Thursday, February 8, 2024

This Week @ Monday Creek: A Day at Fernwood Farm


February! Winter is almost over and the feeling of being released from the freezer is exhilarating. Spring flowers have popped up in my flowerbeds! The sun has been super bright this week and it permeates the soul, fauna, and flora.

Today my bestie and I traveled to Fernwood Farm. Traffic was minimal and we enjoyed catching up on work events, personal scenarios, and life in general. Arriving at our destination we met our host, Kelly, at The Galley, a favorite lunch spot. I adore the quaint, old-world feel of the dining room with crystal chandeliers encircled in cast iron. But, most of all, meeting with good friends on a Wednesday is the best. We began with an appetizer – crispy bacon kissed brussels sprouts. My choice for lunch was a gourmet candied apple burger (recommended). An engaging meal and three cups of black coffee later, we all opted for dessert. Mine was a decadent glass of chocolate mousse with homemade whipped cream. Yum. Lunch time over, we headed to Kelly’s Fernwood Farm where homesteading rules and love is paramount.

First, we walked to the pig barn where everyone lives in luxury with full beds of straw, Jolly Balls hang intentionally from the rafters for easy play, food bins are secured for safety, water bowls are full, and where belly rubs are required. Like baby birds, mouths opened automatically for a treat from our luncheon leftovers. The barn is full of happy pigs. Oink, oink, oink… more treats please. Charlotte seems to be the barn favorite. She is a bit bigger than the other pigs and has a certain charm. With bright eyes she oinks, “Welcome to my barn, thanks for stopping by.”

Next, we met the five new, adorable KuneKune pigs. They live in the front yard, just outside the living room glass doors. “It’s Pig TV,” Kelly says. And it is! We met KK, NeNe, Sugar, Spice, and Teddy. Sugar and Spice are sisters; Teddy is the only boar.

Spending time at Fernwood Farm is always inspiring and uplifting. Both Kelly and her husband, Mark, are wonderfully creative. Mark, a seasoned carpenter, was on a ladder, busy building a back porch. It is completely artisan and his own design (why can’t all husbands be carpenters?). Kelly, a sensational artist who graduated with honors from Pratt University, New York, has illustrated several books for us. We are crazy about her talent and amazing designs. She continues to create in her home studio where pigs inspire and art abounds. We are collaborating on a cute book about her pigs (stay tuned for release date, etc.).

Finally, it’s time to say goodbye. Kelly offers us a dozen craft eggs (like craft beer), all natural and cage-free. She hands me a large bag of extra-fancy apples for Zubie, my paint mare. As we walk to the car, Kelly explains her garden layout and where her vegetables will grow in ergonomic-designed raised garden beds. Homesteading is hard work, but Kelly won’t tell you that, she will say that it’s all a labor of love.

A fun day, we reflect on our time at Fernwood Farm and look forward to visiting again soon. Thank you, Kelly! xoxox!

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