Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ali Ghoorchian, Horseback Archer

Ali Ghoorchian is the Director of the world famous Shabdiz Horseback Archery and Trail Riding Center in Tehran, Iran. Ali is driven by a passion for horses and traditional archery. Shabdiz Club provides an atmosphere promoting the pursuit of excellence in true horsemanship and horseback archery. The theme of the Shabdiz Club is ‘dedication to the sport; the goal is becoming one with the horse’…

Welcome Ali!

How long have you been riding?

Near 30 years.

Do you have a favorite horse breed?

Kurdish horse, Asil (purebred Persian), and Turkman.

What do you look for in finding the right horse?

The first eyes! ….feet, body, and parents. Breed, color, behavior – I don’t like big size horses!

Describe Shabdiz Club....


Note: Shabdiz (in شبديز) was the legendary black stallion of Khosrau Parvez, one of the most famed Sassanid Persian kings (reigned 590 to 628CE). Shabdiz, meaning "midnight", was reputedly the "world's fastest horse" according to ancient Persian literature.

Do you participate in competitive horse events?

Yes. Race, horseback archery, trail riding.

Can you teach me to shoot an arrow while on horseback?

Yes, gladly. I am a teacher. I am WAHF (World Horseback Archery Federation) official Coach.

Do you have advice for new riders?

Yes, we have.

What does horsemanship mean to you?

It means for me: "the relationship between teacher and student" in this relationship I am student and horse is my teacher! Horses are my relaxing….. Horses give me wings to fly.

Follow Ali


Unknown said...

Viva Iranian hero
Descendant Archer Arash

Anonymous said...

hi every one.
migrant Kurds from Afghanistan (mountain) to today Kurdistan (mountain) in about 200-300 years ago did not live in proper area for rising elegant horse race.
so called Sasanid dynasty is just a legend without archaeological evidences.
Turkmen horse race is true, because their homeland (steppe) is seems proper for horse. even some Turkmens who live in mountain areas dont have elegant horse race. both Akhaltekke and Turkmen horse races belong to Turkmens who live in vast steppes.

Mehdi/Gurgan(holy cemetery)/Iran

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