Wednesday, August 23, 2023

An Interview with World Poetess N.R.Hart

An Interview with World Poetess N.R.Hart

With a new book release, N.R.Hart welcomes you to her world – her poetry world. A world where romance and emotion is paramount. Hart’s poetry resonates with readers from around the world, from many cultures and diverse geographic. As a best-selling poetess, Hart spends her days writing on the beach, in quaint coffee shops, or from the privacy of her Victorian-inspired home. I caught up with Hart and asked about her new book Twin Flame Love: Romantic Poetry, a worldwide favorite and the fourth in a beautiful hardcover series.

Welcome, N.R.!

GM: What would you like readers to take away from Twin Flame Love?

NH: I would love for my readers to read Twin Flame Love and take away from it that there may be a certain love story during your lifetime that is unexplainable. A once-in-a-lifetime love that  is unlike all the rest. That you don't have to make sense of it all. Many people try to make sense of a deep love because they have not experienced anything like it before. They have feelings they have never felt before. It is not to be explained. Magic can't be explained, you just feel it! 

GM: What is the motivation for your success?

NH: My motivation is simply to tell a story and if people can relate to that story then I have given them a voice for their feelings. I have given them words for their silence. That is a big thing for me. To be a voice for my readers, if they are struggling to find the words. I simply have found the words for them. If that has made me successful, it is only because my readers have believed in me from the beginning. And, I thank them for that. 

GM: What drives your creativity?

NH: I am asked all the time by my fans what inspires me. And the answer is everything around me inspires me. All of life is writable. My creative outlet is paying attention and experiencing life around me. I find romance in everything! I think when you have a voice inside you that will not be silent, you must use it to the best of your ability. I love something as untouchable as feelings, as vast as love is, the creative challenge of putting those feelings into words. 

GM: Are you working on a new poetry collection? 

NH: I am currently working on a few projects right now, one being a new poetry collection and a children's poetry collection in the near future.

GM: Take us through a day in your life...

NH:  I am a lover of nature. You can find me outside most days enjoying the sunshine, seeking out flower shops, bookstores, quaint coffee shops, museums. I love art and history. My days mostly consist of writing and more writing in different spots that I find charming and inspiring. Of course, my sweet dog Bella accompanies me whenever possible.  

GM: With many fans worldwide, do you have a favorite fan-anecdote you would like to share?

NH:  I think the one that stands out the most is I have been told more than once by my fans that they are surprised to find out that I am a modern poet from this century vs. a dead poet. And, my answer is always the same. It is truly a compliment for me that my poetry is thought of as from a different era, a time gone by. I really am an "old soul" at heart. 

GM: Your book covers are beautiful. Will you be working with Logan Rogers, Illustrator, again for your next book cover?  

NH:  Logan Rogers is an amazing artist and I hope to be working with him on future covers. It  is not an easy thing expressing your vision to someone else so they can paint it for you and make it a reality. And, after working with Logan all these years, yes he expresses my visions beautifully! 

GM: Besides writing poetry, what do you like to do for fun?

NH: I think as a writer, this takes up most of my time, it really is a 24 hour job.  Any writer will tell you that we are a reclusive group of people with only a few close friends. But, when I am not writing, I do love spending time reading novels, going out with friends, taking walks with my dog, trying new coffee shops and restaurants, attending movies and visiting art museums. 

GM: Where do you see yourself in ten years?

NH: Honestly speaking, I live for today. That's the romance part of it!  I am fully present in the now and try not to think too much about the future, but I hope to have a couple romance novels written along with my children's poetry book as part of my long term accomplishments.  

Connect with Hart…

Bio: N.R.Hart began writing poetry at a young age and used her poetry as a way to express her innermost thoughts and emotions. A true romantic at heart, she expresses feelings of love, hope, passion, despair, vulnerability and romance in her poetry. Trapping time forever and a keeping memories is what she loves most about the enduring power of poetry. Her poetry has been so eloquently described as "words delicately placed inside a storm." Poetry is here to make us feel instead of think; as thinking is for the mind and poetry is for the heart and soul. N.R.Hart hopes to open up your heart and touch your soul with her poetry.


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