Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Heavy Heart: And the Unexpected Place of Healing, Guernsey by Brandon Johnson

“Faith and Love on each page…”

The Heavy Heart:

And the Unexpected Place of Healing, Guernsey

by Brandon Johnson

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves facing rejection. This can come from family members, friends, work, significant others--no matter the origin of the rejection, however, the end result stings, making us question our self-worth and if we will be able to find the acceptance we so desperately seek. Author Brandon Johnson struggled with rejection throughout his life, which led to other struggles, but the rejections that devastated him actually eventually led to his healing.

The Heavy Heart and the Unexpected Place of Healing: Guernsey by Brandon Johnson tells the author's story of finding the healing acceptance of God in a circumstance and location which otherwise screamed of failure and inadequacy. Taking the reader on a journey through his time in the United States Air Force and his many experiences both domestic and abroad, Brandon explains how God met him in his darkest moments and restored him, even when he felt like he'd gone past the point of no return.

Drawing illustrations to stories in the Bible, Brandon shares his story to bring hope to other men who are battling their own challenges while waiting for the Lord to bring them through to the other side. He encourages readers not to miss opportunities the Lord is trying to bring them into because of fear but instead to lead the way by exemplifying Christ in their lives and fully embracing the spiritual transformation that awaits them.

Available in eBook, Paperback, and Hardcover HERE!

YouTube: Colossians 3 Perspective

About the Author

Brandon Johnson is a Human Relations Professional, with a Masters in Human Relations from the University of Oklahoma. He lives with a relentless, genuine passion for people and desires that everyone come to know who they are by seeking to draw our their God-given talents and abilities. Brandon has also established himself as a leader in the art of Entrepreneurship by setting the standard for servant leaders within his own community and beyond. His journey is revealed, here in Volume 1 with his uniquely, creative writing style, which meets people right where they are. Brandon's heart for servanthood stems from answering his Nation's call, by becoming a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force. Whether walking out his everyday life or while serving his country, Brandon upholds the Security Forces Creed: to live, love, and lead in a firm, courteous, and impartial manner, irrespective of a person's color, race, religion, national origin, or sex.

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