Monday, June 13, 2016

Black Machetes by R.K. Howard

Take the "Page-Turner Challenge" and see how far you get
into Black Machetes before you can put it down.

Available in eBook, Paperback, and Audio here!
Short-list finalist of Eric Hoffer Award 
by R.K. Howard  

Violence and impending hope collide in Ryan K. Howard's edgy, controversial, and addictive debut.
For Benjamin Wilder, it was just another day in the life of a twelve-year-old boy...
- Waking up with a fresh black-eye, compliments of the Rabid Dog: CHECK
- Taking care of his drunken mother before school: CHECK
- Risking life-and-limb to sneak out for a sleepover (and getting caught): CHECK
- Witnessing two psychopaths commit unspeakable acts: CHECK
- Running for his life and assuming a new identity in the process: CHECK
- Living happily ever after: YEAH, NOT EXACTLY
Black Machetes is a powerful, page-turning psychological thriller--at times both shocking and endearing--written with gritty cinematic tones that paint a painfully intimate portrait of a world framed by abuse, tragedy, and inhibited love.
What reviewers are saying...
"This book in its entirety is a gritty and compelling tale of triumph in the face of adversity, and the horrors that some have to deal with and overcome to get there." --The Bookie Monster @ Amazon
"I could not put this book down. It was believable, heartbreaking, funny, tragic and heartwarming." --Donna @ Goodreads
"This book is a 'page turner' - I couldn't put it down - the style of writing was clear and sharp, and the story well-woven." --Lorna Kennedy @ Goodreads
"A very quick read. It will make you laugh, cry, cringe, and everything in between. A real emotional roller coaster. Read this book!!" --Michelle @ Goodreads
Book Synopsis...
Benjamin Wilder grew up with sparse shelter, infested provisions, and constant abuse dealt to him by his stepfather: Jessup--a.k.a. the Rabid Dog. Without a sober mother to defend him from the Rabid Dog's wrath, Ben finds reprieve and adventure in a club of misfit boys called the Black Machetes. But the world as Ben knows it comes to an end when he witnesses an act so psychologically appalling that it forces him to run for his life. He travels as far away as he can until fate steps in and guides him to a small town where he finds the help he needs to assume a new identity and live a life he could only imagine before.
Years after trying to bury the demons from his past, Ben seems to finally settle into a sense of normalcy. But his world continually gets turned upside-down by a series of discoveries, revealing that the evil from his childhood has never stopped cursing him--having over the years destroyed everyone he ever cared for. When the ticking time-bomb within Ben's psyche finally detonates with a fumed vengeance, it pushes his wife and unborn child into the very clutches of the same malevolence that has forever haunted him. In the end, Ben must again face those demons from his past in order to save his true love, and ultimately his own sanity.

About the Author
R.K. Howard is an up-and-coming writer of cinematic, page-turner thriller-horror crossovers. He lives in Seattle with his wife along with a house full of ghosts that get pretty active when his early drafts are read aloud to them.

Connect with R. K. Howard  

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