Tuesday, December 26, 2023

An Interview with Ohio Author A.L. Hatcher

An Interview with Ohio Author A.L. Hatcher
Residing in Ohio USA, meet crime thriller author A.L. Hatcher. From A.L.'s bio: “A.L. Hatcher holds a bachelor’s degrees in both forensic investigation and forensic pathology as well as an associate degree in veterinary technology. Because of her love of animals, she’s been a registered veterinary technician for over 20 years. However, her passion for writing began in childhood when she would write her own short stories and picture books. Today, she spends her time caring for animals, reading, listening to true crime podcasts, and writing fiction about crime, suspense, and all things dark. She lives in the Midwest with her family, some chickens, and a menagerie of pets."
Welcome, A.L.!
GM: What is the premise for your next book?
ALH: Detective Tess Dane is back, this time working on a missing person case involving a pregnant woman who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
GM: How do you maintain thoughts and ideas for storylines?
ALH: If I'm at home and an idea comes to me, I'll type it out quickly on the computer. If I'm out and about somewhere then I use the 'notes' app on my phone. I listen to a lot of true-crime podcasts and sometimes will get inspiration for story ideas from them. That's when I grab my phone and make notes on the fly! My first book, The Blood Eagle, was actually inspired by an episode of Morbid: A true crime podcast.
GM: Do you include family and friends to develop characters?
ALH: Not really. I typically come up with the characters myself and the main plot points. Once I have it all down on paper, I run the manuscript by my sister who points out weird wording, plot holes, adds snarky comments, etc.. Once she's done, I fix anything that obviously needs work and then it heads to my editor. 
GM: How do current events and headlines play a role in your writing?
ALH: Like I mentioned before, true crime podcasts or news stories really pique my interest and get my mind working. I'm always interested in reading and learning about new techniques in policing and forensic science. I have multiple college degrees in forensics so anything I can add to that to help make my writing more factual or believable is something that will draw me in. 
GM: As an author, can you share a personal quote to inspire fellow authors?
ALH: "I used to stay up late reading other people's books. Now I stay up late writing my own." And while I still love staying up all night on a reading bender, there is just something about writing in a quiet, dark house, while everyone else is asleep.
GM: Who is your favorite author?
ALH: Oh boy.... this is a hard one. I have a lot but I'd say the top three would be Karen Rose, for her ability to weave an extremely intricate suspenseful story and tie up all the loose ends in a neat little bow at the end. Lisa Gardner, for her ability to make you feel the emotions of the victims, while also getting in the mind of the detective. She uses multiple POV very well and I adore her character, Detective D.D. Warren. And lastly, MJ Arlidge, for his ability to make likeable, relatable characters like DCI Helen Grace while also making despicable characters like Emelia Garanita, the crime reporter. His Helen Grace series is amazing and I have loved every single one!
GM: What are you currently writing?
ALH: I have multiple projects started but the one I'm most excited about is the upcoming second Tess Dane thriller book due out this spring. I will be revealing the title and cover in January. I've also started a stand-alone thriller that I hope to finish this fall.
GM: What are you currently reading?
ALH: I am reading Vivi il Momento by Mary Belle. It is a romance set in Italy and it is amazing! Next up on the docket is an ARC for 'The Write Choice' by Allie Samberts. I can't wait! I've read her other two and have thoroughly enjoyed them!
GM: Do you have advice for novice writers and those looking to publish their first book?
ALH: Do not give up! I know that it can be hard, and people may tell you it's not worth it, that you'll never make money at writing, no one will ever read your book, etc. But don't let them get to you! I listened to those voices for nearly 30 years before I decided enough was enough. I wanted to write because I wanted to write. I didn't care if I made a ton of money or if I was the next Stephen King. I just wanted to let the words flow and get the stories out of my head for others to enjoy. And let me tell you... the moment you hold your book in your hand for the first time? There isn't anything like it! It's the best feeling in the world and worth all the anxiety, money, sleepless nights, and stress involved. Your dreams are worth it! You are worth it! Take a chance on yourself and just write the darn book!
GM: List 10 things your fans may not know about you...
ALH: 1) I'm left handed
         2) I would love to live on a houseboat for a summer just to see what it's like. I would also like to try out a tiny house on wheels because they look fun.
         3) I hate the taste of cinnamon
         4) I lived in Alaska for seven years and would live there again in a heartbeat. If you ever get the chance to go visit, do it!
         5) I've been to Kenya, El Salvador, and Canada. I would love to travel more! I really want to go to the UK!
         6) I was homeschooled from kindergarten through twelfth grade and I have four college degrees: an associate in veterinary technology, an associate degree in forensic science, a bachelors in forensic investigation and because I'm an overachiever, a bachelors in forensics pathology.
         7) I love backcountry backpacking! Before I had a family, I went backpacking all the time in Alaska!
         8) I used to do Search and Rescue with my dog, Rowan.
         9) I've wanted to be an author since I was around 9 years old. As a teenager, I'd sit in my room for hours on end typing away on the computer writing my masterpieces. Haha!
       10) I love orange cats and Golden Retrievers.
Connect with A.L.:


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