Friday, December 15, 2023

This Week @ Monday Creek: Local Vibes

What’s it like living on the edge of Hocking County in southeastern Ohio? It’s pretty cool. So many things to do and see; Stuart’s Opera House (my favorite and I’m going there Saturday to hear the Columbus Symphony), the libraries (of course!), meeting artisans who sell their wares at local shops, hearing local bands and musicians who perform in (sometimes) odd, quaint places to reveal their superior talent that rival iconic artists, and more.

    I can't say enough good things about our local library in Nelsonville. Their programming, history room, reading selection, and friendly staff are always a joy. One of the main attractions is the large mural in the outdoor pavilion - a greenspace with a stage and large stones for sitting. Becca Lachman, Athens County Public Library (ACPL) Communications Officer, writes, "ACPL wanted to enhance the space with a community-minded art project to go along with the new library greenspace, and we applied for a grant from the Athens County Foundation and found other sponsors to make it possible.
    "Designed and installed by artist Barry O'Keefe (an Ohio University MFA alum from Virginia), the mural incorporates local history and native plant species around the general theme of Be the hero of your own story. Our sponsors really wanted this mural to lift people up and encourage community-building in Nelsonville."
    O'Keefe selected engaging quotes for the mural from many submitted quotes by locals. The final design is stunning and should be regarded by passersby as a reminder that we need to be engaged in art, literature, and our community.
    If you make the trip to Nelsonville, take a closer look at the mural and see it's relevance to our humble heritage.

Courtesy ACPL 

Art and Design by Barry O'Keefe

    Besides perusing murals and literature, there are several country kitchen's that serve meals like grandma used to make; homemade noodles, mashed potatoes, country steak, followed by blackberry pie. Yum. There are also restaurants where fine-dining is paramount (my favorite is Rhapsody). You can also make reservations for the Hocking Valley Scenic Railroad's Dinner Train where dinner is served as you ride the rails. The Hocking Hills Diner is a comfortable place to meet with friends and gab away while drinking their signature coffee. Enjoy!

Hocking Hills Diner, Logan, Ohio

A Guide to SHIELD Your Sanity During the Holiday Season
Enjoy the journey to Christmas!

S -     Sleep 7 hours minimum
H -   Handle stress/meditation
I -  Interact with good people
E - Exercise; take a daily walk
L -     Learn; read a new book
D -   Diet; eat right, feel good!

If you're interested in an in-depth Bible Study, I highly recommend Royston/Bethel TV - YouTube Channel and their excellent programming.


1 comment:

Terri Mash said...

Our libraries have interesting events for people of all ages and interests

Milliron Monday: The Journals April - June 1976

  Abbott "Pete" Smith D.V.M.:   June 16, 1938 - February 22, 2010 Virginia Joyann "Jody" Haley Smith:  April 2, 1938 - M...