Friday, June 3, 2016

Waterless Farming by Francis Freeman

“Less is best!”
Available in paperback and eBook here!

Would you like to grow plants without water? Would you like to save time, money and effort? Would you like to obtain more tasty and nutritive vegetables, farming in an organic way? Well, " Waterless Farming" is just the right book for you! In this book Francis Freeman explains exactly how to grow plants COMPLETELY avoiding any sort of irrigation. The new techniques described by the author are easy to implement for every kind of farmer and every type of soil, ensuring – at the same time – an outstanding effectiveness. The language adopted is easily comprehensible and devoid of technical terms, preferring a concrete and pragmatic approach, able to make us get excellent results right from the start. But not only that. In fact, the techniques illustrated by Freeman also allow – as stated in the subtitle – to save time, money and effort, because they revolutionize soil too, allowing to reduce the usual working. Thus the techniques exposed should be definitely discovered and exploited by the largest number of people, since the benefits deriving from their application are very many!

The author Francis Kwame Freeman is an Agricultural Expansionist from Ghana. He is a Regional Agric. Officer at Ghanaian Ministry of Food and Agriculture. He is agriculturist by profession. He holds a master degree in Agricultural Extension and had attended several International courses on livestock and crop courses, gaining much experiences. His main hobbies are listening of country music and doing backyard gardening. He is a trainer in Agric. Business and Communication.

Connect with Freeman…

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