Tuesday, December 5, 2023

This Week @ Monday Creek: Handmade


Gifts that Give Back Annual Vendor's Market at the Poston Manor and Event Barn, 
Logan, Ohio


My friends and I went to the annual Gifts that Give Back (gtgb) annual Vendor’s Market last Saturday at the Poston Manor and Event Barn, just on the edge of Logan. My first time at the Barn, I was impressed by the large space, crystal chandeliers, and the hard work that went into facilitating the event. We found amazing handmade items from two levels of vendors; handmade soaps, original art, one-of-a-kind designs in wool and wood, homemade cookies, handcrafted jewelry, and much more. It was a “looking for the perfect gift” extravagance. Here are some of my favorite vendors (click on the photo to learn more)...

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