Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Crab Snydrome by Antuan Simmons

“This book changed my life.”
Essential poetry by performance poet Antuan Simmons
Available in eBook here

What is The Crab Sydrome? Crab Mentality-Describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs in which one tries to escape over the side, but is relentlessly pulled down by the others in the pot.

“This book changed my life.”
Essential poetry by performance poet Antuan Simmons
Available in eBook here

Antuan Rene' Simmons (1974- ) has written three books of poetry, The Phoenix's Dying Light, The Crab Syndrome and The Mustard Seed. (The Crab Syndrome and The Mustard Seed are on Amazon Kindle). He also has a poetry CD called Antuan Live (Google Play) which is a live recording performance at Hastings Books and Music. His poetry has been featured in several magazines, and publications.

Simmons is the owner of the Black History Video blog, Black History Films. He also owns the online radio station Jazz N Neo Soul, you can also find the app on Google Play by searching Jazz N Neo Soul on Google Play; and owns the multimedia website Share Your Venue.

Connect with Antuan…
Antuan Simmons on Amazon 
Antuan's Amazon Author's Page
The Crab Syndrome book on Kindle
Online Jazz and Soul station http://www.jazznneosoul.com
Jazz N Neo Soul App on Google Play here
Antuan's facebook
Books on Google Play here
Poetry Cd on Google Play here

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