Wednesday, September 30, 2015

3 Weeks to a Better Back by Dr. Todd Sinett

 New Book Release!
Solutions for Healing the Structural, Nutritional, and Emotional Causes of Back Pain
Available in eBook and Paperback!


Eighty percent of people will suffer from back pain at some point in their life, and many suffer for far too long.  This is a statistic that can be changed. 3 Weeks to a Better Back is the key to giving all types of back pain sufferers relief―in just 21 days!

Our doctors are missing the cause of our back pain―and that’s because they are only treating the back.  The Sinett Solution lies in a revolutionary concept:  It’s Not Your Back.  Yes, that’s right. For the majority of sufferers, the problem is not in the back!  It’s caused by imbalance in the core, feet, hips, neck and jaw and most unexpectedly, by diet (even a healthy one!) and stress. 

The explanation is simple. Your body is comprised of a group of systems that are interconnected, and at the center of those systems is the spine.  A problem in one area therefore almost always affects the back. An inflamed stomach, for instance, radiates pain into the back. Sitting on your wallet throws off your hips, which compromises the spine.  Stress lives in the muscles of the jaw, neck and shoulders, creating tension and tightness in the back.

3 Weeks to a Better Back offers a simple three-pronged, three week approach to treating back pain. Dr. Sinett helps you figure out what kind of back pain sufferer you are and determines the source of your pain through his Back Pain Inflammation quiz, allowing you to arrive at a proper diagnosis. He then provides you with easy-to-follow tools for a customized treatment plan, including stretches, ergonomics and structural care for all parts of the body, as well as a No More Back Pain Diet featuring delicious recipes and Enerchi techniques to help you cope with both daily and chronic stressors and negative emotions. With quick healthcare tips that you can adapt into your daily routine, 3 Weeks to a Better Back is your total-body prescription for a back pain-free life.

New Book Release!
Solutions for Healing the Structural, Nutritional, and Emotional Causes of Back Pain
Available in eBook and Paperback!

Chiropractor Sinett offers a clearly written guide to his profession’s perspective on relieving back pain. His version of this approach, the “Sinett Solution,” is a three-part method, which treats structural, digestive, and emotional issues separately. The book consists of four sections, the first devoted to determining which categories of back pain apply, as well as reasons why previous treatments might have failed, such as incorrect diagnoses. In section two, Sinett delves into structural causes, distinguishing between localized issues where the problem is at the site of pain, and compensatory issues involving a “global spinal reaction” (as is often the case, in his opinion.) For remedies, Sinett includes detailed pictures of stretches and correct posture. Section three evaluates the effect of poor digestive function and provides dietary advice for eating well, complete with shopping lists and menus. The final section examines how emotional conflict and pressures can cause stress to manifest as back pain and includes relaxation exercises and “laws” for taking care of one’s emotional health. Sinett has provided back-pain sufferers with a thoughtful and thorough approach to improving their health, in both body and mind.
(Publishers Weekly)

New Book Release!
Solutions for Healing the Structural, Nutritional, and Emotional Causes of Back Pain
Available in eBook and Paperback!

Dr. Todd Sinett, a NYC-based chiropractor, challenges the current approach to back pain with a three-pronged approach that addresses structural, emotional and dietary factors to identify and treat the root cause of the pain in order to help his patients lead healthier, happier lives. Devoted to providing his expertise beyond his clientele, Sinett is the author of upcoming book, 3 Weeks to a Better Back (October 2015), and the creator of the BackBridge™ System, the first and only back pain device developed to help relieve core imbalance with stackable levels to help users gain flexibility and improve the health of their spine in just two minutes a day. For more information about Dr. Sinett, please visit
   New Book Release!
Solutions for Healing the Structural, Nutritional, and Emotional Causes of Back Pain
Available in eBook and Paperback!


Farber @ Back Massagers said...

This book is wonderful and great book for anyone who is dealing with back pain. It is clearly written and easy to understand. I related to many of the testimonials. If someone searching for a holistic approach to healing that makes sense and works, this is the book for them.

Gina said...

Thank you for your comment! It's good to know this book is helpful for those facing back trouble.

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