Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Partridge in a Pear Tree - Story and Art by Sandra Russell

Partridge in a Pear Tree - Story and Art by Sandra Russell

The Twelve Days of Christmas is a familiar Christmas Carol to many. I recently read that all the seemingly silly gifts were actually coded messages for some churches to keep traditions unique to them but forbidden by other Christian sects. The four calling birds for example, are said to represent Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 
As far as the pear tree and the partridge, it is most often repeated part of this round, and it is also "the first and the last" gift, and the "first and the last" part of the song. So in symbol and in structure the song is representing Jesus Christ. The partridge is a mother, and the pear is also somewhat feminine in shape and color, so one would be tempted to see Mary here? But in many old depictions of the Christ child, he is shown holding a pear. A pear tree produces fruit for many decades and seems to live forever. In fact, a few years ago, I was surprised to revisit an old pear tree from my childhood, and to pick a pear, still good to eat from one lonely seemingly dead branch. There was only one pear on the tree, and that was the one with one large perfect pear, still hanging from it. I felt it was waiting there for me, as all the field around it was grown up with brambles and brush, fires had wiped out the other trees, but there it stood, and one year after a long absence I returned to claim it.

Anyhow, back to the song. The pear tree represents the cross, and the partridge represents Jesus, because he died for his 'children' as the Partridge is said to sacrifice herself for her young. But also, the pear tree represents enduring life, eternal life, and perhaps only the appearance of death. I love pear trees, as had happy memories in what once was an orchard, I would ride the farm horse (Prince) around the hills, and stop for a pear or two, before our final descent to the barn, the sun would be setting behind us in a minute, but a sweet pear stop would take us home.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Milliron Monday: Meme's Musings


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"A quarter was a lot of money, especially when you realize I'd picked a bushel of dandelions from the yard for a dime."
Virginia Wurl Rhonemus Haley

Do you think I'll ever run out of topics for Milliron Monday? I don't think so. Boxes of notebooks, letters, legal documents (of no use now) - a lifetime of paper just waiting to be shared. Today, thinking about what to write, I ran across a bright pink typed pamphlet written by Jody's mother, Virginia Wurl Rhonemus Haley, aka Meme.  

I never met Meme, but the stories keep coming. She was a character with a lot to say. Jody often shared her mother's antics and the many times she got under Pete's skin (and vice versa). 

Over the next few weeks, I am going to share stories from Meme's pink pamphlet. They will keep you engaged and entertained; a part of history and more insight to Jody's family. Here's the unaltered intro and First Section:

First Section: The Way it Was

Mary Virginia Jenkins Waltermire "Aunt Molly", 3 daughters

(Mrs. Samuel Westly Waltermire)
Born May 30, 1850 - Died April 26, 1938
[Mary Virginia is Jody's great-grandmother]

Drizella Wynnowa, daughter, lived just a few months - died of summer complaint

Nellie Wave Waltermire Krout, Mrs. Ed Krout, 2 sons
1) Arlo Clymer Krout (1901)
2) Gaylord Krout (1916)
Jessie Wurl Waltermire Rhonemus (Mrs. Harry B. Rhonemus)
Born March 25, 1885 - Died March 25, 1975 on her birthday
[Jessie is Meme's mother, Jody's grandmother, Jessica's namesake]

My Grandmother was hard working and a community supporter. She was asked to teach children and adults, much older than she when she was fourteen (14) years old.
    She was a great reader (I can remember her reading the Bible when I went to bed and she was reading when I got up.) She loved to read -  because she could read and understand. What she read was due to her Mother, Samantha Orcutt - from New England - I never learned how she got to Ohio - and married Anthony Jenkins. She had a boy, Charles Landon, 1/2 brother to my Grandmother, they looked alike, thought alike, everything. 4th of July or near, we went to visit. Hosea Jenkins, her full brother, and the 1/2 relation were never close, Hosea raised Clydesdale horses and was well-to-do and let everyone know it (I guess). But it was never a case of your children and my children are fighting our children. It was a contented household. My Grandmother told me she was in her teens before she knew that the older girls who came to see her father were actually her 1/2 sisters and they always brought little gifts for everyone. 
    Grandmother, as a young girl, went before four men, neighbor farmers, to prove she could answer questions pertaining to History (1st man), Geography (2nd man) etc: Math and Spelling, they asked her to sign their names and they marked an X. None could read or write. She was paid by being given bed and board at their various homes each week. She told many times she waited in the door of the school (barn) on Friday night because of a mix up or being forgotten it was their turn.
    My Grandmother, "Aunt Molly", as she was lovingly called, later had charge of all knitting for Hardin County during the 1st World War. She spent more time fixing mistakes of others, until she sat me down and stitch by stitch turned a heel so she could point out that a 10 year old could do it. Oh! I disliked sitting there - I wanted to roller skate.
    She was also the Official Coffee Maker for the Town - Odd Fellows - Rebecca which the lodge was named after Virginia Rebecca Lodge. In later years, the men carried her up the long flight of stairs - it was boiled coffee in those days with eggshells to settle the grounds - she fixed her own beans.
    When I was a junior in high school she fell down the basement stairs and broke her shoulder. Her personality changed and she just sat in a chair I bought for the porch - waiting as she said for the "Grim Reaper". She told several stories of interest to the Sunday School Class as she taught for many years at the First Presbyterian Church at Forest, Ohio. 
    Of course, in her youth - lighting was by candles, oil burning in a pan. A neighbor invited everyone to come at night to see her surprise - everyone was impressed, "Why you could see the dust in the corner of the room." A LAMP. And Joyann [Jody] has the Parlor Lamp that was only used in the front room when the minister or folks from the Lodge stopped by.
    My Grandmother wanted the letter "W" in her child's name. Nellie Wane, etc. - Jessie "Wurl" - the name "Wurl" was concocted when she was sitting in front of the stove and the word "Murl" was the name of the oven. So she changed the letter and Wurl was developed. My father wanted to name me after Mother.
    She was raised that gambling, playing cards, etc., was not the way to live. Mother, one evening, was teaching me the names of the different cards when my Grandmother came in, took a big sweep with her hands and had the cards in her apron and went and threw them in the furnace, saying "As long as you have your feet under my table there will be no card playing in this house." When you realize her family lost a large plantation in Virginia with the turn of a card. The man who won came and threw some silver spoons (which I had up North) in her lap, saying, "I can't take everything, here." And walked away.
    Well, we were speechless with losing the cards. Mother said, "But this happens to be my table and Virginia needs to know how to play cards." With that she gave me a quarter and called Mr. Shields to tell him to give me the best playing cards he had. I can remember carrying that quarter out in front so I could keep my eye on it. A quarter was a lot of money, especially when you realize I'd picked a bushel of dandelions from the yard for a dime.
    When I got back from Shields Drug Store with the cards, everything seemed under control and Mother continued telling me about the cards. The house had been bought together, the furniture was new so was kept by Mother. My Grandmother's furniture was given to [Aunt] Nellie and the two women did their best to raise me in a normal atmosphere. 
    My Father, Harry B. Rhonemus [Jody's grandfather], was a handsome person, a wonderful personality. He owned Mans' Clothing Store in Ada, Ohio where Mother was in college at Ohio Northern getting a degree in music. Father, I was told, was a great outdoor person and decided he wanted to raise special chickens. So, they built a special, modern house for the times, with a dumbwaiter (shelves you could pull up from the basement - putting milk, butter, etc., on them to keep cool). I would put chickens and cats on the shelves to give them a ride. Also, I was told to be helpful. I sat on the little chickens to keep them warm, like the hens did. So there went the profit.
    He was out hunting and putting his gun through the fence, he caught his foot on the saw wire and fell on the butt of his gun. He developed problems from that accident in digestion. He worked in the office of an elevator (farmers brought corn in to be ground into flour) and he was showing the machinery to the important person. They were at the top of the elevator, 4 floors up. The man stepped back on a loose board and both men fell. (The other man died later). My Father went to the McFadden Clinic in Chicago for treatment. After many months it became certain there was no need for him to stay as he knew he couldn't get well and he wanted to see me. He came back in a boxcar with two nurses and a doctor. I was brought in to see him in bed and he perked up so much everyone had hopes. The nurse said, "Mr. Rhonemus, we think you should rest. We will bring Virginia back in two hours." And she carried me to the door, I waved and threw him a kiss. He smiled and raised his hand to wave and died, May 11, 1911, at the age of 29. In other words - he starved to death. Mother sat by the office holding his hand for three days and nights. Not crying nor talking. Finally she said, "Doc, did we do everything that could be done?" He answered, "Yes, Stubby, for now, in the future we will be able to do more by operating, bypassing injured parts." She got up and never stopped. She was 28 years old. She went to summer school for many summers, putting me in a very expensive girls summer camp in New York State. She went a whole year to New York City studying the Fletcher Method in music. She opened a music studio with her four pianos and also gave organ lessons. (She had to hire a boy to pump the bellows up so she could practice and when he went out of the church to smoke I kept it going which took me off my feet but I did it just a short time till he came back - Mother never knew about it, I hope). On some Saturdays, she hired a horse and buggy and went out into the country to teach, sometimes I went along. My first automobile ride, so I am told, was with Uncle Doc to see new twin girls. There were no doors on the car, so I was tied in and I loved it, singing and laughing, which pleased Uncle Doc. Later the one twin and I became good friends (the other twin died at age of 18 months).
    Uncle Doc (William Nelson Mundy) was married to Maggie Waltermire, niece of my grandfather. His brother's daughter. The families were very close. Uncle Doc was very small, about 5'. He left New York City because the gangs picked on him. He rode the Rails and hopped off, by luck, at the Waltermire farm where they were putting firewood out of the train. Two piles, one for the train engine and the other pile - cherry and walnut wood - to be taken to be made into chairs (Joyann [Jody] has the chairs). Uncle Doc was hired to be down at the tracks to see that the correct piles went to the right place.
    After living as one of the family, he impressed everyone how he could cure cuts, burns, etc., in humans as well as animals. So he was sent to Medical School in Cincinnati where he graduated with honors. Only thing - he had to promise to practice medicine in Hardin County and Forest - which, of course, he did. He had two sons - Carl Seymore and Giles. Carl became a well known doctor in Toledo. Also promised, if anything happened to "Stubby" (my Mother), Carl was to raise me and see that I got a college degree.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

An Interview with Ohio Author Brieanna Wilkoff

An Interview with Ohio Author Brieanna Wilkoff

Residing in Westerville, Ohio, young adult author Brieanna Wilkoff is a bundle of good energy. I met Brieanna at a recent book festival where she showcased her new novel. From Brieanna’s bio…

Brieanna Wilkoff (she/her) believes wholeheartedly in the power of kindness, the importance of theatre, and the awesomeness of ’80s rock. She married her husband onstage at the oldest surviving theatre in central Ohio, and their first dance was to Bon Jovi’s “Thank You for Loving Me.” Her favorite musical is a three-way tie between Les MisWicked, and Hamilton.


I’ll Be There for You is Brieanna’s debut young adult novel. It was inspired by her family’s commitment to kindness, including performing 100 kind acts in a single day.”


Welcome, Brieanna!

GM: What is the premise of your new book?

BW: I’ll Be There for You is about a 16-year-old girl named Rae who is struggling to move on after the death of her father, who loved ’80s rock, Bon Jovi most of all. A trip to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on the anniversary of her dad’s death leads Rae to embark on a kindness mission after someone does something unexpectedly kind and tells her to “pay it forward.” In addition, Rae decides to audition for the school play after meeting Mac, a boy who uses humor, charm, and some well-curated Broadway playlists to help her open up again. But his friendship and the hope for romance come with the potential for more heartbreak. The book is full of fun music and theatre references, but ultimately, it’s a story about healing.

GM: Where is your favorite place to write?

BW: We turned our living room into a home library, filled with bookshelves and comfy chairs. I love writing in that room because I’m surrounded by all of my favorite books—those that have moved and inspired me, made me laugh and cry. I’ve even incorporated my love of theatre into the space, with a custom-made blanket featuring my favorite musicals.

GM: How do you maintain thoughts and ideas?

BW: Over the years, I’ve found that if I’m generally thinking about a book, even when I’m not actively thinking about it, ideas will pop into my head. So, I try to keep whatever project I’m working on in the front of my mind. I also make it easy to jot ideas down, keeping several notebooks and a list on my phone in case ideas strike when I’m away from home.

GM: Are your characters based upon people you know, or are they truly fictional?

BW: No character is based on one real person, but elements of people I know or myself are in several of the characters. Theatre is a passion of mine, so I definitely drew on that as I was writing Mac, Rae, and Joss. I also love ’80s rock (my husband and I danced our first song at our wedding to Bon Jovi’s “Thank You for Loving Me”), which I tapped into to create Rae’s dad. The character of Paul, who appears later in the novel, is the least fictional—he’s a mix of several real people.

GM: Who is your favorite character in your novel?

BW: It’s too hard to pick between Mac and Rae because it’s the interaction between them that brings out the best in each. I had so much fun writing their scenes together, and I would often hear them talking in my head. They share moments that are funny, playful, and touching.

GM: I’ve seen a photo of your library. You’re an avid reader. Who is your favorite author?

BW: I’m a big fan of YA—John Green and Becky Albertalli are two authors I adore. They write wonderful characters, with such great voices, that I thoroughly enjoy all of their books. I like contemporary stories, and characters are what draw me in. These two are masters of the craft.

GM: What advice do you have for novice writers?

BW: Embrace revision. It’s hard to get words on paper, especially if you’re writing a book and need to string together tens of thousands of words. If you accept that the first draft isn’t going to be great, it helps take the pressure off. You can always change, add, or cut words later. That’s a necessary part of the process—revision is what turns a good idea into a great book.

GM: Do you have a muse or ritual that spurs creativity? 

BW: I don’t have a lot of free time, which sometimes works in my favor. When I get the opportunity to write, I take advantage of it because time is limited. Also, while it’s not specific to creativity, I do take inspiration from the craft book Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody. I’ve found it to help tremendously in shaping story structure. I also recommend GMC: Goal, Motivation, and Conflict by Debra Dixon for creating compelling, believable characters.

Connect with Brieanna

Independent bookstore Cover to Cover Children's Books

Website (brieannawilkoff.com)

Brieanna's home library



Saturday, November 26, 2022

An Interview with Ohio Author Holly Bargo

 An Interview with Ohio Author Holly Bargo

When we network with other writers, we enhance our own creativity. In October, I had the great opportunity to connect with Holly Bargo, a writer from Ohio who has penned many tales. From Holly’s bio:

"Unlike many authors, Holly writes her own books; she doesn't hire ghostwriters. She does, however, ghostwrite for others and currently works as a freelance writer and editor. More information about Holly's freelance services can be found at www.henhousepublishing.com. Holly lives in southwest Ohio on a small hobby farm with her husband and a small menagerie of furred and feathered friends." .

Welcome, Holly!

GM: What's the premise for your new book?
HB: Knight of the Twin Moons returns to the world of the immortal fae and is very loosely based on the mythos of the medieval black knight. Black knights really did exist; they were mercenaries who painted their armor black to prevent rust. The mercenary in this book, Ishjarta Ornstal, is the son of the mighty Erlking who leads the Wild Hunt which is the highest arbiter of justice in this fae world. Ishjarta serves those who seek a more personal justice and whose motives might not be altogether pure.

Because of what he is as well as who he is, Ishjarta is lonely and wants to find his true mate. He seeks assistance from the oracle who sends him to modern day Earth where he finds her. A running theme in the Twin Moons Saga is the “fish out of water trope.” The heroine must adapt to the changes wrought around and within her, because there’s no going back. This story focuses on the development of the relationship between a divorced mother whose son has died and an ancient, immortal being who wants someone to love and to love him.

GM: Intriguing storyline. Tell us about your main character...
HB: This story has two protagonists. The main male character is Ishjarta Ornstal, an ancient, immortal fae and justice-dispensing mercenary. He’s aloof, dispassionate, and often cruel, but not necessarily unkind. The main female character is Cassandra, a middle-aged human woman whom Ishjarta saves from death and transports to his world where she is transformed through the power of that world’s two most powerful beings, unicorns, into an immortal fae. The complete change of self and surroundings force her to adapt to new rules and customs and she proves up to the challenge.

GM: How do you maintain storyline thoughts and ideas?
HB: Writing, for me, is not a disciplined exercise. I’m a diehard pantser, not a plotter. Ideas come to me and percolate in my mind. Eventually, the good ones demand expression, so I put fingertips to keyboard and type. The story comes to me in fits and spurts.

GM: Describe your writing workspace and writing process...
HB: I’m a freelance writer and editor; that’s how I make my living. I have an office with windows on three walls. (You have no idea how important it is to have windows until you’ve worked in a place without windows.) I have a desk with a computer. I do all of my client work there. It’s a workspace. I don’t do much of my own writing there. For that, I use my laptop computer, a 10-year-old device that does what I need it to do. I’ll curl up on the sofa or in the recliner in the living room and write, usually while music plays in the background. My music preferences depend on my mood. My tastes are eclectic.

GM: I know a few writers who are not open to writing to music, but it does provide a muse and motivation. How do current events and your environment play a role in storyline scenarios and final drafts?
HB: Current events and my environment don’t usually play a huge role in my stories, except for maybe to add an ambiance of familiarity where my characters exist. More influential are the movies and books I read and my own experiences. In January 2021, my elder son died by suicide. In Knight of the Twin Moons, Cassandra’s son has died by suicide. In the story, she’s further along her grief journey than I was when I wrote it. The grief doesn’t go away, but time gives us distance as a buffer against that grief so we can function.

GM: The author of several titles, what books have you written? Of all of your titles, which is the most popular with readers?
HB: I have published over 20 books:

Tree of Life Trilogy: Rowan, Cassia, and Willow

Russian Love series: Russian Lullaby, Russian Gold, Russian Dawn, and Russian Pride. This is my bestselling series. I am currently working on a fifth book in the series, tentatively titled Russian Revival.

Immortal Shifters series: The Barbary Lion, Tiger in the Snow, Bear of the Midnight Sun, The Eagle at Dawn.

Twin Moons Saga: Daughter of the Twin Moons, Daughter of the Deepwood, Daughter of the Dark Moon, Knight of the Twin Moons. This is also a popular series, and I’m working on fifth book, tentatively titled Champion of the Twin Moons.

Standalone books:
FOCUS (This is my bestselling single book.)
Shot from the Hip (collection of short westerns)
The Mighty Finn
Triple Burn. (I’m working on sequel to this book.)
Hogtied (I started a sequel to this book.)
The Falcon of Imenotash
Ulfbehrt’s Legacy
The Diamond Gate
Pure Iron
The Dragon Wore a Kilt

GM: Wow! Congratulations on your success! Most writers are avid readers. Who is your favorite author?
HB: That’s never a fair question. I read a lot and have many favorites spread among diverse genres. These authors include some of the biggest names in publishing, even if I seldom read their work anymore: Zane Grey, Walter Farley, Robert B. Parker, Robert Crais, Guy Gavriel Kay, Robin Hobb, Nora Roberts, Jayne Ann Krentz/Amanda Quick, Julia Quinn, Madeleine Hunter, and Mary Balough.

GM: Do you have advice for novice writers?
HB: I’m a professional writer and editor, so, yes, of course! Remember that writing is first and foremost a craft. It takes practice and effort to master. Good craftsmanship trumps poorly execute “art” every time. This means to learn the craft of writing and master it. Readers expect and deserve well-written content that meets standards of professionalism. Anything less disrespects our readers.

For those who pursue traditional publishing, this means to self-edit, revise, and rewrite the manuscript as often as necessary until it’s as good as you can possibly get it before you submit it to the publisher or literary agent.

For those who intend to self-publish, this means you are responsible for all the tasks a traditional publisher undertakes to produce a professional quality book, which obligates the author to invest the time and funds into ensuring that book’s quality. Ensuring quality involves hiring professional editors, proofreaders, cover designers, and book designers.

GM: List 10 things that your fans may not know about you...
HB: The pseudonym Holly Bargo is the registered name of an Appaloosa mare I used to have. (She died many years ago. I still have horses.)

I prefer large breed dogs. (I currently have a Great Dane and a German Shepherd.)

My musical tastes range widely from classical to movie soundtracks to country to hard rock, but I dislike rap and hip hop.

I swore for many, many years that I would never have chickens—nasty, filthy, vicious beasts. Two years ago, I got hens and I like them. The fresh eggs are good, too!

I didn’t follow my own advice with the first handful of books I published and regretted it.

I love Jane Austen’s stories, but I don’t much enjoy reading her books.

I loathe horror and detest cliffhangers.

I don’t like the color of my hair, but am too lazy to dye it.

I will do almost anything to avoid housework and yard work. (I’d rather muck stalls than vacuum the carpet.)

I’m politically conservative.

Connect with Holly…

Friday, November 25, 2022

An Interview with Ohio Author Lorinda LeClain

An Interview with Ohio Author Lorinda LeClain
Author Lorinda LeClain knows a lot about local history. As the History Librarian for the Athens County Library, Lorinda works with locals to preserve and archive photos, memory albums, historical records, and much more. In 2015, she authored her first book, Images of America: Nelsonville (Arcadia Publishing).

Welcome, Lorinda!
GM: What's the premise for your book?
LL: Images of Nelsonville is full of old postcards and photos of the area and a little bit of history about each photo, a co-worker of mine had attended a Rotary meeting back in 2014 and relayed the message that the Arcadia Publishing Company was looking for someone to write Images of America (part of their series) on Nelsonville, and I took on the challenge. It has been a very rewarding experience.
GM: Describe your writing workspace and writing process...
LL: Most of the photos I used for this book I was fairly familiar with but I also spent time researching each one and writing notes on index cards before putting my thoughts down, so the process was pretty much how I learned to work on term papers back in High School.
GM: What would you like readers to take away from your book?
LL: An appreciation for our little town and hopefully to come away with learning something new about a building, person, or event.
GM: What are you currently reading?
LL: Currently, I'm reading the book The Lindbergh Nanny by Mariah Fredericks. I love historical fiction and mysteries.
GM: Who is your favorite author?
LL: Beatriz Williams is currently my favorite author. She writes quite a bit of historical fiction from the 1920's era.
GM: Tell us about working in the library and your role as a local historian... 
LL: Every day is an adventure. I am always busy doing research for my patrons whether it's about an event, an old building or elusive ancestors, there is never a dull moment.

GM: Do you have advice for novice writers?

LL: I don't consider myself very experienced but it is easier to write if it is a topic you have a passion for.

GM: Can we expect a new book from you in the near future?

LL: I would love to do another book on Nelsonville. 

GM: List 10 things that your fans may not know about you…

LL:  I am currently back in school to get my Bachelors in Humanities/History; I help coach Archery at Nelsonville-York City Schools since 2012; I love going on tours of old homes/buildings; I enjoy spending time with my family and walking my dog Jasper; I enjoy taking online painting classes; I love strawberries (I could live on them); genealogy is my main hobby; my favorite holiday is Halloween; one of my favorite movies is Cold Mountain; as for books, I work in a library so whatever catches my eye I give it a chance, but mostly historical fiction and a good mystery.

Connect with Lorinda


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Feed the birds, Feed your soul by Sandra Russell

The recent more than chilly temperatures make it very tempting to pull the wool socks out, put the kettle on and simply hibernate for the winter, alas; we are not bears. We are more like birds. Some of us 'fly south for the winter' and some of us have jobs to do, ideas to hatch, and bodies that just need to get moving whether we really want to or not? I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not only our world that needs supporting, the Northern birds and other wildlife are out there and food supplies are scarce once the seeds have fallen and are covered in snow, foraging and shelter changes.

I have shown here as an illustration, a lovely quilt piece done by my cousin K. It is a sweet reminder of the challenges and the benefits available to us in winter. One of those benefits is an awareness of our variety of Ohio birds, we look more carefully at them and notice feathers and personalities we may not have noticed in the busy colorful landscape of summer. For me it invites the sort of focus one applies to Springtime blooms, noting every new color and contour of a lily or a crocus. This quilt features our State bird, the Cardinal, against a frosty background of greys and icy looks, but the bird is perched on a branch of golden flame-like stitches, and he himself is a cozy quilt of red, gazing at the fireplace. Winter affords us to contemplate these contrasts and to share our comforts to warm others. 


Monday, November 21, 2022

Milliron Monday: Dennis Powell's View from Mudsock Heights - When We're Out of Touch

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:  June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May 9, 2021
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Milliron Farm and Clinic, Dr. Pete and Jody Smith. 

"I’d run into Jody all the time, and if I had an assignment, assignment be damned because we were going to talk for awhile."
Dennis Powell

Have you ever thought of someone, and you can't shake the thought? Their name pops up everywhere and you know you need to reach out. Well, that's what happened week before last. I hadn't heard from Dennis Powell for a very long time and sent him an email to see how things were going. As usual, he is doing well, reading and writing.

I asked Dennis if he enjoyed Jody's recent publication of short stories, the collection from her memorial service. He replied he had not seen it, nor did he know that Jody passed away.

This is my fault. Dennis should have known. He should have been at her memorial. Jody would have expected him to be there. She was a fan of his column The View from Mudsock Heights. 

In Dennis' column last week, he wrote of Dr. Smith, Jody, and what happens when we're out of touch. Read the entire post here. 

Connect with Dennis...

The View from Mudsock Heights here every Wednesday 

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...

Monday Creek Publishing LLC


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