Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Strange Tales of Lucy Clover: The Mysterious Item by Christopher Holloway


The Strange Tales of Lucy Clover: The Mysterious Item

by Christopher Holloway

In the first book of the series, Lucy is starting out her child detective agency. It is her 13th birthday and she thought it was time to start helping the townspeople.

Mysterious things happen in the town of Blueberry Cove, so it is time to solve them. Magic, ghosts, aliens, and missing cows. What more could happen in this town you ask? Well, this first book will have plenty of magic and odd cases to read.

Available in Paperback and eBook Here! 

AmazonAuthor Page

About the Author
My name is Christopher Holloway and I enjoy many things, writing, art, and making games for people to enjoy. I am still trying to discover the right genre for me. I am trying many different ones till I find that perfect fit.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Trip by Shantela Bolton


The Trip
by Shantela Bolton

A young woman finds herself hurt and lost in a world that is unfamiliar. She has no memory of who she is while she travels through the winter woods. She is not alone in the forest, however. The howls of wolves can be heard not too far from where she stands.

Follow the adventures of a young woman named Amara through the dangerous world of Infinitum.

Available in Paperback, eBook, and Hardcover Here!

About the Author 
Shantela Bolton’s first book The Trip released March 25, 2022.

From the Author

“It was all a crazy dream, and I wrote it down.”

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Milliron Monday: Ireland


Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021)

What's on your bucket list?

They say that creating a bucket list helps to "get in touch with our true values" and gives us something to look forward to - a new adventure and/or new direction. It's called a bucket list because it's a list of things to do before you kick the bucket. Everyone should have one.

Pete and Jody had a bucket list; however, I think Jody's list was a bit longer than Pete's. Top on Jody's list was a visit to Ireland. She had traveled throughout parts of Europe before she was married, but she was drawn to Ireland. In her personal library, which was extensive, she had many books of Ireland - Irish fairy tales, picture books, and more.

Jody hoped she and Pete could travel to Ireland in their golden years. There were hurdles that prevented the journey. Life got in the way somehow.

Great advice from is to "Don't wait for the 'perfect time' to begin - make your bucket list not because you are dying but because you want to live!" 

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Mother of the Bride Shopping Online and How Can the Hardware Store Help the Florist? by Sandra Russell

I am going to be the mother of a bride! My daughter is marrying a nice guy, working in the entertainment industry (film technician) in California on a Saturday sometime this summer. Probably in July? The wedding plans are not well formed yet due to Covid restrictions lifting in unusual and unplannable ways. Soon though some of these doubts as to venue, day or evening service? indoor or outdoor? and so on will be resolved. 

Meanwhile, I found a dress online that looked pretty darned versatile given these unknowns. This dress is a little dressy/elegant, but could go to the beach, a church or a mansion/museum setting. My daughter agreed, and ordered the dress for me which came in the mail today. The size is right, the fit is good, but the color called "rose/gold" photographed in the Ad as a sort of rosy/peach. It is really a bit coffee au lait, but in the light can flash a bit of rose or a bit of gold. 

Rather than describing the shade it is, I got some paint chips at the hardware store and held the lace up to the charts. I am hoping that with any monitor, the range of complimentary tones might be easy to read. No one is going to wear matching clothes (that I know of?) but thought I would mail out copies of the paint chips so that others would at least know what I will be wearing. Maybe florals or other accents can pick from the color charts to harmonize a bit? I'm excited to see how it all turns out. Maybe some of you wedding planners could find this color tip useful?

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Conquering the Bitch by Yviebeth Bardug

Conquering the Bitch

by Yviebeth Bardug

After years of emotional turmoil, with mental scars shaped by the death of her father and years later her mother, Liz, a driven independent woman, decided enough was enough. Longing for a new start required facing her demons and that included looking at her past, her relationships and friendships.

Her journey to towards recovering led her to accept the past, the mistakes and achievements of her family as well as accepting the mistakes people she cared for had made. Having made some bad decisions on her part, she was able to become stronger and better because of these events but she needed to cut her frenemies in particular her university friend the queen of bitches Charlie. She could still, to this day, not forgive her betrayal, it was as if it was yesterday. So why did Liz run to her when her mother passed, was she dubiously looking for some kind of rupture or reckoning?

Christopher was a successful entrepreneur and businessman and world known workacoholic. Finally convinced by his best friend to meet him in Edinburgh and take a few days off to ‘support’ him whilst dealing with the nastiest bitch in the world, Charlie. To his surprise, there is always something good in the bad and Liz was definitely the ‘good’. Used to getting his way and ambitious to the core, he had not time for love, but deep down he knew he was thirsty for it? Will he finally take the leap and let love in? Would Liz come as a package with bitchy friends like Charlie? Could he put up with that?

By Liz accepting that her journey, created by fate or individual design, made her an even stronger person becoming a force to be reckoned with. With her new confidence, will love find her? Will she finally let go of her first love? Will she have the strength to retaliate back against her frenemy? Will she be given a second chance to find true happiness or will the actions of the queen of bitches beat her?

Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!

Friday, March 25, 2022

What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel by Nici Tesla


What's Your Chakra? A Guide to Discovering Your Most Dominant Chakra Type, Activating and Balancing Your Potent Chakras, Helping You Heal and Feel

What's Your Chakra?
Get Answers to the Most Perplexing Problems in Your Life Through Your 7 Chakras

Fears, insecurities, and anxieties can signify severe chakra imbalance. Want to know what can cause that?
Making decisions isn’t equally easy for everyone. However, for some, it is almost impossible. Want to know why?
Has a sudden loss of appetite, interest, and playfulness ever bothered you? It isn’t for unknown reasons.
Frustration, loss of sex drive, and increased fickle-mindedness may look totally unrelated, but they aren’t.
Do you know how?

Sudden changes in behavior, mood, and energy levels can be perplexing. Still, most people are never able to pinpoint the exact cause. Do you want to discover the actual cause of these problems? Read More...

Have you started feeling an urgent need for validation from others? Are questions of self-worth bothering you?
Has your behavior towards work started changing significantly? Have you started working a lot or stopped taking an interest?
Is there a general feeling of disinterest and disenchantment? Are you finding it hard to feel a connection with everyone else? Have trust issues and misunderstandings become a common feature in your life? Have you become overemotional?

These are not just some questions that you can simply ignore. They’ll keep bothering you and make your life uncomfortable. Do you want to know simple explanations for these issues and how to resolve them?

This book of chakras holds answers to all such questions and much more. What’s even better, It also holds solutions to correct these problems.

In this book, you will find:

·         The history and science of 7 major and 114 minor chakras

·         Detailed explanation about the concept of chakras

·         Insight into the practical significance of chakras

·         How chakras practically influence our lives

·         How chakras influence our health

·         Which chakras affect our joyfulness

·         Which chakra can help us become more dedicated to work

·         Which chakra actually affects our feelings and pleasure centers

·         Knowledge of the power center of our body and what rules it

·         The secrets of the famous third eye chakra

·         Demystification of the third eye chakra

·         Significance of the Crown Chakra in the body

·         Ways to heal, balance, and activate chakras

·         Chakra specific ways to resolve imbalances

·         Common Myths about chakras

·         Important things to remember about chakra healing


Barnes & Noble



EQUUM: A collection of 4444 animated horses in the metaverse.


Equum is a collection of 4444 animated horses in the metaverse. Offering exclusive access to our in game experience where you can breed, train and compete for prizes with your horse! 

We are also giving away more than US$100,000 in prizes during the first drop. Make sure to go follow our discord for a chance at our whitelist!

Twitter: @equumco

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Painting Roses by Sandra Russell

Original Art (c) Sandra Russell

Painting Roses
by Sandra Russell

I've been driving myself crazy trying to learn to paint roses by watching YouTube videos. I find that the artists whose work I admire are difficult to follow as in a 'paint along' process; there is a gesture or tone unseen, or a holding of the brush angle that the artists hand just doesn't communicate to his mouth? I know I could not teach techniques so random as rose petals to someone else. I did teach China doll painting to some new workers in a porcelain factory some long years ago. That method was very precise, used only a small set of colors and brushes and techniques and so was not as difficult to translate. Still the person learning had to have an eye for the most delicate of nuance in the blush of a cheek or in and especially in the setting of the eyes and the painting of the brows. Got a couple baby dolls looking a bit like Count Dracula...fortunately the paint had not been fired on and was easily removed with a tissue and some baby oil.

I think for painting roses or any other flower, it is still best to paint from life. Because your relationship to that blossom, how the sunlight hits it, how the scent effects the mood of the experience will alter your touch with the brush. I am hoping to see all the blooms this spring and summer and even keep as many Victorian ladies kept. A small garden journal with flowers and plants growing at their feet. The direct way is just so much deeper an experience. Happy journaling to you all, sketch, write, take in life, make it yours.

Original Art (c) Sandra Russell

Monday, March 21, 2022

Milliron Monday: Chess in a Nutshell

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.
June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010
Welcome to Milliron Monday where every Monday we celebrate the legacy of Pete Smith, D.V.M., and  Milliron: Abbott “Pete” Smith, D.V.M. The Biography (Monday Creek Publishing 2017), including his wife Jody (1938-2021)

“In life, as in chess, forethought wins.
― Charles Buxton

Jody often told the story of the hand-carved chess set she had bought for Pete while she was traveling throughout Europe. When we found the book in Jody’s things, it reminded me of her story. Here’s an excerpt about the famous chess game from Milliron: The Biography:

After the wedding and upon their arrival in Colorado, Jody presented Pete with a lovely hand-carved chess set she brought from Switzerland as a wedding gift. Pete really liked chess. He didn’t have a chess set, the only thing he owned was his car. “It doesn't say much for our honeymoon,” Jody said. “When I was in Europe I bought the book Chess in a Nutshell: How to Play Chess so I could learn to play. A few days into our honeymoon, on one of the evenings he didn't work, we played chess. I beat him. I got to see a new side of Pete. He stomped and said, ‘Where's that damn book!’ I went to bed at three or four a.m. Pete stayed up that night and read the entire book. When he was finished reading, it was early morning and he couldn’t wait to play, ‘We are going to play chess! Wake up! Wake up!’”

And, of course, Pete won every game thereafter.

Have a great week ahead.

Through captivating, powerful, and emotional anecdotes, we celebrate the life of Dr. Abbott P. Smith. His biography takes the reader from smiles to laughter to empathy and tears. Dr. Smith gave us compelling lessons learned from animals; the role animals play in the human condition, the joy of loving an animal, and the awe of their spirituality. A tender and profound look into the life of a skilled veterinarian.


Sunday, March 20, 2022

I'm dreaming of a white 'daylight savings time' by Sandra Russell

Well tonight marks a 'spring forward' where at midnight we lose an hour…suddenly it's 1am. Feels a bit like Cinderella running down the steps and losing a shoe. But the surprise of it all is the amount of snow we got to usher in the Spring. Some friends in the area report measuring up to 81/2 inches at their bird feeders. I went out with a yardstick in my backyard about 20miles north of that person's home and measured 61/2 on my jardinière but only 41/2 on the picnic tabletop. Perhaps the sunshine has caused the snow to 'settle' a bit there? Anyhow, I got the notion that if you have to ask, 'what season is it?'

You are probably in Athens County Ohio. Ironically, I just got a new short 'Spring/Summer' haircut yesterday when some folks were out and about in shirtsleeves and light jackets. Hopefully this temper tantrum from Mother Nature now will cause a relaxed sunny disposition by the end of the month. Meanwhile, keep those bird feeders filled and hold back on garden plantings a bit longer. But we are saving sunshine, right? Have a happy longer daylight!


God Help Me!: Cause no one else will! By Clyde Hoch


God Help Me!: Cause no one else will!

By Clyde Hoch


God Help Me! is a book about suicide awareness. Some estimates claim 150,000 Vietnam veterans have committed suicide since the war. One veterans commits suicide every 65 minutes. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is the leading cause. Read what it is like to live with PTSD. If you know someone who served in combat and seem to have issues I strongly suggest you read this booklet and pass it on to them. If your husband or son or daughter served in a war this booklet may help you to save their life. The profits from this booklet will be used to set up a worldwide network to unite a veteran mentor with a veteran mentee. The veterans mentoring program works well. Who knows a veterans issues better than a veteran? Who better to help a veteran than another veteran?

Available in Paperback and eBook HERE!


Read Clyde's childhood story about Spike, a cherished Clydesdale...
More Books by Clyde Hoch:
Tracks Memoirs of a Vietnam Veteran This is Clyde’s military experience as a tank commander in Vietnam.

A Tribute to Tankers has a short description on a type of tank and follows with stories of people who served in that type of tank in combat, starting with WWI and ends with Iraq.

Cooper: The Making of a Service Dog  a delightful story of a Vietnam Veteran with post traumatic stress disorder who decides to get a service dog.

B. A. R. Man Browning Automatic Rifle Man is the story of a young man who does some amazing things in the Korean War until he is wounded and captured by the Chinese. He is forced to march 200 miles with no medical attention. He is held as a POW for two and a half years.

A Man Down is the story of four young men who gave their lives for their country. This book won a bronze medal from Readers Favorite.

Albion is Clyde’s first work of fiction. It has eight chapters. Each chapter is a different story and different period in time.

God Help Me! Cause No One Else Will is Clyde’s sixth book. It is about post-traumatic stress disorder and veteran's suicides and how to prevent them.prevent them.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Ultimate Hustle: Add Thousands of Dollars to Your Monthly Income with Profitable Online Side Hustles!

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An Apology to Lucifer by Sean P Haley, Wayne E. Haley


Those who enjoyed The DaVinci Code... will find the thriller component is strong, and ... replete in both nonstop action and solid ethical, spiritual, and moral examination.

— D. Donovan, Midwest Book Review


An Apology to Lucifer  

by Sean P Haley, Wayne E. Haley    

Father Thomas Morelli thought he knew the story behind Lucifer’s fall from Heaven. However, upon making the acquaintance of renowned book authenticator Lorenza Pellegrini and being invited to stay in the opulent Venice villa belonging to her “master,” Thomas discovers he has only heard part of the story.

In Boston, psychoanalyst, best-selling author, and outspoken atheist David Wright has been tasked to handle the funeral arrangements for his dear friend Albert Kennedy. What could have driven this controversial exorcist to take his own life? The answer, it seems, is contained in a tome that isn’t supposed to exist.

Joining forces, Lorenza, David, and Thomas must race against time to prevent an ancient battle from reigniting.

Available in Paperback and eBook 

YouTube Trailer

About the Authors:

Wayne E. and Sean P. Haley are a father and son. Wayne is a retired University of California administrator who has been writing for pleasure for thirty-five years. Wayne spends most of his free time with his amazing wife, Kathleen, walking the beaches and writing near his home in Hawaii. Sean Haley has spent the past twenty-working for two prominent Southern California investment firms. Now living outside of Los Angeles, Sean spends much of his free time with his wonderful wife, Kristy, and their blended family of five children - usually shuttling them to various activities and sporting events.

Milliron Monday: The Journals July - September 1972

Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith: April 2, 1938 - May ...