Monday, June 5, 2023

Milliron Monday: OciCat


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"...The OciCat is a wild-looking feline with domestic origins, bred from a combination of Abyssinian, Siamese, and American shorthair breeds."
― Wiki

What is an OciCat? In 1985, Jody was intrigued by the new breed. She wrote a letter to Bill McKee, breeder, and this was his reply:

Dear Mrs. Smith,

    I'm in a bit of a hurry to get out of town for the weekend, but will try to answer your questions. Please let me know if you need more information.
    OciCats are generally larger than most purebred cats - males at least 10-12 lbs, usually 12-14 lbs. and sometimes more like 16.  for example, are 8-10 for males. Females are generally smaller, but I have seen them up to 12 lbs.
    Personalities surely vary somewhat depending on the line, but all I have seen have been a little laid-back upon maturity. They are active and playful as kittens and young adults, but rest generally when not at play and not at all nervous or hyper.
    They are much softer-voiced and quieter than the Siamese and Oriental tend to be. Males and females call, as is normal, when in season, of course, and some "talk" if encouraged.
    Prices usually range from $250-500, depending on quality and color. I sell pet males for an average of $350 for well-spotted kittens. I have a lovely tawny (half-brown with black spots) who looks as if he'll be of good size. I've considered keeping him as a neutered pet myself, but good sense tells me he should go to a good home. I breed several litters a year and surely will find another I like as much before too long. He has a wonderful, sweet personality.
    Unfortunately, I know of no one in Ohio with OciCats. You are the second to inquire from Ohio this week.
    I'm enclosing a (not too good) photo of the father of my current litter and their half-sister. 
    If I can be of further help, please let me know.

Looking for current information on OciCats, I found an Ohio OciCat Rescueonly two OciCat breeders in Ohio: Midnite Moon Ocicats and Ocipaws.Ocicat

An interesting cat breed, I know Jody enjoyed cats (as she did all animals), but according to Jody, cats have a place - inside. As Jody would often say about my barn cats, "Cats are predators and kill songbirds and other important species. Keep your cats inside."  

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Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.



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Milliron Monday: The Journals January - March 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...