and this poem...

To tell the age of any horse

Inspect the lower jaw, of course.
The sixth front tooth the tale will tell
And every doubt and fear dispel.
Two middle "nippers" you behold
Before the colt is two weeks old
Before eight weeks, two more will come
Eight months, the "corners" cut the gum
Two outside grooves will disappear
From the middle two in just one year
In two years from the second pair
In three the corners, too, are bare
At two, the middle "nippers" drop
At three, the second pair can't stop
When four years old, the third pair goes
At five, a full new set he shows
The deep black spots will pass from view
At six years, from the middle two
The second pair at seven years
At eight, the spot each "corner" clears
From the middle "nippers" upper jaw
At nine, the black spots will withdraw
The second pair at ten are white
Eleven finds the "corners" light
Continued-I'm out of characters!
Update: As time goes on, the horsemen know,
The oval teeth, three-sided grow.
They longer get, project before,
Till twenty, which we know no more.

"Gleason's Handbook of Horses" published in 1892

More from the notebook...

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Essential Life Skills For Teens: 13 Different Ways To Use Your Critical Thinking, Manage Your Time Better, Set Your Smart Goals, And Navigate Social Media Safely by David Skiddy

NEW!    5-Star

Essential Life Skills For Teens: 13 Different Ways To Use Your Critical Thinking, Manage Your Time Better, Set Your Smart Goals, And Navigate Social Media Safely  

by David Skiddy  

Beyond Classwork – How to prepare for a successful adult life to achieve your dreams and live life how you want to

How prepared are you to leave the nest and start living on your own – away from your parents’ shadows?

Are you about to be of age but feel inadequate to move out and run a household on your own?

Would you like to understand the 8th wonder of the world – adulthood and everything in between?

Adulthood comes with its share of joys and challenges, and age doesn’t always mean that you are ready to live independently.

Known as the advent of adulthood, teenage years mark a period where you need to make crucial decisions that will set the pace for your future.

It’s the best time to gather all the bricks and building materials you need to transition into adulthood.

Life skills form the foundation of the future you’ve always dreamed of and admired.

While learning and developing these skills is a continuous process that never ends, the bulk of it occurs during your teen years.

This guide is designed to help equip teenagers with the tools they need to maximize their potential and enjoy a fulfilling life.

In Essential Life Skills For Teens, you’ll discover:

● Life hacks to help you think more critically and reason your way out of difficult situations

● How to become financially savvy by learning how to manage, budget, save, and spend money wisely

● Goal-setting strategies that ensure you set practical goals and steps to achieve them

● The bittersweet side of social media – how to leverage technology for your own good, stay safe, and avoid losing yourself in the likes and dislikes

● How to solve problems like a pro and avoid getting stuck on a challenge for longer than you should

● Executive functioning skills you need to make every minute of your day count towards your life’s dreams

● 20+ innovative ways to make money as a teen using readily available resources no matter where you live

And so much more!

There are many essential survival skills you need for successful adulting that aren’t included in the syllabus at school – yet you’ll find them right inside.

As you get older and take on more responsibilities, you’ll be equipped to do many of the adult tasks your parents seem to breeze through daily.

Filled with practical insights, easy-to-follow tips, and thoughtful guidance, this handbook will empower you to make good choices – both now and in the future.



Available in Hardcover, Paperback and eBook HERE!

About the Author

David Skiddy is the author of Essential Life Skills for Teens.

His work aims to inspire teenagers to think about the future, safe in the knowledge that there’s nothing wrong with changing dreams and adjusting plans. His mission is to provide adolescents with the tools they need in order to consider their aims for the future, while embracing changes in their understanding of the world and adjusting their plans accordingly.

David has become increasingly aware of the absence of essential-skills teaching in schools and colleges. It was when he realized that his own life may have taken a different path if he’d had some essential life skills at a young age that he became driven to help the next generation avoid making the same mistakes he has. He is acutely aware that the focus on academic achievement takes away from the teaching of essential life skills like time management, problem solving, goal setting, and creativity: skills he knows that many parents struggle to teach their children.

David’s life has taken him through several distinct careers, beginning with performance and ending in logistics. Along the way, he passed through teaching, where he gained a clearer idea of the gaps in the education system. Having tuned into his own trajectory, he has realized that his career choices were less decisions and more impulses, shaped by societal expectations. He remembers his teenage dreams and understands the problem: they were dreams, and he knew nothing about how to plan to make them a reality.

David currently works in logistics and haulage and is passionate about making a difference in the lives of the next generation. He has a master’s degree in classical singing and performance and, despite his career change, still infuses his life with a love of music.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Monday, February 21, 2022

Milliron Monday: Attitude of Gratitude

Dr. Smith preparing for surgery at Milliron Clinic, Athens, Ohio

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021). 

“I would love to live like a river flows,
carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”
― John O'Donohue

Twelve years ago tomorrow Dr. Smith succumbed to severe injuries from a falling tree. Today, we celebrate his life with gratitude. The Smith family continues to “live life, how a river flows, carried by the surprise of it’s own unfolding.” 
Three grandsons - AJ, Grant, and Noah - are like "arrows shot from a strong bow." Each grandson, in Smith-fashion, serve and inspire others. AJ, with his heart of service, motivates others to live intentionally; Grant, the creator of Taking it For Granted: A Happiness Podcast, explores the benefits of being happy; Noah, Pete's youngest grandson, is a scholar who travels the world inspiring all in his path. 

Jessica writes...

Both mom and dad were influential in Noah and me becoming eager lifelong learners. I imagine, had they lived longer, like their parents did, mom and dad would both be re-reading again and again The Urantia Book, especially pages 1101-1103 (The Acme of Religious Living), as well as the Bible, The Art of War by Sun Tzu, The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis, Dr. Fulford’s Touch of Life by Robert C. Fulford, DO, Kinship with All Life by J. Allen Boone, and, of course, Rachel L. Carson’s The Sea Around Us and Silent Spring.

I miss the discussions Dad and I experienced as we explored humility, surrendering of self-will (LOVE is an absence of self-will, resentmentS are evidence of self-will regarding the past, FEARs are evidence of self-will regarding the future. Self-pity and depression are frequently indicative of self will in the present moment) and the value of living vulnerably, breath by breath, filled with gratitude, always recognizing “Life is love, all else is imagined confusion”! 


by Robert Gonzales (1949-2021)

I stand before the presence of your absence

And something DEEP in me responds,
shuddering in awe,
moved beyond experience.

Yes, there is a place.
You are not here,
But you are alive
Reminding me that I will never rest
Again in the place of staying.
Showing me that I am riding
The Current of Living,
Ever-becoming, always dying
In wonderful delight and sorrow.
I am moved
Beyond the thing-ness of my flesh,
Never knowing what will erupt
In the next moment – laughter or tears.

Left: Noah with Aunt Janet Riben (Pete's Sister) August 2022, Sweden
Right: (front row) Cousin Anna Riben, Pete
(back row) Noah, Jessica, Rich, and Jody 1990s

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Charity's Gunman by Aedan Sayla


Charity's Gunman

by Aedan Sayla

The vision of simply just her hair was somehow almost ethereally exotic and in my daze I rather admitted to my-self how much I was taken by it alone.

Her eyes were a mesmerizing interplay of sea green with flecks of a gold shot throughout them. I could look into those eyes for an eon and not get tired of it, but in concern I saw that they were wet with tears.

With alarm I suddenly switched more into open consciousness as I wondered at what had brought such emotion to so beautiful of a personage as she possessed. Her lips, so unbelievably full looking, were moving.

Suddenly, more than anything, I wanted to know what this vision of beauty was saying. With what little of my dazed faculties that I had remaining I concentrated on listening.

Her words were oddly accented, but entirely understandable. “You must be still! I have nothing for the pain, but the bullet..... it must come out! The bullet has to come out! Do you understand me?"

My gaze drifted down to her slender fingers that were stained with blood as they gripped at my shoulder. It was my blood.

She was trying to help me. I most definitely was not going to kill her.


Available for free at Amazon starting 02/24/2022

for five days with the last day being 02/28/2022!


Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!


About the Author

Up till now only half the story has been written and so now it's time to read everything and not just what many have found acceptable. The truth and love itself are not bound by man, but are timeless and should be shared in full and so I write the whole story.

Sincerely, Aedan Sayla - Also writing as Frank Carlyle (Pen Name)

Amazon Author Page

Gus Gets Adopted and Saves the Day by Alisa Guttadauro


Gus Gets Adopted and Saves the Day

by Alisa Guttadauro


Gus felt sad whenever adoption day came around at Sunny Day Animal Shelter. He was so used to getting passed up for the kittens, he'd given up hope...Until one day a kind lady named Anna decides to adopt him.

Feeling excited and nervous at the same time, Gus worries about what his new home will be like. Will he have a comfy bed, his favorite food, or toys to play with?

Find out what happens after Gus arrives at his new home, gets caught up in his first adventure, makes a new friend, and saves the day!


Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!


About the Author

Alisa Guttadauro’s first children’s book, “Dipsy Doodle’s Noodle,” has received five-star reviews on Amazon. Before writing children’s books, Alisa was a school crossing guard and a teaching assistant in elementary school.  She resides in New Jersey with her husband and their playful rescue kitty, Gus Gus, whom this delightful book is based on. When she is not writing in her favorite coffee shop, Alisa likes to spend her time reading, cooking and watching The New York Rangers hockey team. Alisa is currently working on Gus and Lola’s next adventure. You can contact Alisa at her email address:

Amazon Author Page

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Unfiltered Headspace: Just Hold On - Poetry by H.M. Bailey

Unfiltered Headspace: Just Hold On  



Forgiveness is making a conscious choice to live in the present even if the past still hurts. Take a deep breath and pause your mind. Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you. Love yourself even if you feel unlovable. That's when you need it the most.


The words in this book are my intimate views on life, love, and everything in between. Regardless of what you're going through, remember to Just Hold On.


Available in Paperback HERE!

#emotionalselfhelp #poetry

I Don't Like COVID-19 by Tymeka Coney Featured Author

Tymeka Coney


"I Don't Like COVID-19"

Tymeka Coney is an actress, producer, director, playwright, poet, songwriter, voiceover and now activist with the release of her new children's picture book, "I Don't Like Racism," which was inspired by the police brutality she has witnessed in the world and first hand. Tymeka's first book was "Words Unspoken: Volume I-Deeper Than Eyes Can See," poetry book released in 2011. She also has a Spoken Word album, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Dreams," available on Amazon and her recent extended single "COVID 19- Social Distancing," also on Amazon.

She was born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and now resides in Los Angeles, California where she gives back to the community by teaching young people how to read and write and acting.

Tymeka Coney graduated from DeSoto High School in DeSoto, Texas, as Class Favorite. She holds an Associate of Applied Arts degree from K.D. Studio Actor's Conservatory in Dallas, Texas, where she received a partial scholarship for her talents. Tymeka graduated in three years with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology/English- Dramatic Writing from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. While attending Texas Tech University, Tymeka was a DJ/On Air Radio Personality for 88.1 FM College Radio Station and Kiss 102.3 FM Radio Station. Tymeka was also crowned “Miss Black and Gold” and “Most Talented,” for penning an original monologue in the pageant honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is also a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Her poems have been featured in Los Angeles magazines-Rolling Out MagazineMelt Magazine and Los Angeles Sentinel.

Tymeka is also an Entertainment Entrepreneur as she is a woman of many talents.  She currently runs an Indie production company- Meek Entertainment & PR for TV, Film, Live Stage Events & other media where she stays busy consulting clients in PR & Production along with her producing partner Lemo Coney III and they also run an annual film festival to provide opportunities for other filmmakers called -Mind Film Festival. Tymeka is also Manager & Co-Founder of a Music Collective for other songwriters, singers and musicians.

She continues to inspire others through her writing/entertainment bringing awareness to social change as she has done as a playwright with several plays that have brought awareness to domestic violence, breast cancer, suicide, menopause etc. Tymeka realizes it is a part of her life’s mission to continue to rally around important causes like racism and other social change and continue to use her platform for the greater good of all mankind and excel the lives of others spiritually, mentally and emotionally through Arts and Entertainment to make an impact in the lives of others throughout the world.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Biennale of Nations 2022: I Want to Paint - An Interview with Giulio, Isabella Malika Diamante, and Emma!

I Want to Paint: An Interview with Giulio, Isabella Malika Diamante, and Emma!

Congratulations on your success!

These three children are the youngest 
participants admitted to the 

Biennale of Nations 2022

      Isabella Malika Diamante

GM: What is it like being one of the youngest participants selected for Biennale of Nations 2022?
IMD: Well, it is the result of such constancy. I don't think I was selected because I am the best young artist, but because at my age (I am 9 years old) few children think of participating in international art exhibitions and do whatever it takes to get to the end.

GM: Tell us about Biennale of Nations 2022:
IMD: The 2022 Biennial of Nations is an art exhibition that allows admitted artists to present their works in Paris, London, Barcelona and Venice and to publish their images in catalogs intended for gallery owners and museum directors.
GM: What is your favorite art medium?
IDM: Some of my paintings are material, made with recycled materials such as old clothes, gauze or wooden sticks. The materials are then painted with acrylic or oil colors. I have not used materials for my other canvases, but only colors applied with different techniques.

GM: Who is your favorite artist?
IDM: I started painting when I was very young and I could only let the color drip onto the canvas. I was still using washable colors, which are quite liquid. My first canvas was therefore somewhat reminiscent of Jackson Pollock's dripping, so he was the first artist whose works they introduced me to ( Then I discovered Banksy and l visited exhibitions about Vincent van Gogh, Salvador Dalì, the Pre-Raphaelites and female artists like Tamara de Lempicka and they were all really a great emotion.
GM: Do you have a muse or other inspiration that propels your artistic success?
IDM: I like creativity as a means of expressing myself. It is more natural for me to write or paint than to speak. I don't have a muse because "I live in my world". I have all my projects in mind, not just artistic ones. I am a child and I want to have many beautiful experiences. The 2022 Biennial of Nations is one of them.

Isabella's Artwork

Isabella's Artwork


GM: What is it like being one of the youngest participants selected for Biennale of Nations 2022?
Giulio: It means being a "special" person who follow his dreams to make his projects come true.

GM: What is your favorite art medium?
Giulio: I let myself be inspired by my intuition and what I see every day. I prefer drawing on paper, in black and white, with pencil. Black and white for me represent all colors.

GM: Who is your favorite artist?
Giulio: I don't have a favorite painter. Canaletto amazes me for his concrete realistic representation.

GM: Do you have a muse or other inspiration that propels your artistic success?
Giulio: Since I was a child I drew with my great-uncle, an architect who is very artful and, having traveled all over Europe, he passed on this passion to me. Now that I'm older and 9, I also enjoy watching video tutorials by contemporary American painters.

Giulio's Artwork


GM: What is it like being one of the youngest participants selected for Biennale of Nations 2022?
Emma: I am very excited and happy, but also a little worried that my works may not like it or that people do not understand what I wanted to express with my drawing. I don't really like showing my other works because they reflect a bit me and I am a shy child who is often afraid of the judgment of others.

GM: What is your favorite art medium?
Emma: I generally draw any white surface with a pencil, even the desk and school books. I like to use tempera and watercolors on canvases, using my hands or various objects of nature or objects that I have at my disposal in addition to brushes. For example, for the picture with the flower I used cotton buds and a real flower.

GM: Who is your favorite artist?
Emma: At the moment my favorite artist is Joan Miro, because her paintings are very colorful and creative full of details and with simple lines, I really like the eyes present in her paintings. I tried to reproduce his works and the house that I like best and that can be enriched with details invented by me... I like to include cats.

GM: Do you have a muse or other inspiration that propels your artistic success?
Emma: I don't have an inspirational muse I like to draw because it relaxes me, sometimes I find myself drawing without even realizing it, other times drawing and coloring for me means isolating myself from everything, not hearing the noises that surround me and entering my world (my parents call it Emma's fantastic world).

I realized that my drawings are also influenced by my mood, for example if I am a little sad I like to draw colorful and cheerful things (like rainbows and flowers) while if I am calm I like to draw human or animal silhouettes and faces.

Emma's Artwork

The Spirit and Soul of Horses: An Interview with Lara Baeriswyl

Photography by Lara Baeriswyl, Award-Winning Equine Photographer (c) Dudingen, Switzerland The Spirit and Soul of Horses: An Interview with ...