Thursday, April 14, 2022

Psy-Trader and Trading's Easy by John Miller

Using Scientific Remote Viewing for Financial Trading 
 Practical steps to achieving 60%+ accuracy to 
forecasting future financial market moves. 
PsyTrade Never have to rely on indicators again! 

For people who are looking for a more stress-free fun way to go about day trading by using intuition without having to rely on indicators. I use this method often for the past five years with good results, so I am sharing it as a fun read. Also, I am throwing in a free eBook I wrote years ago that breaks down trading in a 147-page eBook that I sold for $29.99 but I am giving it as a gift with purchase.

Important Message!

It's long been known you can give 10 people a profitable trading system and 9 will still lose money most people do not believe they can make a lot of easy money without working long and hard. Why? Because the results of your trading are controlled by your subconscious belief system and to address this problem, I have added my "Trading's Easy"147-page guide to the psychology of success in trading. I've had many years of experience trading profitably and I used to be a psychoanalyst, so I know a great deal about the subconscious mind! This essential guide is the missing link to success at trading.

It is 100% certain that psychic abilities exist and almost certain that everybody has latent abilities. It is now widely accepted after rigorous scientific tests that a person’s ‘intent’ can skew the results of random binary generators so that, for example, instead of getting 50:50 results from a thousand black or whites, we get 55:45 in favor of the subject ‘willing’ a certain outcome.

More convincing is the fact that the CIA spent many years on a ‘Remote Viewing’ program code-named Stargate which was basically, a psychic spying operation to counter exactly the same the thing being run by the Russians. It’s an easy Internet search to find documented proof of this (even on the CIA website) plus video interviews of ex-CIA agents involved in the Stargate operation. Bottom line was it produced verifiable results where a viewer could remote view a distant location any time in the future or past.

So why hasn’t this been used to win the lottery or make millions on the stock markets? The answer to the first question is that remote viewing has a very hard time bringing back purely intellectual, ‘left brain’ concepts like numbers. But it certainly has been (and probably still is) used to make money in the financial markets. The first record of this was published in the October 22, 1984, edition of The Wall Street Journal.

“Russell Targ, a physicist who built sophisticated lasers for GTE Sylvania Inc. until 1972, then spent the next 10 years doing hush-hush, still classified psychic research for the federal government at SRI [Stanford Research Institute], sober California thinks tank. At SRI, Targ concentrated on remote viewing. By 1982, Mr. Targ says ‘We’d shown unequivocally that people could describe distant locations as well as events that lie in the future.’ One of his first commercial ventures was its foray into the silver-futures market. They tried to forecast roughly how much silver prices would change between Thursday’s closing and Monday’s closing prices. In all of the first nine tries, Keith Harary, the most psychic partner made correct predictions. The investors made ‘in the middle six figures.

So, we know it is possible! However, we need a clever structure and method to get usable results and this means a technique that is purely visual (no numbers involved) and a way to disconnect the second-guessing interference of our intellectual mind. We also need a suitable instrument to trade (not silver). In my opinion, the Dow Jones Industrial Index is the best for this as it has good moves, is less fickle than currencies and has a very high number of followers throughout the world – meaning a high profile in the collective unconscious of humanity!

We must have a dramatically visual daily chart with large yellow/green candles representing up moves and large bright magenta candles represent down moves. The last trick is that we do not try and ‘see’ tomorrow’s move because our intellectual mind will have too many opinions on that – so we remote view two days ahead. Now let’s look at the way in which this can best be done to achieve our target of at 3 correct days out of 5 which will give us up to 20% profit on our capital per week, depending on the size of the moves.

Principles of Remote Viewing

One of the most respected remote viewing bodies is the Farsight An organization which can be found at and they have a free 25 video course plus a lot of printed material. They even have a section devoted to financial forecasting but just for the cryptocurrency which is not a good choice in my opinion! Usually, remote viewing is done to obtain visual information about a place that is distant in space and usually in time (past or future).

In order to completely get round the issue of the mind interfering, remote viewing usually uses two people, one who knows the subject of what is to be viewed and the other who does ‘blind’ viewing with no idea what the subject actually is! In fact, the subject is defined by a random four-digit number, for example, 8269 and the person who knows the subject details mentally associates this number with the time and place of the subject and then emails the 8269 ‘coordinates to the viewer who then goes through a series of preparations and ‘views’ whatever it is he is supposed to be viewing!

He then (while in the ‘trance’ state of remote viewing) draws whatever he sees, hears, or smells. This drawing is then given to the person who gave him the coordinates to make sense of...

Of course, this is a wonderful method if you want to view what happened in a certain location twenty years ago (or the far side of the moon) but is far too complicated to get a simple financial forecast of whether the Dow will go up or down on the day. So, we need to devise something simple we can use on our own.

Placing the Trades

I strongly suggest you use my Template file to set up your chart so that we have visually clear and distinct yellow/green and bright magenta candles on the daily Dow chart as shown below. Let us first look at placing a trade and leave the remote viewing until later.

The template file also loads the ATR indicator in a window at the bottom to show the Average True Range of a candle (make sure it is set to D1 or Daily time frame). Hold the mouse over the line as shown to give a clear reading – in this case 716.5 points which is the average move over the last 10 days. This is larger than usual because it is shown during the coronavirus drama which increased volatility considerably.

The Take Profit Stop Loss needs to be about half of this. So, I would use a TP and SL of 350 (a $350 price move). When things Placing the Trades return to normal, we may have ATRs as low as 200 but I would never use stops smaller than 150.

Since our TP is variable according to conditions, our Lot size also needs to vary accordingly. The rule is to calculate a Lot size that corresponds to a loss or profit of about 20% of your capital, maximum. If you want to play safe (and you should do in the beginning), use 10%. For example, we have $1,000 capital and want to use 20%, so we win or lose $200 (there is no commission in Forex Choice for the Dow). One Lot equals £10 a point, so we divide 200 by 350 and divide the answer by 10. Now, 200 divided by 350 is 0.57, so divide that by 10 and we get 0.05 Lots (rounded down).

To confirm, we know that 0.1 Lots is $1 a point, so 0.05 is half a dollar a point, times 350 gives us $175 dollars profit or loss – comfortably below our maximum of $200 or 20% of our capital. Once calculated, it should remain the same for several days but you can adjust it up and down if the ATR changes, usually without having to go through the full calculation.

The Dow closes for an hour at midnight chart time (22:00 UK time, 23:00 CET and 17:00 EST) but when it opens again, the spread (difference between buy and sell price) is very high so give it ten minutes or so to settle down. I generally make my trades at 01:15 chart time, fifteen minutes after it reopens. Simply click on New Order, input your Lot size and click Buy or Sell. Then note your entry price to add and subtract $350 to set your stops. This is done by Right-clicking on the order number in the Terminal window at the bottom, clicking on Modify or Delete Order and input the correct prices in the Take Profit and Stop Loss boxes.

Obviously, they will be days when the Dow does not move much and doesn’t hit either of the stops. In this case you should manually close the trade at some time before the end of the trading day. Also, it may happen that we get a big move early in the day and if I see that I have made a substantial profit before the open of the US market, I am happy to manually close for less than the full TP. However, don’t get into the habit of closing early (for a profit or a loss) as this will lose you money in the long run.

I strongly suggest that you either demo trade for one week or use a 0.01 Lot size until you are familiar with the process but more importantly, until you are proficient at the all-important remote viewing procedure! This takes some practice before you become confident enough to risk serious money...

There is a complication for two weeks when the clocks are changed for summer and winter time as the US changes their clocks two weeks earlier than most of the rest of the world, Brokers usually change their server time in line with the US, so be aware of this and how it affects your local trading time.

How to Remote View

To ‘predict’ tomorrow’s trade is not a good idea because your conscious mind will have too many ideas (or uncertainties) about which way it will go, and the first principle of remote viewing is to eliminate interference from the intellectual mind (which doesn’t even really believe it’s possible). The solution is to remote view two days ahead so we have no clue about whether it will be up or down.

I suggest making a fixed time to do your viewing. I do it in the evening before the next day open. So, on Thursday, we view Monday’s move, on Sunday we view Tuesday’s move. On Monday, we view Wednesday and on Tuesday, we view Thursday’s move and on Wednesday, we view Friday.

How do we do it? Remote viewing works best when we completely stop our ‘inner talking’ and have a quite mind. Many people think this is impossible but it’s actually quite easy if you practice seriously. I can stop my inner talking for minutes at a time quite effortlessly and anyone can do it for one second! If you can do it for one second, you can do it for two, and so on. Sit in front of your computer without the chart showing or even with it turned off. The idea is to put yourself physically in the position you will be in two days time looking at the chart and seeing either a green or a red candle for the Dow that day.

Make yourself completely relaxed and have no background disturbances and nobody else (or pets) in the room. It’s as if you are falling asleep except that you make the effort to stop inner talking and go into ‘blank consciousness’. Then, without inner talking, simply imagine yourself sitting in front of the screen in two days – do. Do you see a green or a red candle? Personally, I just try to see one single candle – that day’s candle and ‘magically’, a red or green small rectangle appears before my eyes and that’s all I need. It may work differently for you but that’s the principle. On a nice piece of paper with the Monday to Friday written on it, put ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ next to the day you have remote viewed (or possibly Break Even!). Do not do this is bright light as then closed eyelids will make everything red! So, make sure the room is dimly lit or cover your eyes will your hands.

In my early days, I once got a strong impression of a very thin line – a break-even day and remarkably, that’s exactly what it was! So, if that happens, we don’t trade. Monday is always a risky day to trade and with this method more so as we view it 4 days in advance. In itself, this is not an issue but the fact that we depart from our usual 2 days makes it less reliable. You may choose to miss Mondays.

That’s all there is to it. Don’t be afraid to ‘imagine’ when you remote view – so long as it is silent imagining without any inner talking. Imagination is very misunderstood, and we are conditioned very early on in life to think that it has no power when the truth is the opposite. For this reason, we are discouraged to use our imagination for serious work but when we were small children, we understood the power of imagination. Imagination need not be something ‘make believes’ and untrue. Imagination has the force of creation and it is this same kind of force that we use for remote viewing. If you don’t see that red or green candle, try ‘imagining’ a candle – is it a red one or a green one? Now you have your answer. With practice, this is VERY powerful.

Lastly, limit yourself to just one instrument and just once a day. This is important to prevent ‘burn out’ and you must keep it relaxed and stress-free.


I have deliberately kept this very short and simple but this method really does give you the possibility to fully take charge of your trading without being dependent on anyone or anything else. This is true empowerment and has the ability to make you financially independent if you pursue it seriously and master the technique.

What will almost certainly become problems are self-doubt and your mind interfering with your remote viewing, so take is slowly in the beginning. As I said, I would recommend you demo trade for the first week and then start with the smallest Lot size until you have built-up your confidence and can trade full size. After all, you don’t start a new job or career and expect to be a master right away!

All trading requires the right mind set and discipline but more important is your subconscious belief system. Growing up in this society is tough and very, very few of us have perfect, trauma-free childhoods. This means that we have self-worth issues, worries and doubts that we can become truly successful and so our subconscious will very often destroy our chances of success.

For this reason, I would very strongly suggest you read my ‘Trading's Easy Guide to Success’, if you haven’t already done so. This is a unique guide written mainly for traders based on my own experience as a successful trader and former psychoanalyst who specialized in the subconscious mind and the release of trapped traumas that spoil the lives of most people. Unless you can create a subconscious belief that you can be truly successful, it is unlikely you will succeed at trading!

All the best and good trading, John.

Copyright 2020



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