Sunday, June 26, 2016

Comment to Win! Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand by Mitja Demitrij Cernac

Comment to Win!

Share with Demitrij  in the comment section below 
your questions, your success, or your horse-wisdom 
to be entered into the drawing for Demitrij's new book! 
Entry available to everyone around the globe. 

2 Books will be given away!

Leave your comment today to win your free copy of

Would you like Demitrij to evaluate your piaffe?
Email your picture of piaffe to
or place on his facebook page
Demitrij will suggest work to correct and help you along the way!

Contest ends August 1, 2016

The new FEI rules regarding Piaffe and Passage lay greater weight on these movements as well as transitions between the two, so it is of utmost importance to perform them well.

Leave a comment below to be entered into a drawing for a free copy of Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand by Mitja Demitrij CernacThis is a book that is drawn on over forty years of experience and is solely dedicated to explaining the difficult Grand Prix dressage movements of Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand. On almost one hundred pages this book explains comprehensively the several possible approaches to Piaffe and Passage.

Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand guides you on what is correct, how to begin so the horse will be capable of understanding and thus performs correctly. It shows the causes of common faults and training deficiencies, how to avoid or once done, how to correct them. The main object is the correct approach through the understanding of bio-mechanics as well as physics (dynamical weight distribution). It is explained how the systematic work from beginning on Hand through Piaffe to all different transitions in Piaffe and Passage leads to success.

Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand  was first published in 2002 in Germany and because of the feedback from my fellow trainers, international and national dressage riders, I decided to publish this book in English and therefore make it available to a larger dressage audience. I added more text as well as more pictures and graphics for a better understanding.


Christina Zygakis said...

Seems interesting, I look forward to reading it!

Christine said...

Every ride on every horse is a chance to learn!
Book looks great!

Mitja said...

Hi Christine
You are right- every ride is a learning experience- one just needs to "listen" to the horse, while doing it.
Mitja Demitrij Cernac

Pegasus said...

A brilliant little book which I can recommend that every rider adds to his/her equestrian library.

Mitja Demitrij Cernac said...

Thanks Pegasus
The purpose of the book was and is to share my over 40yrs of experience with others.

Gina said...

A recommended book filled with great advice, stunning pictures, and detailed training techniques! A must for every horse enthusiast/dressage rider. Mitja keeps you engaged while experiencing the beauty of horses and dressage. Leave a comment to submit your entry to win one of two copies of Mitja's hardcover, fully illustrated book! The giveaway ends August 1, 2016! Best wishes!

Anil Srivastava said...

One should watch the riders of the Spanish Riding School at Vienna performing the dressage. They have perfected all the gaits with their Lipizzaner horses. The majestic movements of the Lipizzaners are poetry in motion.

Unknown said...

My daughter would love to learn in hand work such as this as it doesn't seem to be taught as much anymore

HippoLogic said...

What a wonderful book! I would like to win this one. My success story? I tamed and trained a wild filly (11 months old, born in a nature reserve in The Netherlands) with positive reinforcement in 3 weeks. Within the first month I could halter her, touch her all over, lift 4 legs, approach her in the field without her walking away and lead her.

I already have done many in hand work and long reining. I would love to have a book which can teach me more advanced exercises than just striaght lines, circles, travers, renvers and leg yielding.
I can't find an instructor nearby who can teach me. Maybe this book will.

PS did I mention that I emigrated to Canada? Of course Kyra my horse went with me. She is 8 years old now.

Gina said...

Contestant names were placed into a hat and drawn at random! Congratulations to Hippo Logic and Janice Gorick! You have won a hardcover copy of Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand by Mitja Demitrij Cernac! Please email me your mailing address and I will place the book in the mail to you! My email is! Thanks for connecting! Enjoy your day.

HippoLogic said...

Thank you for letting me know I was a winner! I am so excited! Sandra Poppema (HippoLogic)

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