Friday, November 25, 2022

An Interview with Ohio Author Lorinda LeClain

An Interview with Ohio Author Lorinda LeClain
Author Lorinda LeClain knows a lot about local history. As the History Librarian for the Athens County Library, Lorinda works with locals to preserve and archive photos, memory albums, historical records, and much more. In 2015, she authored her first book, Images of America: Nelsonville (Arcadia Publishing).

Welcome, Lorinda!
GM: What's the premise for your book?
LL: Images of Nelsonville is full of old postcards and photos of the area and a little bit of history about each photo, a co-worker of mine had attended a Rotary meeting back in 2014 and relayed the message that the Arcadia Publishing Company was looking for someone to write Images of America (part of their series) on Nelsonville, and I took on the challenge. It has been a very rewarding experience.
GM: Describe your writing workspace and writing process...
LL: Most of the photos I used for this book I was fairly familiar with but I also spent time researching each one and writing notes on index cards before putting my thoughts down, so the process was pretty much how I learned to work on term papers back in High School.
GM: What would you like readers to take away from your book?
LL: An appreciation for our little town and hopefully to come away with learning something new about a building, person, or event.
GM: What are you currently reading?
LL: Currently, I'm reading the book The Lindbergh Nanny by Mariah Fredericks. I love historical fiction and mysteries.
GM: Who is your favorite author?
LL: Beatriz Williams is currently my favorite author. She writes quite a bit of historical fiction from the 1920's era.
GM: Tell us about working in the library and your role as a local historian... 
LL: Every day is an adventure. I am always busy doing research for my patrons whether it's about an event, an old building or elusive ancestors, there is never a dull moment.

GM: Do you have advice for novice writers?

LL: I don't consider myself very experienced but it is easier to write if it is a topic you have a passion for.

GM: Can we expect a new book from you in the near future?

LL: I would love to do another book on Nelsonville. 

GM: List 10 things that your fans may not know about you…

LL:  I am currently back in school to get my Bachelors in Humanities/History; I help coach Archery at Nelsonville-York City Schools since 2012; I love going on tours of old homes/buildings; I enjoy spending time with my family and walking my dog Jasper; I enjoy taking online painting classes; I love strawberries (I could live on them); genealogy is my main hobby; my favorite holiday is Halloween; one of my favorite movies is Cold Mountain; as for books, I work in a library so whatever catches my eye I give it a chance, but mostly historical fiction and a good mystery.

Connect with Lorinda


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