Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Trail Boss Ministry: An Interview with Jack Blease

Pastor Jack Blease, Trail Boss Ministry

Trail Boss Ministry: An Interview with Jack Blease
by Gina McKnight
No duplication without permission.
Archived from the October 2021 issue of Florida Equine Athlete.

Have you ever been to a church without walls? That is exactly what Trail Boss Ministry is! Residing in Amarillo, Texas, Pastor Jack Blease is a “preacher, singer, poet and storyteller who combines his love for the Lord, the West, the Heritage of the Cowboy, traditional music, and the Joy of Christian Fellowship.” Pastor Blease writes, “Our Mission Statement is to share the Love, Joy, Grace, and Fullness of Life available through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Welcome, Pastor Jack!

GM: I am thrilled to connect with you and learn more about Trail Boss Ministry. But first, can you tell us a little about your horse history and your Texas heritage?
JB: My horse history began with an older Quarter Horse gelding named Lucky that I purchased from a horseback riding stable. I "rented" him several times when I would go there to ride. When the owner of the stable decided to close, she offered him to me and I jumped at the chance. However, when I talk about my horse history I think it really began in 1980 when I purchased my first Appaloosa. That has been my breed of choice ever since. One of my first Appaloosas was an own grandson of the great Joker B. One of the horses I'm riding today is also descended from Joker B. 

My Texas heritage has two roots. Let me explain. Although I am not a Texas native, I believe my heart was born in Texas and the rest of my body in the southwestern part of Michigan. At a very early age all I talked about was going to Texas and playing Cowboy. My dream came true in the early 1980's and Texas will always be home. 

GM: Tell us about your favorite horse…
JB: I have been blessed to ride some wonderful horses. I guess my favorite horse was a flashy colored Appaloosa named Kiowa. He was a great roping horse, playday competitor, working horse, and a total pleasure to ride on long trail rides. My favorite memory was after years of working cattle and roping competition, one Saturday at one of the church playday events, I entered Kiowa in the pole bending event. I put Kiowa through the pattern and as we came to a stop the great roping horse stopped,  turned his head and looked at me as if to say "Really!?"  He was an important part of my ministry. His ability allowed me to interact and compete in a variety of western heritage activities. Gods got a great horse in heaven. 

GM: How has your faith in Christ enabled you to overcome life's obstacles and challenges? 
JB: It is in fact my faith, faith in my Lord and His goodness and grace that has always lifted me out of and led me through life's obstacles and challenges. I learned a long time ago that we are in this world and not of this world. What does the old song say? This world is not my home, I'm just passing through. 

The Bible tells me (us) that before I was formed in my mother’s womb, God had prepared the plan for my life. My faith in that plan and allowing God to work things out according to His plan is what has brought me safe thus far and will lead me home. All things work together for good for those who love God. That's me. 

GM: The cowboy lifestyle inspires your ministry, music, and poetry. Can you share one of your cowboy poems?
The Cowboys 23rd Psalm
© Pastor Jack Blease 

The Lord’s a good trail boss
 He meets all my needs
 He gives me green pastures
 In spite of my deeds. 
There’s water for cattle 
And growing good hay
 There’s rest for my soul 
After trail weary days.
 The trail where He leads me 
Is always the same
 And I ride it most gladly 
Praisin’ His name. 
When I’m out on night guard 
I’ve no need to fear, 
Even death can’t o’ertake me 
‘Cause He always is near. 
He roped me in Love 
Threw a big Hoolihan. 
There’s comfort in knowing 
I carry His brand. 
Though bad guys surround me 
Sometimes viscous and mean 
He feeds me real good 
On beefsteak and beans.
 He’s crowned me with glory 
Like a big Stetson hat 
My coffee cup overflows 
And I like it like that. 
The life that he gave me 
Sure suits my ways 
And I’ll praise Him and serve Him 
‘Til the end of my Days 
When I’ll ride up to glory 
To be with His son 
And hope that I’ll hear him say, 
“Welcome pardner, well done.

GM: When did you begin Trail Boss Ministry? Where was your very first service?
JB: Trail Boss Ministry began formally in 2014 when I left full time pulpit ministry at Riding for The Brand Cowboy Church. However, my Cowboy ministry began in the 1990's.  My first service was at Burro Days Celebration in Fairplay, Colorado. 

GM: You have been around a lot of campfires singing and inspiring others. Where in the world is your favorite place to be?  
JB: My favorite place in the world is the Panhandle of Texas. The reason for that is the Cowboy history, culture and lifestyle. 

GM: What is the most important thing that you would like people to take away from your ministry?
JB: A personal relationship with Jesus Christ (the greatest Cowboy of them all) and a fulfilled life living in God's love and grace. 

GM: What are your views on current world events and how, as Christians, we can be prepared for what's ahead?
JB: Trust and believe! As Christians we know that God is on the throne and is in control. An old Cowboy once told me that if we look heavenward and see the Lord pacing back and forth saying "Oh my, we are in trouble" then we need to be worried. In the meantime, we are sure that God is still in control, plus we have read the book and we know how the story ends. 

Connect with Pastor Jack:

Jack and Buck

About Pastor Jack Blease
Jack Blease is a preacher singer, poet and story teller who combines his love for the Lord, the West, The Heritage of the Cowboy, Traditional music and the Joy of Christian Fellowship. Years ago, while doing research on ministry on the frontier, traditional music and poetry, Jack discovered that many of the old-time Cowboy poets and composers wrote about the Cowboy and his creator. It was a perfect fit to Jack’s approach to ministry and Trail Boss Ministry was born. Jack is an ordained minister, who brings a wealth of enthusiasm, knowledge and experience to his presentation of traditional and contemporary cowboy music, gospel songs and poetry and “the preaching of God’s word.” His worship services in churches, at Cowboy Poetry gatherings, guest ranches or around a campfire are designed to bring the good news of God’s love and grace to his audience through a presentation of traditional cowboy music, poetry and stories about the Cowboy and his maker and to help preserve the heritage of the Western past.


Karen said...

Fantastic interview enjoyed getting to read Pastor Jacks poem. Pastor Jack is a very compassionate man that teaches the word not just from the Bible but from his heart and his walk in life. A true cowboy that rides with Jesus by his side and a focus of bring others to the Lord and not the life we have here but the heavenly eternal life that is to come for those that except the teachings and word of our Lord. Was nice to read some of his past, awesome interview.

patsy longfield said...

I am happy for Jack. I knew him back in the 60's when he was my boss at a small manufacturing plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He was writing poems at that time and songs.

God Bless you Jack for bringing folks to the Lord.

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